- This Yeshiva is unique in that they have a policy of strict learning. They do not have any Bain haZmanim. The Zman continues until the day before Pesach.
- The Yeshiva is very “old school” and will be very strict if rules are not kept.
- The Yeshiva is open about its strict policies of expulsion if the rules are not adhered to.
- The Rosh Yeshiva is not by any means, anti-Chasidish. He himself has a chassidish background. He was also a Talmid of Rav Paller, Rav Beryl Soloveitchik, and Rav Aharon Kotler.
- The Rosh Yeshiva himself was very close to the Skulener Rebbe zt”l.
- The Rosh Yeshiva himself fasted taanaisim when he heard that the Skulener Rebbe was ill.
- The Rosh Yeshiva spoke on Tuesday night about his Rebbe, Rav Aharon Kotler zt”l’s position of not attending a levaya if it is out of town. He cited a Yerushalmi (Psachim 3:7) that the parameters of being mevatel Talmud Torah and going to a levaya (See Kesuvos 17a) are only if it is in town.
- When Rav Elya Svei zt”l passed away, the Rosh Yeshiva forbade the high school bochurim from attending the levaya when it was out of town.
“I don’t speak because I have the power to speak; I speak because I don’t have the power to remain silent.” Rav Kook z"l
Monday, April 8, 2019
Two Sides of the "The Case of the 50 Expelled Bochurim"
Anonymous said...
What do you expect from a litvak (if he has chasidish background it's even worse שנה ופירש the biggest misnagdim descend from chasidim...)
You know the saying "every litvak has a tzelem in heart" all they can think of is how to increase their own כבוד התוירה with every מסכת they learn the become a bigger בעל גאוה
Never ever does it occur to them what would be the רצון השם in this scenario.
Sorry for the bluntness the truth hurts -
April 9, 2019 at 8:03 AM
- Anonymous said...
For the record I spoke to someone who was in the Yeshiva by R Shmuel Birenbaum's levaya. The busses were not arranged by the Rosh Yeshiva or with his permission he was very upset about it. When the Rosh Yeshiva's father in law was nifter who was a well known & respected gadol, the Levaya was in Lakewood only 10 minute walk from the Yeshiva & the Rosh Yeshiva only allowed the talmidim to go for an hour bein hasdorim
April 9, 2019 at 2:38 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree with Pilpel, but I don't think I read the word Chesed once. PS you can always learn that Gemorah later but you only get one chance to go to a Levaya. I can't imagine what they would do to a Bochur who went to the movies with a girl.
April 10, 2019 at 4:40 PM
I appreciate your effort to try to calm down the situation. However if your intention is to help get the Chilul Hashem reduced, I believe you would be more successful if you write the other side of the story as well and then conclude that it was an unfortunate misunderstanding with no real bad intent from either side. So let me fill you in on the parts that you omitted, perhaps intentionally.
2) Being that the Rosh Yeshiva didn’t clearly state that whoever goes will be expelled or otherwise punished, which is the usual wording used, the Bochurim interpreted it that he wanted to give over his position that holds the Bochurim should not go and the Yeshiva will not officially attend, but he cannot Assur any individual from attending. When this was explained to the Rosh Yeshiva, he said the parents should’ve called him to ask permission and he would’ve evaluated it on a case by case basis. Practically speaking that was not feasible. The Rosh Yeshiva to my knowledge doesn’t own a cell phone, nor does he even have a click on his home phone, so it would be impossible for 70 parents to get through between 10 pm and 12 pm. I would assume everyone agrees that it would be disrespectful to call a Rosh Yeshiva after 12.
3) Most of the boys went with permission from their parents, many of which are serious Bnei Torah and Rabbonim. So obviously these adults made a judgment call in favor of attending. These parents “were/are” familiar with this particular Yeshiva and the Rosh Yeshiva and despite that they didn’t think they were doing something wrong. I respectfully cannot understand why you would think that so many parents Bnei Torah “got it wrong”. And even if you would say they despite the incredible odds of 70 to 1 they were still wrong, at least it shows that it wasn’t clear cut and there was room for error. What ever happened to being Dan L’Kaf Zechus ?
4) After everything is said and done, what Chinuch lesson are the boys to learn from this for their life ? Apparently the Rosh Yeshiva holds that being under the spell of his authority under all circumstances even when its questionable is such an important lesson, even more important than showing humbleness and ability to compromise and forgive.
5) Unfortunately this fiasco likely caused some of these boys, their parents and many others in the Yeshiva world to lose respect for a real Tzaddik and very Ehriche person, their esteemed Rosh Yeshiva Shlita.