Friday, February 1, 2019

New York Legalizes The Murder of Babies!

In New York hospitals, you can find premature newborn babies surrounded by dedicated doctors and nurses fighting to save their lives. Next door, you now might find physicians and non-physicians alike giving lethal injections to babies the same age, thanks to the state’s new so-called Reproductive Health Act.
Over a decade ago, New York abolished the death penalty for convicted criminals, but as of last week, babies in the seventh, eighth and ninth month of their mother’s pregnancy — old enough to live outside their mother’s wombs — can now be given lethal injections.
Abortions at that stage are committed by piercing the baby’s brain or heart with a large needle and injecting her with enough digoxin to cause cardiac arrest. Labor is then induced, and the mother delivers her dead child into the hands of an abortionist.

Abortion-rights advocates say that late-term abortions are only performed in cases where a mother’s life or health is at risk or the child suffers from a life-threatening condition.
But this is false. According to research published by the Guttmacher Institute, which supports abortion rights, abortions for fetal abnormalities “make up a small minority” of late-term abortions; those for saving the mother’s life are an even smaller number. The majority of late-term abortions aren’t done for so-called “medical reasons” at all.
But the debate over “medical reasons” misses the point entirely. There is no medical justification for any abortion, period. If there are serious complications with a pregnancy, such that the life of the mother or her child are at risk, a doctor can either induce labor or perform a C-section, without deliberately killing the child. And a baby with disabilities or health problems deserves to be loved and cared for, not killed.
As New York OB/GYN Omar Hamada noted on Twitter recently, “There’s not a single fetal or maternal condition that requires third-trimester abortion. Not one. Delivery, yes. Abortion, no.”
Likewise, OB/GYN Anthony Levatino, a reformed abortionist, recently testified before a subcommittee of the US House of Representatives: “During my time at Albany Medical Center, I managed hundreds of such cases by ‘terminating’ pregnancies [via live delivery by C-section] to save mothers’ lives. In all those hundreds of cases, the number of unborn children that I had to deliberately kill was zero.”
Every third-trimester abortion involves inducing labor anyway — so why not just allow the baby to be born alive, instead of killing her in the hours before her delivery?
The Dublin Declaration, which has gathered more than 1,000 signatures from obstetricians, neonatologists and medical professionals, affirms the truth that direct abortion is never necessary to save the life of a woman.
But it gets worse. New York’s new law also removes protections for babies born alive after an abortion — meaning they could be left to die after birth — by rescinding a portion of New York’s public-health law. Let me be clear: New York has legalized infanticide.
New York’s law reveals the extremism of the US Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which legalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy in this country and stripped states of their right to ban abortion completely. In the 1992 Casey decision, the court allowed states to impose limited restrictions — but because of Roe, at least seven states still permit abortion through all nine months of pregnancy.
Every abortion ends an innocent human life. And every human life is precious, at any age — including humans with disabilities and health challenges.
Abortion on demand has corrupted the medical profession in America, turning doctors into executioners. Supporters of abortion are willfully blind to science and reason, dismissing the humanity of a child in the womb, a reality that is readily apparent to anyone interested in the truth. The children and women of New York deserve so much better.

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