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See on the left side after the fold, a bulletin of Neturei Karta fund raising! |
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The article in Der Goy that advocates the Satmar position supporting the Neturei Karta ! |
So much for Satmar's official denial that "Neturei Karta has nothing to do with Satmar," and that Satmar SHIT'ah is against the Neturi Karta Hashkafah!
Right there on the very front page of Der Goy, the official mouthpiece of the Zalonie faction of Satmar, you can clearly see the bulletin that directs the reader to turn to page 32.
See above photo of the actual article that openly supports the Neturei Karta!
The hateful article against other Jews starts with the words which millions of Jews utter on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, the holiest days of the year
'ובכן יתקדש שמך ה
What utter chutzpah .....!!!
The Neturei Karta have met with Yasser Arafat and the Iranian murderers to support these Jewish Murderers with their plan to eradicate the Jewish people, G-D forbid!
The article quotes a guy by the name of "AH'mad" that supports the NK agenda.
How crazy and demented can Jewish people be?
I'm not going to translate the garbage in the article, suffice it to say that they cite Satmar philosophy in the article.
Neturei Karta officials have by in large been educated in Satmar Mosdois and they quote almost exclusively from their Quran the Va'Yoel Moshe!
Enough said!
The satmerer neturei are mindless animals the likes of which we havent seen since time immemorial.they dont deserve to live among the civilized.
Watch the tuches aish come to their defense
DIN,actually this Jew hating criminal gangster organization called "NETRUNA" has nothing to do with Neturai Karta" but is a 100% Satmar organization,it is run and financed by the Israel hating KAPO filthy rat Zalmen Leib, they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly in anti Israel propaganda in print and radio media trying to convince the world that Jews don't have a right to our holy land and it belongs to the murderous blood thirsty Palestinian enemy.
Their chief spokesman is that diseased filthy bastard rabbi Yaacov Shapiro yemach shemo
וְאֶחָד רָשָׁע,וּלְפִי שֶׁהוֹצִיא אֶת עַצְמוֹ מִן הַכְּלָל סאתמר כָּפַר בְּעִקָּר מִ
I blame all the other factions, sects , denominations of Orthodox Judaism or whatever you want to call them. Because they refuse to ostracize and shun the Satmar reshaim , they have in effect legitimatized them.
Only when they refuse to associate with them, halachicaly, societly, and financially might they change their attitude towards Israel. In other words, put them on notice: change or we put you in total cherem. Total shunning and banishment from klal yisroel. Satmar is as wicked as the Hitlerian regimes that tried to destroy Yiddishkeit.
What Abe said....100%!!!
7:43 PM---Abe
You hit the nail on its head, you cannot be more right.
The "tuches" Aish is here... Anyway, Satmar itself is NOT a bad faction. IS NOT. But maybe they certinly have mistakes... Don't you? And you Abe? Are you perfect? It is important to judge and work on ourselves first (and that of course goes for me as well).
Aside from that, Abe, if they threaten to put them in Cherem, I think that will cause more problems than it will fix...
Instead of allowing all these imbeciles spew their uneducated comments (they probaly learned "Goyish" at Satmar, show us a clear copy of the original. Then we, yeshivish, educated readers can decide for ourselves.
AishKodesh 10:42 AM,
You really need a few sessions with a good Freudian psychiatrist to disabuse you of your phantasmagoric defense of Satmar.
Freudian psychology maintains that some individuals experiences painful inner conflicts between impulses (id) and internalized ideals (superego) that the conscious self (ego) tries to keep out of awareness by using defense mechanisms that distort reality. That distorted reality of yours manifests itself in your appeasement of that perfidious cult. That is the state of your mind. And while you’re reclining on his therapy couch you should have him examine a few possible reasons for your defense of Satmar — infantile sexuality, compromised libido, repression, and transference — all informs us of your psychiatric issues. Satmar is a despicable society that threatens Israel with an alliance to Iran. Those that will not denounce that perfidious society are complicit in its efforts to destroy our only country of ultimate refuge.
My dear Abe, I think you have me a bit wrong, honestly. First off, I continue to say talk about that not ALL Satmar or Satmarers are bad. That is Emes. No denying it.
And, well to your: "And while you’re reclining on his therapy couch you should have him examine a few possible reasons for your defense of Satmar — infantile sexuality, compromised libido, repression, and transference — all informs us of your psychiatric issues" -- Baruch Hashem, it isn't true. Why would you assume that about me?
AishKodesh 4:07 PM,
That’s like saying that not all nazis are bad. Being bad is a necessary and suffiicient condition for becoming a nazi . If you don’t want to be bad, don’t become a nazi. If you don’t want to be called bad, leave the Satmar cult immediately. And those that don’t denounce that detestable cult , will be asked why they didn’t when they’re called to account for their actions after they’re dead and buried.
That is not a good comparison, Abe, because Nazism is inherently bad while Satmar is not... Being a Nazi makes you a bad person. But not even close to all Satmars are.
as long as the average Satmar chosid supports and follows one of the mutt-brothers, they are evil by choice.
I've been around quite many Satmar Chassidim. Some of them no longer frum, some frum but no longer Satmar and some still both. I would say that many of them have the status of a tinok shenishbah when it comes to their views on Israel. They've been indoctrinated since youth with the Satmar ideology regarding State of Israel. But the honest truth is that many of them are indifferent and don't really care that much. Most of those that do care and participate in activties or spreading the ideology really feel that that the State of Israel is very bad for Jews being that it violates the oaths etc.. They genuinely feel that it puts Jews in danger, in more danger than if Iran would have nuclear weapons. Do I agree with that? Absolutely not. Do I get angry when I see them protesting? Very. Did I want to beat the hell out of those morons that met with Ahmadinejad? Very much. But when you put things in perspective....
Aish my holy brother, while I appreciate what your trying to accomplish with your comments on this blog unfortunately most of the other commentators don't. They don't seem to understand that you can vehemently disagree with someone yet still understand where they are coming from and therefore have a not so negative view.
@10:20 AM, You are right about me. I do vehemently disagree with the protests and radical Anti-Zionist views... Thank you for your understanding my dear fellow.
Please translate the video. I dont undwrstand Yiddish.
BigFatGetchka 10:20 AM,
“They don't seem to understand that you can vehemently disagree with someone yet still understand where they are coming from and therefore have a not so negative view. “
We all understand where they are coming from. It’s from a visceral hatred of Eretz Yisroel, as detestable murderous as Iran’s hatred. If Satmar were just a few score of delusional crackpots, they would be just a bunch meshuganeh curiosities. I mean, if 100 years ago some Jewish sect held the same murderous sentiments as today’s Satmar, they would have been ridiculed as hateful meshuganers. Today, Satmar is much larger and has great political clout. They are as much a threat to Israel as Iran, Hezbolah, Hamas, and BDS. Those who “understand where they’re coming from” are useful idiots as Stalin would have branded them. Let’s be clear, you, AishKodesh and like minded apologists are indeed useful idiots but you’re much worse. I’d label you as just crackpots if the stakes weren’t so high.
AishKodesh 8:56 PM,
Nah. If Satmar can pervert some obscure phrases in the Gemara to justify Israel’s destruction, they’re as bad as nazis. And those that defend them with some Eilu V’Eilu crap are not far behind.
@Abe, That is just not true. Pardon me, but with what I have heard from you on here, I am sure that you distort certain things, and are you worse than Nazis? Chas V'Shalom.
Oh, and P.S. They don't want the destruction of Israel -- just the getting-rid-of the Government.
You write that
"They don't want the destruction of Israel -- just the getting-rid-of the Government."
So please walk us through this .... how are you going to get rid of the government and not destroy Israel ....
Im waiting for your reply ...... I got all year ...
"It’s from a visceral hatred of Eretz Yisroel"
Can you please explain that? What is it about E"Y that they hate?
"They are as much a threat to Israel as Iran, Hezbolah, Hamas, and BDS."
Please. Is there a uranium enrichment plant somewhere in Williamsburg? Are attempting to damage the Israeli economy?
They're a bunch of knumbskulls pulling they're pants down in public.
And then comes the insults and name calling. Always a great way to prove your point.
You win.
AishKodesh 12:27 PM,
I distort nothing. Iran also wants to get rid of the government. So does Hamas, Hezbolah ,Iran and the BDS Jew Haters. It’s so sad that you’re an apologist for Satmar’s hatred of the only government that acts as the last refuge for Jews if another Hitler were to arise. You’re one farkakte yid. And I say that with a lower case y.
DIN, Where is my response to you that I posted?
Must have been a stupid worthless response
It wasn't... DIN, did it ever get through to you?
Your comment may have been erased by mistake... sometimes I have someone else monitor the comments
he may have erased ... so please re-comment
AishKidesh 10:40 AM,
Must have been Hashem’s doing. He controls everything. You must have pissed him off big time.
Thank you for clearning things up, DIN.
I wouldn't put it that way, Abe. But yes, perhaps it was meant to be.
Anyway, I was saying that we don't need a government for Artzeinu HaKedosha to be ours. However, at this time, it may be a good thing. The government doesn't make Eretz Yisroel holy and ours, though. Hashem did.
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