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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Yoka Rov passes on !

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of the Yoka Rov, Rav Chaim Yeshayahu Koenig zt”l. He was 90 years old.
The rov led his bais medrash on 55th Street in Boro Park, Brooklyn.


Unknown said...

.. פוסק הדור ...

חבל על דאבדין

הכרתי אותו אישית

Posek Hador ... Brilliant Talmid Chochom & Knowledgeable in worldly affairs ...
Spoke with him in person ... Keen & Lucid decider ...

Information said...

According to Hamodia he was 94 -


Unknown said...

The Yoker Rav was 90 going on 91 in Iyar 5776 ...
Inform Hamodia for correction ...

Unknown said...

The Yoker Rav was 90 going on 91 in Sivan 5776 ...
Hamodia the torch bearer of immaculate truth of Daas Torah is not always right ...

Unknown said...

The Yoker Rav was 90 going on 91 in Sivan 5776 ...
Hamodia the torch bearer of immaculate truth of Daas Torah is not always right ...

Anonymous said...

Please! He was NOT posek hador!

Unknown said...

One of The Poskei Hador ...
Chukei Chaim has over 10 Volumes ...
Rabeinu HaKudesh Reb Yoel Teitelbaum sought his advice ...

Anonymous said...

His kashrus was not reliable. He was known as "the joker ruv". He was putting his shtempel on treif items even.

Posek hador like I am Moishe Rabbeinu

Unknown said...

His Hechsherim were mostly on candies, chocolate & condiments but no meat ...
Looking for the treif items ... can you point them out before you recant on your vitriolic invective ... ?

Anonymous said...

He was giving hashgocho on Wise snacks with treif cheddar cheese & did not stop after multiple warnings from Flatbush rabbonim. They then were mefarsem on him & told their kehillos he is unreliable

Monsey said...


A ponzi schemer has moved to town. Too bad he didn't move in a little earlier so that he could run in the "election" for the YSV board. He would fit right in.

Chusid said...

Could you prove your claim or your doomed as a motsei Shem ra on a talmid chochom.

Unknown said...

Nothing but a convoluted concoction without any basis ...

Anonymous said...

What a sick society we live in, even after a man dies some people still have to dance on his grave and bad mouth him... let the man rest in peace

Anonymous said...

The treif cheese in the Wise they were mefarsem against him in a haymish publication in the late 1980s when nothing changed after a few warnings & pleading with him to stop it. One rov told me he is dan lekaf zechus that the Yoka is not all there.

This is still relevant for items he certified being sold now. The rabbonim held he remained unreliable since then.

Popular-Priced Tzaddeek said...

Many of his hechshaereem were intended for (as he was quoted ZL) for the idiots who won't accept the KAJ, in the cSe of Haddar.

I don't know what was over 30 years sgo or what heimisch really means, but nowadays the OU certifies several Wise cheddar products.