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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Illegal Matzah Factory in Meah Sheorim Left 23 Families and 83 children Homeless from the Devastating Fire

 All frum News outlets are now schnorring for the 23 homeless Meah Shearim families .... 83 children among them!
Not one word about the gangster that had the illegal matzah factory ....
Not one outlet reported his name .... because of "Loshon Harah!" 
No one will hold this bastard accountable!!  
Question: How many people have to be murdered in these dangerous houses that have these factories, to finally have people outraged against these barbarians ? 


Anonymous said...

And when the firetrucks arrive to put out the fires they are pelted with rocks and rotten tomatoes by these ignornat savage barbarians

Unknown said...

The Kanoim say it is The Zionists that made the fire ...
It is The Zionists that put out the fire ...
The Zionists claim for credit ...

Ezra the Kapo said...

John Kasich told me that Yushkie's blit iz mechaper geven auf em.

Yehoshua said...

Get your facts straight. He was not running a matza factory in his apartment. He was kashering the rollers for matza baking in his apartment, using a small blowtorch, something he has been doing for the past 40 years. In addition, this "bastard" is one of the true ba'alei chesed of Yerushalyim, and there is a good chance that any reader who has had a son learning in Brisk has directly benefited from his chesed.