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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

UN Claims Har Hazeisim Graves Are “Fake”

Image result for har hazeitim
It seems that it doesn't bother the "uber Asken" Avrohom Lubinsky that UNESCO passed a resolution that the Har Habayis doesn't belong to the Jewish People..... what got him upset is that they included Har Hazeism ...
Mr. Lubinsky .... wake up and smell the coffee ...
If you are going to keep quiet and stay in the background when Arabs claim that the Har Habayis is theirs ..... then go into another business ....
this job isn't for you! 
A Jew should scream at the top of his lungs and defend the rights of every single square inch of Israel .... 
Hashem has given you and your cronies ... a sign ... that since you didn't scream when they took Kush Katif, you didn't scream when they took the Har Habayis .... you didn't scream when the EU prohibits us from building ... you didn't scream at the BDS movements ....
then Hashem says I"ll have them  take your graves too....
Why is this now so important and it isn't important for these askanim to protest the EU when they prohibit us from building much needed houses on our own land ....
Now you scream ......
The recent UNESCO resolution claiming that Israel planted “fake Jewish graves” on Har Hazeisim is “a cynical attempt to deny the Jewish people its rich history and its future,” said Avrohom Lubinsky, Chairman of the International Committee for the Preservation of Har Hazeisim (ICPHH). The reference to the historic cemetery of the Jewish people was part of the UNESCO resolution passed at the end of April which denied Jewish claims to the Kosel Hamaravi and the Har Habayis and instead designated them as Muslim holy sites. The motion passed with 33 votes in favor, six against, and 17 abstained. France, Spain, Sweden, Russia and Slovenia were among the non-Arab nations who supported the resolution. Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States objected.

Mr. Lubinsky added: “The UNESCO resolution is an incredible insult to the memories of the 150,000 Jews who are buried there, dating back 3000 years and including the Nevi’im Malachi, Chagai and Zecharia as well as Chulda Hanevi’ia. It is a disgusting act to do to the families of loved ones who are buried there from around the world, including an estimated 20,000 Americans, some 14,000 Frenchmen and 12,000 British citizens. We never heard a word of condemnation about the 45,000 graves that the Jordanians destroyed and used to build a hotel and roads before Israel recaptured Jerusalem in 1967. Nor has there been a word against those Arabs who desecrate graves and heave rocks at worshippers, which thankfully security forces have sharply reduced in recent months.” Mr. Lubinsky said that despite a restoration program by the government several years ago, 23,000 graves remain unrestored.

Sirens mark Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel

Yom HaShoah / יום השואה by Shmuel Knopfler 

 Yom HaZikaron laShoah ve-laG'vurah (יום הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה; "Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day"), known colloquially in Israel and abroad as Yom HaShoah (יום השואה) and in English as Holocaust Remembrance Day, or Holocaust Day, is observed as Israel's day of commemoration for the approximately six million Jews and five million others who perished in the Holocaust as a result of the actions carried out by Nazi Germany and its accessories, and for the Jewish resistance in that period. 

In Israel, it is a national memorial day and public holiday. It was inaugurated on 1953, anchored by a law signed by the Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion and the President of Israel Yitzhak Ben-Zvi. 

It is held on the 27th of Nisan (April/May), unless the 27th would be adjacent to Shabbat, in which case the date is shifted by a day. Yom HaShoah begins at sundown on Wed, 04 May 2016. 

 Historical footnote ... אױפֿשטאַנד אין װאַרשעװער געטאָ The 1943 Warsaw Ghetto uprising consisted of a handful of Jews that killed a few hundred Nazi murderers & kept them battling for 40 days. It took 40 days for the Nazis 40 days to occupy France.

Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel

Thousands hike at midnight to visit Joshua’s grave protected by IDF

Under a clear starry sky they hiked some 20 minutes into the village square, that was packed with worshipers, many of whom were Hassidic men in black hats and coats. Soldiers with green flashlights helped direct them through the twisted turns.

Some of the visitor played guitar, banged on drums, sang and danced. Many others stood and prayed along the walls of the grave. The building itself is so small that it can only a small number of worshippers.

A few worshipers climbed onto the tomb’s rooftop to pray.

Yaacov was one of the privileged few who able to ride into the village, because he entered with his childhood friend, MK Oren Hazan (Likud).
“It is amazing to see the crowds of Israelis who have come here late at night to visit Joshua’s grave, who was secondly only in greatness to Moses. He was our first general and he lead the way into the land of Israel,” Hazan said.

There is a direct link, Hazan said, between Joshua’s actions as the first military leader to capture the land on behalf of the Jewish people and the modern Jewish people who have returned to their biblical homeland in the heart of the Samaria region of the West Bank.
“We have to continue with this mission to redeem the land, so that we can finally be a free people in our land,” Hazan said.

As he left, he stopped to thank the soldiers guarding the way, shook their hands and gave them his personal cellphone number so they could call him should they need anything. 

Hazan also paused to take a selfie by a monument topped by Palestinian flag.

Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan also said that he viewed Joshua as Israel’s first general.

“We have come here precisely because Joshua Ben Nun and Calev Ben Yephune had the strength to stand against the ten other spies and to say, the land is good, let us rise up and inherit it,” Dagan.

“We draw strength from Joshua and from the thousands who came here,” said Dagan. 


Ted Cruz is quitting the presidential race, according to campaign manager Jeff Roe, ending one of the best-organized campaigns of 2016 after a series of stinging defeats left Donald Trump as the only candidate capable of clinching the nomination outright.

Cruz had appeared likely to go all the way to the Republican convention, but a string of massive losses in the Northeast, and his subsequent defeat in Indiana, appear to have convinced him there’s no way forward.

Former Monsey Satmar Wife and Boyfriend Ira Bernstein tried to murder Bernstein's wife

Just as you thought that the world is going absolutely crazy, another even crazier story comes along!

Remember Kelly Myzner, the girl that converted to the Satmar Religion, and then  accused her Satmar husband of abusing their children? 
Well now she is accused of teaming up with her Doctor boyfriend Dr. Ira Bernstein, to kill Bernstein's wife!
Satmar wife Kelly Myzner aka Gribeluk

 A podiatrist and his girlfriend plotted to kill his wife and have two insurance investigators looking into his business beaten up, town police said Tuesday.
Police arrested Ira Bernstein, 41, and Kelly Myzner Gribeluk, 36, Monday night following a month-long investigation they said was sparked when the person the couple reached out to about killing Bernstein's wife initially reported the plot to the Spring Valley police.
Ira "der chuchim" Bernstein

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Where is the Kiryas Yoel Vaad Hatzniyus? Moshe Hirsh Klein Kisses child for 15 minutes straight

So this Klein guy, an obvious pervert decides to get it from an innocent kid!

Turns out that Klein's brother-in-law is R' Elimelech Glick who is a macher on the Vaad Ha'znios in Kiryas Yoel ...
So Glick who is busy measuring skirts in KJ forgot to look into his own backyard!

R' Aron TeitelBUM who is quick to denounce the mothers of the three murdered yeshiva boys in Israel ....is suddenly quiet......
Can't find his tongue... busy with pisteh maasis, with chumetz etc...
but not concerned that one of his own employees is destroying an innocent yiddeshe neshama!
see article from Frumfollies after the break ....

Monday, May 2, 2016

New poisik hador R' Aron Teitelbum paskens that one cannot eat Chametz until 3 days after Pesach

So thank G-d that we now have a brand new Poisek ... R' Aron Teitelbum from Satmar!
And with a new poisik comes new restrictions!
So he paskened that he wants to torture his followers with 3 extra days of Pesach .... Me'cheirus Le'avdus...

A pashkivel went out that Satmar Chassidim also, cannot say "Mizmor LeSodah" in Shachris for the three days! 

Satmar Rabbi Brothers Endorsed Hillary for the Primaries even-though she advocated for Gay Marriage

Both Yiddish Newspapers, Der Goy (Zalonie paper) and Der Bluteh (Aronie paper) endorsed the lady witch Hillary for President .....
They didn't endorse any republican candidate even though both Cruz and Trump are against Gay marriage ...

Jews reclaim Jewish home in "Moslem" Quarter, fulfilling the Prophecy of The Navie

While Satmar Chassidim are buying property in Bloominberg, Lakewood and other Chutz Leaaretz places ....real Jews are buying back the Jewish homes in the old city of Yerushalyim!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Chabad IDF rabbi's unique cure for Charedi extremism ... Tanya

Image result for Rabbi Shraga Dahan chabad
Maj. Rabbi Shraga Dahan, a military rabbi in the IDF, on Sunday revealed his unique way of confronting an extremist haredi youth who verbally assaulted him over his military service for the Jewish state.

Dressed in uniform, Rabbi Dahan arrived at the Chabad synagogue in Beit Shemesh he regularly prays at, only to be confronted by an extremist haredi youth praying at the synagogue who called him "hardak," an insulting term used to stigmatize haredi soldiers by questioning their religiosity.

But Rabbi Dahan did not take his brush with the so-called “hardak” campaign lightly, and responded in a unique way - that included seizing his hat and forcing him to learn about loving his fellow Jew.
"It's not the first time this happened to me," the military rabbi told Haredim 10 on Sunday. "About a year ago I walked around Ramat Beit Shemesh Bet and things were thrown at me, cups and things, I also took insults."

Recalling haredi soldiers who have been attacked by haredi extremists, Rabbi Dahan said, "I started to fear going to those places, and that isn't normal, I'm not ashamed of what I'm doing, do I need to apologize for representing Judaism in the IDF?"

Satmar Rebbes book V'Yoel Moshe played into the hands of the Zionists

Listen to the Yokeh Rav z"l tell the Liska Rebbe (2:32 mark) that he advised R'Yoel Teitelbaum not to print his book V'yoel Moshe, because the book will play into the hands of Ben Gurion....

 R' Yoel Teitelbaum, founder of the Satmar anti-Zionist cult, wrote a book in which he tells frum Jews not to make Aliyah (defying the Ramban that wrote that Yishuv Eretz Yisroel is a Mitzvah bizman hazeh) ... 
The Yoka Rav suggested that Ben Gurion will love that idea!
of course R' Yoel didn't take his advice kdarko be'koidesh. R' Yoel never took advice from anyone .....

Yehuda Meshi Zahav says Anti-Zionist 'Eda Haredit' are Crazed lunatics!

Read the article, I have nothing to add ....
ZAKA chairman Yehuda Meshi Zahav describes sparingly and with restraint the things he and thousands of his volunteers at ZAKA do. 
ZAKA is a Charedi (ultra-Orthodox Jewish) organization that rescues, identifies, and traces Jewish disaster victims in Israel and all over the world under sometimes virtually impossible conditions. 
Such a mission requires love of one’s fellow man, great empathy, faith, and a belief that good will come of it. It requires Zahav, a man with impeccable curly white payess (sidecurls).
Two months ago, following a four-year struggle, ZAKA won recognition as an official UN consultant and observer. The eventual decision was taken unanimously by a special UN committee composed of representatives of 19 countries, including Iran, Sudan, Venezuela, Cuba, Turkey, China, Russia, Pakistan, Uruguay, Burundi, Greece, the US, and Israel.

Appearances don’t always give the whole truth.

A father and daughter shared a special moment at a IDF Beret Ceremony recently.
Yuval of Beit Aryeh finished her course in paratroop training. Her father, Chaim, came to cheer her on during this special moment.
Appearances don’t always give the whole truth. Though Yuval’s father looks like someone who wouldn’t be interested in his daughter’s activities in the IDF, Chaim looks at her like the proudest father.
What would we think if we would see each of them separately? Admit that in your heart, how many times did we go wrong in life when we rushed to judge others only according to what we saw in the eyes without really knowing the facts.
In fact, Chaim was fearless fighter special unit during the most turbulent Gaza Strip and participated in numerous complex operational activities.
These wonderful people show us that love knows no boundaries. Mazal tov to Yuval on finishing her course!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Yoka Rov passes on !

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of the Yoka Rov, Rav Chaim Yeshayahu Koenig zt”l. He was 90 years old.
The rov led his bais medrash on 55th Street in Boro Park, Brooklyn.

A Thought on The Hagadah

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The Pesach Hagadah ...
by Shmuel knopfler

The Hagadah commences with shame & he ends with praise ...
Why are we starting with shame?

Normally a nation would pride itself with a glorious past
not with disparaging remarks.

We are not no remind the convert of his checkered past.
The Maharal points out that in order for a person to ascertain his
current position he must look into his past from where he came from.

This is an integral part of Hakaras Tov, simple gratitude.

A third of the Jewish people were decimated 70 years ago.
Today we are resuscitated in our own land with the language of our ancestors.

What a contrast to the abyss we came from.
This is a clear & open miracle of HaShem.
Our physical & spiritual revival manifests itself both
on an individual as well as on a national level.

חג כשר ושמח

IDF Generals Not in Touch With Israel Citizens!

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Moshe Yallon Israel Defense Minister
by Caroline Glick
It's been along timing in coming, but it finally happened.

The IDF General Staff has lost the public trust.

This is terrible for the General Staff. But it is more terrible for the country, because the public is right not to trust our military leaders. They have earned our distrust fair and square.

The final straw came in less than optimal circumstances.

But such is life. Things are never cut and dry. On Purim, Sgt. Elor Azaria killed a terrorist in Hebron as he lay on the ground, shot, following his attempted murder of one of Azaria’s comrades.

Still today, we don’t know whether Azaria acted properly or improperly. He claims that he believed the terrorist had a bomb beneath the heavy jacket he was wearing in the middle of a heat wave.

Azaria claims that he shot him because he feared that the terrorist – who was moving – was trying to detonate the bomb. This view was shared by emergency personnel at the scene caring for the wounded soldier.

But even before he had a chance to tell his story, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon had already declared Azaria guilty of murder. Based on an initial field investigation and a snuff film produced by the European-funded anti-Israel group B’Tselem, Eisenkot and Ya’alon excoriated Azaria and pronounced the soldier, who was decorated for his service just last year, a rotten apple.

Polish guy acting as a Rabbi is a Catholic ex-cook!

polish rabbi
Jacek Niszczota
I'll bet he was yelling at his mispallalim not to talk during davening!

Not too long ago they found out that a Soifer In Lakewood was a gentile and assimilated very well into the community and was made an "eid" for many weddings!

This could never ever happen in shuls that the mispallalim talk during davening!
Now don't get me wrong, I think people when they come to shul should daven and keep their mouths shut ....
But in a zero tolerance "no talk" shul environment, people are very cold and don't care about each other ...
There I said it!
"How can you say something like that" "Why ..... even the tumedeka blog THE YESHIVA WORLD is constantly showing tumedika videos of Rabbonim screaming how important it is not to talk during davening? "

Well ... relax folks ....
In my shul there is no way that a guy could pass himself as a soifer or a Rabbi, without being questioned where he came from, who are his parents, family, occupation etc....
Because in my shul people are nosy ...and want to know everyone's business .... in a shul like that these shenanigans would never happen!
But in a town like Lakewood where if a person in shul asks someone ..the time... they give him cold freezing stares just like in a Church, then a guy who is a Catholic priest could pass himself off as a Frum Jew as long as he can  twist his large thump when told a dvar Torah! 

There has to be a happy medium .....

But why a Catholic ex-cook would want to pass himself off as a Chasiidishe Rebbe is beyond my understanding ..... he must have made one mean chulent ...and I'm confident that his kishkeh wasn't too shabby either!
His herring? ......I'm not going there!

Mashgiach Badmouths Manischewitz Matzos and the OU After they fired him

Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak Horowitz  feels the temperature just before sheets of unbaked matzo enter a massive oven at the matzo production line at the Manischewitz manufacturing facility in New Jersey.
R' Yaakov  Yitzchok Horowitz

Just about a year ago in 2015 this "Chuchim feen dee Ma Nishtana" R' Horowitz, the OU mashgiach of the Manischewitz plant, praised Manischewitz as the most kosher matzah, saying that the Matzah manufactured by Manischewitz is the “most efficient and halachically advanced line in the world.” ...... that was a year ago .... 
now that the OU kicked him out on his proverbial butt, he "whines" that the Matzos haven't been so kosher since 2009!

I think that what happened is that, the "heimishe hashgacha" guys went ape when they heard that Manischewitz is  distributing Welch Grape Juice with an OU, cutting into the monopoly held by Kedem....
So to badmouth the OU they got to this "tam" and had him talk "loshon hara" against the OU!

Watch the video below and you decide whether Horowitz is a blithering idiot, certified liar or on the take from the "heimishe Hashgachos"!

This, my friends, is the Heimishe Hashgacha business and it's no wonder people are disappointed with our Rabbonim..

City freezes funds for Shomrim

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Nice afikomin present! 
The article below says that Shomrim raked in $425,708 since 2010 in city funding .... that doesn't include $30,000.00 in contracts funded earlier!
I'm really in the wrong business!