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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Unkosher Rabbi Genack endorses an anti Israel Treif Candidate for President

Unkosher Genack with the Chazzer Feesel Clinton

Can we now trust the OU on kashrus?

Rabbi Menachem Genack is the CEO of the Kashrus division of the OU, effectively in charge of most of the kosher food consumed by Jews in the USA. Let's not forget that most of the "Heimeshe" Hashgachos totally rely on the OU, so this guy is the man that most Jews in the entire country trust for their kosher food...

So how can we trust his judgement, if he has no compunction endorsing Hillary Clinton, a proven Sonei Yisrael for President? 

And what is it with these Jews and Rabbis that repeatedly stab us in the back and we continue with our life as usual!

Why isn't there an uproar, when this arrogant lilliputian Genack writes his opinion in the Jewish Week endorsing  Hillary Clinton for President.

 Clinton has proven to be a true friend of Israel. She has spent decades developing and nurturing relationships with Israeli leaders that would continue if she becomes president."

Click on this link and you will see a lifetime of Hillary stabbing Jews in the back. She is the classic anti-Semite!
She hates Netanyahu and hates Israel!

It is unbelievable that  an Orthodox rabbi at one of the most prestigious kashrut organizations in the world  endorses someone so wedded to left-wing ideology and enemies of Israel, and to then promote her as a staunch friend of Israel against overwhelming evidence to the contrary, is  beyond comprehension and reality. 
And while he makes it a point to say that his views do not reflect those of the Orthodox Union, no reasonable person can deny the negative public relations effect this will have on the OU.
Hillary Clinton was secretary of state for an administration whose top priority was to disengage as leader of the free world by choosing instead to let other countries take the lead. 
With every major Jewish organization, including the OU, opposing the flawed nuclear deal with Iran, Hillary Clinton sided with the Obama administration. 
Rabbi Genack should be ashamed of himself.
This is why Jews are in danger. 
Not because of the usual anti-Semites, we have defeated them throughout history. 
Its the enemy within

Presidential Primaries

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Rabbi Avrohom Schorr bans J-Root Radio because they tout MIzrachi

Rav Hagoen Avraham Schorr gave a Daf Yoimi this week and said that "there are so called rabbis out there that deny the Holocaust and propagate anti-Torah views on J-Root Radio. R' Schorr  therefore declared J-Root Radio banned!

 Below see a video where Mr. Mizrachi calls Chabad 
"Hypocritical & Money Hungry for tolerating Secular Jews"!
This is the way this ruthless meshiginar wants to eliminate what he thinks are "competitors" 

Rep. Steve King Walks Out on Obama "Didn’t Want to be ‘Lectured to’"

"He took his oath of office twice on how to protect and preserve the Constitution of the United States and he’s done everything but, even when he knew he was wrong. I can’t abide being lectured to one last time. This is my last chance to step out of there. And I’m going to go to the member’s chapel and pray for the restoration of the Constitution."

Is Yosef Mizrachi a pervert?

Beware the Guru Rabbis
Rabbinic ordination is not a license to say what you want. Nor is it a free ride to spout nonsense and lies, or exhibit baseless hatred for other Jews. 

When a known rav distorts Torah concepts, it only magnifies the Chillul Hashem, which in turn necessitates an even stronger response. 

Unfortunately, since authentic chochma is rare today, as is the public’s ability to discern it, the masses rarely appreciate genuine talmidei chachomim. Instead of heeding the call of Pirkei Avot and designating for themselves a rav, many choose for themselves flawed men who bottom feed on the ignorant. 

Too many Jews seek out the latest guru rabbis who periodically pop out of the rotten woodwork. 

Some years back, one Sephardic “rabbi” became popular with his patented shtick: 
playing on the emotional appeal of women who were having trouble conceiving. During his lectures, he promised secular women in the audience that if they agreed to start covering their hair, they would eventually conceive. 

The cultish, pagan spectacle of choosing this one obligation above all else, and using it as a fertility rite in a public forum, screams of distortions of Jewish thought, and presents a disturbingly immodest scene. This particular guru remains popular today. Such an individual is a symptom of an ignorant age, where Torah is plagued with superstition. In a learned society, such a man would be exposed, despite the trappings of his garb and “simanim” which add to the supposed authenticity.

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi is the latest “wonder rabbi” on the magical kiruv circuit, and his popular videos inundate the internet.

 Like all Jewish gurus, he specializes in glib, general statements pertaining to some of the most intricate concepts in Judaism. Mizrachi believes that he knows it all, and he presents complicated issues to simple-minded people as if they were aleph bet

He focuses on controversial, halachically problematic ideas, such as the popular distorted perception of Kabbalah as magic, the purported actions of alleged kabbalists, belief in reincarnation, etc.  

Gilgul is particularly critical in his magical world-view, since it forms the spine of his approach to s’char v’onesh. He is popular in chareidi Sephardi circles, but has broad based support among English speaking Ashkenazim in the frum world. 

More importantly, his teachings are reprehensible. It is not just about the recent outcry over his obscene holocaust statements, where he reported that the Nazis murdered fewer than one million halachic Jews. 
A diligent study of his career shows a history of dangerous teachings, which should have made him a pariah long ago. He has earned our unrelenting ire.

In the first video of  his that I ever subjected myself to, he was lecturing the audience about a supposed critical issue in Judaism, the concept of gilgul, better known as reincarnation, which appears nowhere in Tanach, Talmud, or Midrash, yet the superstitious treat it as a fundamental belief. 

His arrogance was apparent when he denigrated those who quote Saadya Gaon as a proof against the belief, since Rasag rejected the idea as stupidity in his classic treatise, “Beliefs and Opinions”. 

What was even more frightening was Mizrachi’s supposed proof for the existence of gilgul. He cited an example of an innocent baby dying, and saw this as proof of gilgul, since G-d’s justice would never allow such a thing.  

The sheer arrogance of someone who creates a ridiculous “proof” to explain the age-old question of tsaddik v’ra lo which the greatest gaonim, rishonim, and acharonim could not answer. 

Somehow, Mizrachi discovered an answer to this greatest of perplexities by resorting to gilgul, which very likely was taken from pagan culture! It seems unlikely that Saadya Gaon would have been unaware of the concept if it existed or was fundamental to Jewish belief. To suggest otherwise is an absurdity.

Most people are aware of the recent outcry, when video footage surfaced where Mizrachi questioned the fact that 6 million Jews died in the holocaust, and asserted that fewer than 1 million Jews were murdered. 

Not only did he disgrace the legacy of 6 ½ million kedoshim murdered by Amalek, in doing so, he empowered the holocaust deniers of the world with evidence of a “rabbi’s” holocaust denial. His foolish estimate was based on his distorted, non-scholarly unfounded estimates of assimilation in Europe which he surmised meant that most of the 6 million would not have ben halachically Jewish. 

No academic study, no documentation has ever claimed likewise. No normal Jew, religious or otherwise would ever utter such perversity. To engage with this non-scholar would be akin to arguing with the holocaust denying David Irving.

How to Recognize a Guru
There are signs to identify a “guru.”
  • The existence of a cult following comprised of the unlearned, and the psychologically troubled who know little if anything of Torah.

  • The complex network enabling the mass distribution and marketing of the guru’s lectures in the form of videos, audio. Websites featuring an impossible number of lectures expose the guru’s unrelenting speaking tours to disseminate his message.

  • The guru’s lectures invariably focus on questionable problematic notions that have become popular in Judaism, such as gilgul (reincarnation), magical segulos, demons, etc. The guru shares childish notions about complex Jewish subjects and makes outrageous generalizations that have no basic in Torah thought.

  • Beneath the veneer of the sacred, one notices an obsession with sexuality, and one hears crude statements that no genuine man of Torah would utter. Many of these self-appointed prophets of morality in "the Torah camp" are obsessed with sex. The irony is that in their pursuit of the sacred, their sexual obsession exposes a sex-preoccupied personality. The most private issues and human challenges are delivered with frankness and simplicity that are undignified. Things best discussed with one's rabbi or religious mentor are thrown in our faces, in all their crudeness. 
  • It begs the question: Who are the perverts?

  • The guru often displays a callous nature, and makes sweeping generalizations, which purport to understand all nuances of Divine justice. The sins (real or imagined) of the secular are emphasized, whereas outrages that occur in frum society (of which there are no dearth of) are ignored.
Mizrachi meets many of these criteria. One hears the frequent claims of his mass kiruv efforts to justify his legitimacy; claims which fall deaf on my ears. 

Kiruv? If a thousand pogo-ing mantra-spouting nutcases claim that a certain individual turned them into baalei teshuvah, I consider them AS religious as any group of inmates in an asylum. A kipah is hardly indicative of frumkeit. The same pertains to their teacher. 
This is not Jewish outreach. 
This is simply another version of being “off the derech.”

These gurus are a symptom of a sick age, where people are so detached from torah that they will latch onto anything. Magic men wear the cloak of Torah, but they are detached from chochmah. Moreover, their obsession with superstition show that they are as influenced by goyish culture as those they ridicule.

Mizrachis videos are a treasure chest of filth, including such outrageous statements as the following. Fortunately, many people are downloading and saving these videos, before they are removed from the internet. One could spend years dissecting the filth, but some of the more repugnant ones include the following:

  • His now infamous claim that the Nazis (yemach shmo) murdered fewer than 1 million halachic Jews.

  • His comparing “non-virgin women” to an opened bottle of coke. What Rabbi speaks this way?

  • His disgraceful claim that Down syndrome children as well as those with autism are reincarnated spirits receiving punishment for a previous life.

  • His perverse claim that religious woman hid their nakedness moments before the Nazis sent them to the furnaces, whereas the irreligious were immodest in the moment before their extermination. (When I saw this video, I nearly lost my mind.) What sick mind could see these terrible photos and even contemplate, let alone articulate, such a lunatic theory?  When I saw this footage, it crystallized for me the need to write an article.
Aseh l’chah rav. Chazal maintained that any reasonably intelligent, rational person with some knowledge of Torah had the ability to choose for himself a proper Rav. One who epitomizes Torah and chesed. The diligent Jew should ensure that they have a proper teacher of torah rather than a showman pop star who appeals to simpletons. 

Moreover, if one’s rabbi is obsessed with sex, sheidim, reincarnated spirits, or the supposed immodesty of Jewish korbanot ready to be gassed to death, find another rabbi. 

If the first thing your chosen rav finds imperative to articulate to the secular is not the knowledge of Hashem, ahavat yisroel, or chesed, but rather a hair covering (whose side benefit magically assists infertile women!) something is wrong with him. Any goyish shaman can do likewise with the same degree of success. The placebo effect works the same for all pagans. 

In the case of Mizrachi, thanks to YouTube, Facebook, and the general popularity of social media, his perverse teachings will outlast all of us. The essence of Chillul Hashem personified; since his lectures are now eternally archived in MP4 format. There is no way to undo his damage, save for an unrelenting campaign to expose him and others who share similar beliefs. 

In closing, I post one final video, which I just watched today. Outrageous and unbelievable. I watched the video from a Facebook page called “Exposing “Rabbi” Yosef Mizrachi.” 

Several of the links above connect to the corresponding YouTube channel. 

In this particular video, Mizrachi states that “secular” Israeli soldiers who die in combat have no share in the world to come. Moreover, he cites halachically prohibited séances as a proof! 

Evidently, he is unaware of the Halacha that a Jew who is murdered for being a Jew dies Al Kiddush Hashem. Not to mention that one who dies protecting Jews (even for a flawed army run by men who are far from Torah) is engaged in one of the greatest mitzvoth. The Chazon Ish stated clearly that most of the unaffiliated Jews of our times clearly fall under the category of “captured babies” rather than willful sinners. Yet Mizrachi in his arrogant hatred sees fit to damn them all to his goyish notion of hell. 

I have a message for Mizrachi’s apologists who insist that his words were taken out of context. 

There is no context to justify his pernicious views. His teachings are sick, and they expose a damaged soul. Those who defend such a man, whether overtly, or with the “devil’s advocate” method of apologetics and the undeserved “benefit of the doubt” say much about themselves. 
Let them do their research, and it will become evident that he really is THAT bad. In fact, he is worse. The fact that I need to write these things is perhaps the most tragic thing of all.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Skverer Rebbe greets IDF Soldier at Meoras Ha'Machpeilah

R' Aron Teitelbaum, the Satmar Rebbe, is the  brother-in-law of the Skverer Rebbe . The Skeverer Rebbe defied his crazed "shvuger" and traveled to Chevron to visit the Meoras Ha'Machpeilah and went out of his way to thank the IDF Commanders for protecting the Holy sites. 
Chevron is the first Holy City of Klall Yisroel, established even before Yerushalyim. Dovid Hamelech lived there and so did Shlomo Hamelech!

This famous visit of the Skeverer Rebbe to the Kotel and to Chevron with thousands of his loyal followers, proves once again that Satmar SHIT'ah has lost its influence, and people are laughing at their idiotic philosophy of not visiting the Kotel or the Meoras Ha'Machpeilah! 

In Jewish History only two leaders banned visits to the Kotel and that is Satmar and Yerovam ben Navot!

Kudos to the Skverer Rebbe .... Kol Ha'Kovod!

Yosef Mizrachi says that only those who didn't do Kiruv were murdered in the Holocaust

This video takes the cake.....the lunatic Mizrachi here rants that those who did kiruv survived the Holocaust but those who didnt were murdered!
So my two little brothers were murdered in the Holocaust because they didn't do kiruv...
My old feeble grandmothers and grandfathers had to die because they didn't join the kiruv movement?
Crazy sick arrogant maniac! 
He brings proof from Rav Aron Kotlar who survived! 
My Parents that survived weren't in the kiruv movement!

Hey Mizrachi, your nemesis Ben Gurion also survived and he certainly wasn't in the business of doing kiruv!

I wonder if Dr. Katz that just forgave him, saw this despicable video!

Rabbi Boteach takes on Mr. Mizrachi

Rabbi Boteach

Last Sunday night in Englewood, I attended the funeral of a good and charitable man. The father of a large family, he truly was one of those rare few about whom people have only positive things to say. The question that was on my mind throughout the eulogies was the one question that was not addressed: How could such a good, religious man die so young.

I believe that as Jews we are obligated to challenge God in the face of seeming divine miscarriages of justice. Let Muslims bow in submission. Let Christians take their leap of faith. 

We Jews are a feisty bunch, charged by God to be Israelites — “he who wrestles with God and is ultimately victorious.” Victory will not come until God stops allowing righteous individuals to suffer and die. That’s why the Lubavitcher Rebbe was adamant about demanding of God a messianic world where no woman is ever widowed and no child is ever orphaned.

Sadly, the direction of too many in the Orthodox rabbinate today is to identify sin as the cause of Jewish suffering. I devoted an entire book, The Fed-Up Man of Faith, to refuting this “punishment-for-sin” drivel.

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, a Jewish outreach “expert,” said at an Englewood bar mitzvah that I attended that Jewish women who were being lined up to be gassed did not care about their modesty as the Nazis stripped them of their clothing. 

I had never heard anything so disgusting in my life. He said it as a way of explaining that the martyrs of the Holocaust were not so righteous as we otherwise might suppose. A modern Orthodox crowd sat there listening and barely flinched. We all should have been ashamed of ourselves.

Now Mizrachi is in the news yet again for outdoing even these loathsome ideas, this time actually denying that six million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust.

In 1984, Mahmoud Abbas wrote a study based on his doctoral dissertation where he attempted to prove that the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust “might be much smaller — even less than one million.” Abbas, who has the blood of countless Jews on his hands, is not alone in these vile claims. 

But I was pretty shocked to read that Mizrachi joined him by posting a YouTube video recently that said, “In every place, we have become used to hearing that six million Jews were murdered… But the truth, I am telling you, is that not even one million Jews were murdered.
“Not that this is an insignificant number, chalilah. It is a tremendous number. But there is a difference between six million and one million.”

Scholars immediately spoke out to refute this ignorant hate speech, and Mizrachi was forced to apologize last week. 

But what was going through his mind when he thought it okay to dishonor the memory of the six million innocent human beings murdered by the Germans? 

Did he consider that Holocaust deniers will forever quote with glee that even an Orthodox rabbi believes that many fewer than six million Jews died?

But Mizrachi’s despicable statements about Holocaust victims are par for the course. He describes the Holocaust as “five years of punishment to many wicked people [from God].” He also says that the reason why it happened to the Jews in Europe was because many of them became less religious and stopped keeping kosher and keeping the Sabbath over the years.

Mizrachi’s reasoning, of course, is easily refuted garbage.

In 1933, there were approximately 522,000 Jews living under the Reich. Beginning in January of that year, the Jews experienced public beatings and humiliations. Businesses were boycotted and synagogues desecrated. In 1935, the Nuremberg race laws were enacted, followed by the 1938 horrors of Kristallnacht. 

During this entire time, the Jews of Germany tried to get out. They could see with their own eyes that if they didn’t leave, they would be doomed. At the start of the Second World War, 304,000 of them had emigrated. And though most nations of the world refused to accept them, a majority finally were able to escape.

The Jews who did not escape Hitler’s ovens were, among so many other millions, the chasidim and ultra-religious Jews of Poland. They had no idea about Hitler’s plan to invade via blitzkrieg on September 1, 1939.

Are we to believe that these devout and pious Jews, who observed the smallest details of Jewish law in keeping the Sabbath and keeping kosher and who prayed three times a day, were punished with death? 

And if so, then why did a majority of their German Jewish brothers and sisters, whom Mizrachi sees as far more “sinful,” survive?

Mizrachi also states with confidence that the reason Sephardic Jewry was spared the Holocaust is due to their continued observance of Jewish ritual, just as the Ashkenazi Jews historically had been accustomed to do until the years leading up to the Second World War.


Rabbi Mizrachi, what about the 1190 Massacre of the Jews in York, the Rindfleisch massacres of 1298, the Chimielnicki massacres of 1648-1657, and the countless other pogroms and murders of Jews across Europe and Russia? 

And let’s also remember the more than 40 major massacres against the “religiously protected” Sephardic Jews living in Muslim lands over the last 1,300 years.

Mizrachi has said in the past that children with “Down Syndrome, autistic, and any other problem is a punishment as a result of a previous life…That’s pure punishment, those kind of people don’t have a test anymore, it’s punishment 100%.”

Mizrachi also claims to know why children are born blind. “A person is born blind, poor kid, was born blind, why? God? What do you know? Did you know how many dirty movies he was watching in his previous life? Now he’s blind.”

He claims to know why people get cancer and why accidents happen. “Mixed parties bring tragedies to our children. There’s more accidents, there’s more cancer, every minute there’s a new Jew who gets cancer in the world, every minute, and that’s because of the way the women dress, and that’s because of the sins that guys and girls make together. That’s because of all the dirty phone calls, that’s because of the Facebook connections, and all the drugs and the alcohol and all the problems around, that brings all these tragedies to us.”

Call me a cynic, but I’m always just a little suspicious of religious leaders who obsess over other people’s sexual sins.

Mizrachi also has divined that intermingling of the sexes at weddings is the culprit for the rise in the divorce rate. “All the blessing is gone. Don’t be surprised why 70% of these mixed weddings ended up with divorce within four years. Why, because there’s a curse there.”

Mizrachi and rabbis like him are a menace. Just think about how many people who might otherwise embrace Jewish tradition are absolutely revolted by this cruel twaddle that is fraudulently passed as authentic Judaism.

I ask Rabbi Mizrachi to take heed of the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who said of the Holocaust, 
“To say that those very people were deserving of what transpired, that it was a punishment for their sins, heaven forbid, is unthinkable. There is absolutely no explanation or understanding for the Holocaust.”

As for those rabbis who say that the Holocaust was a punishment, the Rebbe said accurately,
 “No scales of judgment could ever condemn a people to such horrors.”

When viewing human suffering, we must look to Moses’ actions toward the enslaved Israelites in Egypt, as we read in last week’s Torah portion. Moses did not return to God with his head bowed low, accepting the brutality inflicted on his people as the Divine will. “Why have you acted so wickedly to this people?” he asks the Creator of the Universe. “From the time you have sent me you have done nothing to save this nation.”

Jews are now being murdered in Israel almost every day. Diaspora communities should be shaking the foundations of the heavens, demanding from God that they be protected, demanding of our State Department that it stop the balderdash of “both sides” needing to de-escalate, and demanding of rabbis that they lead the charge in defending Jewish life.

Monday, January 11, 2016

FBI's Clinton probe expands to public corruption

The FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of private email as secretary of state has expanded to look at whether the possible “intersection” of Clinton Foundation work and State Department business may have violated public corruption laws, three intelligence sources not authorized to speak on the record told Fox News.
This new investigative track is in addition to the focus on classified material found on Clinton’s personal server. 
"The agents are investigating the possible intersection of Clinton Foundation donations, the dispensation of State Department contracts and whether regular processes were followed," one source said.
The development follows press reports over the past year about the potential overlap of State Department and Clinton Foundation work, and questions over whether donors benefited from their contacts inside the administration.
The Clinton Foundation is a public charity, known as a 501(c)(3). It had grants and contributions in excess of $144 million in 2013, the most current available data.  
Inside the FBI, pressure is growing to pursue the case. 
One intelligence source told Fox News that FBI agents would be “screaming” if a prosecution is not pursued because “many previous public corruption cases have been made and successfully prosecuted with much less evidence than what is emerging in this investigation.” 
The FBI is particularly on edge in the wake of how the case of former CIA Director David Petraeus was handled.  
One of the three sources said some FBI agents felt Petraeus was given a slap on the wrist for sharing highly classified information with his mistress and biographer Paula Broadwell, as well as lying to FBI agents about his actions. Petraeus pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor in March 2015 after a two-plus-year federal investigation in which Attorney General Eric Holder initially declined to prosecute. 
In the Petraeus case, the exposure of classified information was assessed to be limited.
By contrast, in the Clinton case, the number of classified emails has risen to at least 1,340. A 2015 appeal by the State Department to challenge the “Top Secret” classification of at least two emails failed and, as Fox News first reported, is now considered a settled matter. 
It is unclear which of the two lines of inquiry was opened first by the FBI and whether they eventually will be combined and presented before a special grand jury. One intelligence source said the public corruption angle dates back to at least April 2015.  On their official website, the FBI lists "public corruption as the FBI's top criminal priority." 
Fox News is told that about 100 special agents assigned to the investigations also were asked to sign non-disclosure agreements, with as many as 50 additional agents on “temporary duty assignment,” or TDY. The request to sign a new NDA could reflect that agents are handling the highly classified material in the emails, or serve as a reminder not to leak about the case, or both. 
"The pressure on the lead agents is brutal," a second source said. "Think of it like a military operation, you might need tanks called in along with infantry." 
Separately, a former high-ranking State Department official emphasized to Fox News that Clinton’s deliberate non-use of her government email address may be increasingly “significant.” 
“It is virtually automatic when one comes on board at the State Department to be assigned an email address,” the source said.
“It would have taken an affirmative act not to have one assigned ... and it would also mean it was all planned out before she took office. This certainly raises questions about the so-called legal advice she claimed to have received from inside the State Department that what she was doing was proper."
On Sunday, when asked about her email practices while secretary of state, Clinton insisted to CBS News’ "Face The Nation," "there is no there, there."

Catherine Herridge is an award-winning Chief Intelligence correspondent for FOX News Channel (FNC) based in Washington, D.C. She covers intelligence, the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security. Herridge joined FNC in 1996 as a London-based correspondent.

Skverer Rebbe at the Kosel dissing Satmar Rebbe his brother-in-law

R' Aron Teitelbaum is going crazy because his very own brother-in-law, the Skeverer Rebbe "fieffed him un" and went to the Kosel with thousands of his Chassidim!

Aron Teitelbaum himself is a closet Zionist, who married the daughter of the late Viznitzer Rebbe, who had no problems taking money from the "Medinah"

But as they say "Middah K'neged Middah". Who can forget when R' Aron Teitelbum "fiefed un" his great uncle R' Yoel Teitelbaum and married a Zionist!
Now to cover his "aveirah" he rants and raves against the Zionists.
"Lo Bechinam halach H'zarzar eitzal Ha'orav" 

Adina Porat gets "get" because of "Social Media" pressure

Her name is Adina Porat, and after eight years she is finally free.
She got her get when it was signed on December 30th and with the ruling of the Israeli Rabbinate in Jerusalem on January 7.
The husband signed it two months after the New York-based Organization for the Resolution of Agunot (ORA) launched an awesome social media campaign and held a rally near the husband’s home.
Agunah now refers to a woman whose husband refuses to provide her with a get, thus trapping her inside the marriage. Classically it referred to a woman whose husband had died but it was unable to be proven. Within Orthodox halacha, a divorce isn’t final until a husband provides his wife with a get and without one, an agunah is unable to remarry.
Sometimes, behind-the-scenes negotiations don’t work. In those cases, in order to convince husbands to sign a get sometimes one has to be innovative. ORA Executive Director Rabbi Jeremy Stern says this is the first time ORA has produced a video about the predicament of an agunah as part of its strategy.
“The video that we created went viral on Facebook and YouTube, followed up by the rally, and all the publicity of the rally — all of that pressure led to the issuance of the get,” Rabbi Stern says.
ORA opened the website freeadina.com on October 21 to announce the rally; the site featured a video interview with Adina Porat and her children about their plight. Between then and the end of December when Adina’s husband signed the get, the video was viewed more than 68,000 times and Porat’s story was reported by international Jewish media.

Yosef Mizrachi Apologizes to Dr. Katz Holocaust Survivor

I guess its time to clean up the "doooo doo" 
Mizrachi is in a panic ...

So what does a guy do to clean up the crap....
You go on the Zev Brenner Show ...apologize
and then you drive to the 5 towns and bother a Holocaust Survivor, and kiss his tuches!
Bur Dr. Katz is just one survivor....
Mizrachi ... you need to get on your horse and find the 5 million Jews you insulted..
And how about the murdered IDF soldiers? HMMMM?

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Yoisef Mizrachi Mocks Rabbonim that have Semicha on Zev Brenner Show

Mr. Mizrachi was on the Zev Brenner Show last night, and when Zev asked him if he had Semicha, he said
 "You mean Semicha like the Young Israel Rabbis?"
He then answered that he doesn't have any Semicha.

This is how liars and sensationalist's work ....
When asked a legitimate and important question ....
they first trivialize the entire concept ....
In this case he trivialized the whole concept of Semicah by asking if Zev is referring to a Semicha that "Young Israel" rabbis get!
So here he destroys two aspects of the question in one fell swoop!
The entire concept of Semicha... implying that it is worthless!
And then destroying Young Israel Rabbis, since all they have now is this "worthless semicha!"

This is really what Mr. Mizrachi was really thinking when Zev asked the question.;
Zev: "Many people have asked me since you call yourself "Rabbi" ...so you in fact have Semicha?"
Mizrachi Thinking: "you mean to ask me about the crappy semicha?
Mizrachi Actual answer:  "You mean Semicha like the Young Israel Rabbis?"

First of all Mr. Mizrachi, 
Young Israel Rabbis are huge Talmedei Chachomim that learned and worked very hard for their respective Semicha.

Second of all, 
Are you mocking Reb Moshe Feinstein, Reb Shlome Zalman Auerbach, Rav Aaron Kotler, Rav Eliyashiv etc etc etc that had Semicha?

Is that how you classify someone who has Semicah? 
"Semicha like Young Israel Rabbis?"

By the way, Rabbi Avigdar Miller was a Young Israel Rabbi!

This arrogant Baal Gaaveh and Baal Loshon Hara was totally destroyed by callers, one stating:

"My G-d is a loving G-d a G-d of Ahavah Rabba .... as opposed to your G-D that is an angry unforgiving G-D ...an evil G-d, that Christians worship"

Every time someone made a great point, he answered 
"You see thats what I'm talking about, .....people lying, people taking words out of context"

All you guys have to do is watch this meshiginar on any of his Videos on the Tumedeke Internet and you can see and hear his hate against fellow Jews::See if anything was taken out of context!

Below see a video where he says that the murdered soldiers of the IDF that are secular  will go straight to Hell!

So was this taken out of context?
Yes, absolutely,...... it was taken out of the context of other crazy outrageous, bizarre statements he made on the video....
But be my guest and watch this videos in its entirety!

Rav Moshe Feinstein  (who had Semicha) had paskened years ago that anyone that gets killed al Kiddush Hashem goes straight to Gan -Eden regardless of their observance! 
So did Rav Yosef z"l (who had semicha) and Harav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach z"l (who had semicha)  ...
see the psak after the video shown below!

His (Mr. Mizrachi's) proof, that murdered secular IDF soldiers go to hell?
A Rambam? ..... Nope!
A Noda Be'Yehudah? Nope!
Teshuvas Ha'Goeonim? Nope! 
Oh! a Rif? Nope! 

Sit down guys ... Make yourself a hot cocoa for this...

Mr. Mizrachi  has proof from a ............se'ance!


You mean like the one Whoopie Goldberg did in a movie called "Ghost?"

Yes!  His proof that murdered secular IDF soldiers go to hell is from a seance similar to the Whoopie Goldberg seance!
A seance that was a figment of someone's wild imagination and then made into a comedy!

Yup!...So is this a normal guy???

The Rambam has written a thousand years ago that these Se'ances which are basically  Nachash and Kishif  are Avoda Zara!

אומרת ההלכה
So What does the Halacha state in reference to secular murdered IDF Soldiers? (this question was asked to Rav Yosef z"l)
דבריו של אותו רב נוגדים מפורשות דברים שאמרו גדולי פוסקי ההלכה בציבור החרדי. הגר"ע יוסף זצ"ל התבטא מספר פעמים על קדושת חללי צה"ל - גם החילונים שבהם.
The words of that "Rabbi" (Mizrachi) are outright against the words of the biggest poiskim in the Chareidie community! Rav Ovadia Yosef z"l has written many times about the murdered IDF soldiers and also about the secular soldiers.

הדברים מתבססים על דברי הגמרא במסכת בבא בתרא, לפיהם "הרוגי מלכות אין כל בריה יכולה לעמוד במחיצתן", הדוגמא אותה מציינת הגמרא היא של 'הרוגי לוד' - לוליינוס ופפוס', אחים שנהרגו כדי להציל את עם ישראל מגזירה. שני אלה היו ככל הנראה יהודים מתבוללים.
Rav Yosef z"l quotes a  Gemarrah in Bava Basra that states that those people who were  murdered by the  government because they were Jews such as those that were murdered in Lod ... Luleinus and Pappus, brothers, that were murdered because they attempted to save the Jewish people, are considered such great Tzaddikim that no one will be near them in Olam Habah!

על סמך זאת פסק הגר"ע יוסף זצ"ל: "אמרו בגמרא הרוגי לוד אין כל בריה יכולה לעמוד במחיצתם ואין ספק שדברים אלו כוחם יפה גם לגבי חללי צה"ל הקבורים בארץ ישראל, אשר חרפו נפשם במערכות ישראל על גאולתנו ועל פדות נפשנו".
Based on the above quoted gemmarah, Rav Yosef z"l paskened le'halacha that the murdered IDF soldiers that gave their lives for the Jewish people even if they are secular, are tzaddikim

גם הגרש"ז אוירבאך, פסק כך לגבי חללי צה"ל. לפי עדות, (אורו של עולם, הרב יוסף אליהו), בחור ישיבה הגיע אליו וביקש ממנו רשות לנסוע לקברי צדיקים בגליל כדי להתפלל בתקופת הלימודים.
In addition,Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach z"l also paskened like that. A story is told about Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach z"l, this according to witnesses (the story is printed in the Sefer "Oro shel Olam" by Harav Yoisef Eliyahu,) that a student wanted to go to the Galil to pray at the Kivrei Tzaddikim,

אמר לו הגרש"ז אוירבך: "לא צריך לנסוע לגליל, כשאני מרגיש צורך להתפלל על קברי צדיקים אני הולך להר הרצל, לקברי החיילים שנפלו על קידוש השם".
Said Rav Auerbach z"l to the student , "you don't have to travel to the Galill, when I feel that I have to pray at the Kivrei Tzaddikim, I go to Har Herzl where the graves of the murdered Chayalim are!