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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Muslim clerics say Sandy is 'God's way of punishing America for anti-Muhammed film'

Some anti-American Muslim clerics have cast the deadly Superstorm Sandy as divine punishment for 'Innocence of Muslims,' a film mocking the Prophet Muhammad or for other perceived ills of American society.
The remarks by some on the fringe brought a backlash from other Muslims who said it was wrong to relish the suff1ering of others.
In Egypt, one radical cleric described the hurricane as revenge from God for the crude, anti-Islam film made in the U.S. that sparked waves of protests in the Muslim world in September.
Radical cleric Wagdi Ghoneim described Hurricane Sandy as revenge from God for the crude, anti-Islam film made in the U.S. that sparked waves of protests in the Muslim world in September
Radical cleric Wagdi Ghoneim described Hurricane Sandy as revenge from God for the crude, anti-Islam film made in the U.S. that sparked waves of protests in the Muslim world in September

'Some people wonder about the hurricane in America and its causes,' Egyptian hardline cleric Wagdi Ghoneim tweeted twice this week in the aftermath of the storm.
'In my opinion, it is revenge from God for the beloved prophet,' he added, alluding to the film.
Some praised the post, but others condemned it.
'God, shake the earth under their feet,' read one comment, prompting the response: 'We have brothers and friends in America - I don't wish them any harm.'
Another Twitter response to Ghoneim compared Sandy to a divine wind sent to destroy a sinful nation and strike at the seat of the United Nations in New York.
'We ask God to destroy the U.N. building for its injustice, corruption, tyranny ... with Sandy.'

28 papers have quit Obama to endorse Romney

Do newspaper endorsements mean what they used to? Maybe not. But Mitt Romney has over one hundred of them, which is an impressive feat for a Republican.  However, Romney’s ability to convert editorial boards away from their decisions to endorse President Obama four years ago is truly impressive.

To date, twenty-eight large newspapers have decided to drop their endorsement record with President Obama and put their chips all in on Romney. The blunt explanations for their decisions often gives way to some blistering critiques of the president, leaving the reader no doubt why these papers lost their faith over the last four years.

According to Editor & Publisher, Republican Mitt Romney is stunning the newspaper world, earning 112 endorsements from editorial boards around the country compared to the President’s 84. Most large market newspapers like the The New York Times and The Washington Post have stuck with Obama, but have run less than glowing assessments of his accomplishments. So while a newspaper endorsement may not mean what it once did, these conversions could be telling of a national trend.

Read more:http://times247.com/articles/28-newspapers-abandon-obama-back-romney#ixzz2BCyulUqX


Charles Wood
Charles Woods appeared on Fox News shows over the weekend to denounce decisions made by U.S. officials during the Libya attack.
“I’m a retired attorney, and I know that these actions legally do not constitute murder. But in my mind the people in the White House, all of them who have authority to send in reinforcements to prevent what they knew was going to be the death of my son, are guilty of murdering my son,” Woods said Sunday on Fox’s Sean Hannity show.
The older brother of Glen Doherty, a former Navy SEAL from Encinitas working as a U.S. security contractor, said Doherty and Tyrone Woods were part of the force that responded to the consulate attack.
“They rescued a bunch of people and brought them to the (consulate) annex, and then people defended the annex after Glen and Ty fell. All those people didn’t get overrun and wiped out. They had enough people to fight off that battle,” said Greg Doherty, who lives in Kensington in Northern California.
In that light, Doherty said the debate over needing more help doesn’t make sense to him, unless it might have been U.S. airstrikes against a mortar position used by attackers.
“But then you are getting into real specific strategy, and I don’t think it is civilians’ job to pick apart an actual battle and talk strategy, unless you are a general,” said Doherty, reached by telephone Thursday.
“It just seems like people are looking to direct their anger at Obama somehow.”
The debate about how the administration handled security for the Libya consulate is heating up in the week before the presidential election.
Despite that, Charles Woods, reached by U-T San Diego Thursday afternoon, said, “I don’t want this to become political and become dishonoring to Ty.”
He declined to answer any further questions.
The extended Navy SEAL community around San Diego is
talking about the details of the Libya attacks.

A father and a mother used the word “murder.” A brother said he won’t second-guess decisions made in the heat of battle.
The families of three Americans killed in the Sept. 11 U.S. consulate attack in Benghazi, Libya, are offering widely different reactions to recent reports that U.S. personnel issued several requests for help that were turned down.
Patricia Smith, the mother of slain State Department employee Sean Patrick Smith, is now blaming President Barack Obama for her son’s death.
“I believe that Obama murdered my son,” she said Thursday from the living room of her Clairemont home. “I firmly believe this.”
Patricia Smith, who voted for Obama in 2008 at the insistence of her son, said reporting by Fox News is the basis for much of her belief that Obama is ultimately responsible for her son’s death. She said Sean, who went to Mission Bay High School but lived abroad, was a fervent supporter of the president.
Smith’s view echoes that of Charles Woods, father of Tyrone Woods, the 41-year-old former Navy SEAL from Imperial Beach who died fighting in Benghazi.

Chris Christie Orders Gas Rationing

Motorists in 12 northern New Jersey counties will be allowed to buy gasoline just every other day under an order by Gov. Chris Christie.
Gas lines were long at some gas stations Saturday morning with motorists trying to make purchases before the noon switch to a gas rationing system.
Drivers with license plates ending in an even number will be allowed to buy gas on even-numbered days, and those with plates ending in an odd number can make gas purchases on odd-numbered days.
Christie hopes the rationing will ease long wait times at gas stations and prevent a fuel shortage in the state hard-hit by Superstorm Sandy.
A Christie spokesman tells the Star-Ledger newspaper in Newark that there currently are no restrictions on filling gas containers.

Friday, November 2, 2012

New York City Marathon canceled


The New York Marathon was canceled Friday in the wake of criticism that the race should not take place as the city struggles to recover from Hurricane Sandy.
Earlier Friday, Mayor Michael Bloomberg had insisted that the race would take place Sunday despite some New Yorkers saying that holding the race would be insensitive and tie up police, generators and other resources when many are still suffering.
Joan Wacks, whose Staten Island waterfront condo was swamped with 4 feet of water, had predicted authorities would still have been recovering bodies when the estimated 40,000 runners from around the world would have hit the streets for the 26.2-mile race. She had called the mayor "tone deaf."
"He is clueless without a paddle to the reality of what everyone else is dealing with," she said. "If there are any resources being put toward the marathon, that's wrong. I'm sorry, that's wrong."
At a news conference, Bloomberg had defended his decision as a way to raise money for the stricken city and boost morale six days after Sandy flooded neighborhoods, knocked out power to hundreds of thousands homes and businesses and killed at least 39 people.
Bloomberg said New York "has to show that we are here and we are going to recover" and "give people something to cheer about in what's been a very dismal week for a lot of people."
"You have to keep going and doing things," he said, "and you can grieve, you can cry and you can laugh all at the same time. That's what human beings are good at."
Noting that street lights should be back on in Manhattan by midnight Friday and parts of the transit system are up and running again, he had given assurances that the race would not take away police officers and other resources needed in the recovery.
He also pointed out that his predecessor, Rudolph Giuliani, went ahead with the New York Marathon two months after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, and "it pulled people together."
One of the world's pre-eminent road races, the New York Marathon generates an estimated $340 million into the city. This time, the marathon's sponsors and organizers had dubbed it the "Race to Recover" and intended to use the event to raise money for the city to deal with the crisis. New York Road Runners, the race organizer, will donate $1 million and said sponsors have pledged more than $1.5 million.
"It's hard in these moments to know what's best to do," NYRR president Mary Wittenberg said. "The city believes this is best to do right now." A short time later the call was made to postpone the race.
The New York course runs from the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge on hard-hit Staten Island to Central Park, sending runners through all five boroughs. The course was not to be changed, since there was little damage along the route itself.
The damage all around it, however, ultimately swayed the decision.

United States Unemployment

Thursday, November 1, 2012

New York Mayor "Meshuganir" Bloomberg endorses Obama

Associated Press reports that the "crazy" New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is endorsing President Barack Obama for re-election, citing his leadership on climate change.
Bloomberg says in an online opinion piece that Hurricane Sandy made the stakes of Tuesday’s presidential election even clearer. He says the climate is changing and that Obama has taken major steps in the right direction.
An independent and former Republican, Bloomberg says GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney has reversed course on a number of positions.

Obama Inauguration Preacher Says ‘America Is Going To Hell In A Hand Basket’

The reverend who gave the benediction during President Barack Obama’s inauguration said America is “going to hell,” and white people may go with it.
Rev. Joseph Lowery, 91, made the comments at St. James Baptist Church in Forsyth, Ga., as part of a Southern Christian Leadership Conference tour to encourage African-Americans to vote for Obama, according to the Monroe County Reporter.
The paper reports that Lowery apparently told parishioners in the crowd that he is back to believing that all white people will not get into heaven because of what’s been happening during the campaign.
“I’m frightened by the level of hatred and bitterness coming out in this election,” Lowery said, according to the County Reporter.
Lowery blasted blacks for costing Obama the state of Georgia in the 2008 election because 390,000 African-Americans decided to stay home and not vote.
“I don’t know what kind of a n***** wouldn’t vote with a black man running,” Lowery extolled, according to the paper. “All that he did with the stimulus was genius. Nobody intelligent would risk this country with Romney.”
Lowery added that “America is going to hell in a hand basket.”
Lowery tells The Daily Caller“Of course he doesn’t believe that all whites should go to hell,” Helen Butler, executive director of Lowery’s Georgia-based Coalition for the People’s Agenda, told The Daily Caller. that the white people comment was meant as a joke and that he doesn’t remember saying the “n” word.
Forsyth Mayor John Howard, who took part in the event, told the County Reporter that he was “pretty shocked” by Lowery’s statement.
“The Bible doesn’t say anything about white or black to go to heaven,” Howard said. “I have great number of black and white friends. I’ve been in the military. I make friends with everybody. I’m too old for enemies.”
Lowery, along with Martin Luther King, helped founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957.
Obama awarded Lowery with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009.

U.S. Voters in Israel Voted Romney 6:1

Exit polls show voters overwhelmingly favored Republican candidate. 80,000 Americans from Israel have already submitted their ballots.

VoteIsrael, the leading organization facilitating the ability of Americans in Israel to vote in the US elections, has successfully completed its campaign to make voting from Israel more accessible to as many Americans in Israel as possible.
“iVoteIsrael is proud to announce that 80,000 Americans from Israel have already submitted their ballots to their local county board of elections in any of the 49 states where we successfully registered voters from,” commented Elie Pieprz, national director of iVoteIsrael.   “This represents an unprecedented increase in voter participation from the 20,000 or so that voted in 2008.”
Internationally, American expats typically have a 5% turnout rate. If those trends continue, the American vote from Israel will represent 20-25% of the total expat community from around the world, further solidifying proof of the unique nature of the relationship between the U.S. and Israel, which is not limited to the diplomatic and strategic levels but also exists at the grassroots and electoral level.
“This connection demonstrates the breadth of the unique relationship between the two countries, and iVoteIsrael is proud to have played a role in illustrating this connection to the public,” commented Pieprz.
iVoteIsrael also unveiled the first authoritative exit polls of actual voters from Israel.  The poll surveyed 1,572 voters and found that:
·         President        85% voted for Romney and 14% voted Obama
·         Congress        62% voted GOP and 28% voted Democratic
·         61% of voters from Israel cited Jerusalem and "peace process" negotiations as a primary motivating factor for voting.
Swing state voters from Israel numbered roughly as follows:
·         Florida          7500
·         Ohio             3500
·         Pennsylvania          3500
IVoteIsrael calls itself "a diverse group of Americans who currently reside in Israel, from all over Israel, and all over the US. "
"We are deeply concerned about the safety, security and future of Israel," the group says. "Most importantly, we want to see a president in the White House who will support and stand by the American citizens living in Israel in absolute commitment to their safety, security and right to self-defense.

Obama Hood

Mother whose two boys were swept out of her arms in superstorm was left screaming on street for 12 hours by neighbors who refused to help her - and now police find their little bodies

Glenda Moore, 39, (pictured right on her wedding day) battled with 'all she had' but was unable to stop Connor, four, and Brandon, two, from being sucked away by a torrent which flooded her SUV. She knocked on a nearby door for help but was told: 'I don't know you. I'm not going to help you'. Mrs Moore then tried another neighbor near her Staten Island home, but when she rang the bell they turned off the lights and refused to answer.

Rabbi Blames Hurricane Sandy On Israel’s Subservient Relationship With the US

While the US East Coast is still coming to grips with the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy, some people are already making jokes at the Americans' expenses.

Rabbi Amnon Yitzhak, who is best known for trying to help Jews to become more religious, commented on the natural disaster in a lecture he delivered in the city of Ma'ale Adumim. "Here we have America, with all of its magnitude, dealing with a nice hurricane."
Imitating the sound of wind blowing, the rabbi added: "God put on a ventilator there. See how much damage and how many people have been killed, etc, etc – and that's just the first round."

He implied that the storm was a message from God against theState of Israel's dependence on the United States, and that he had a more efficient and simple answer to all its needs. "God has no problem helping his sons, but the sons must recognize their father," he explained.

"Why do we agree to follow the American's chain like a dog? So he can tie us to a tree and say, 'Now I'll let you go for a walk, now you stay here?' For $3 million?! Who tells a person, 'Give me money and I'll be your slave?' Have you ever heard of such a thing? Where is your freedom?" the rabbi rebuked the State of Israel.

'US comparable to Esau'

Yitzhak went on to argue that "no one surrenders to America today. No one. Just us. Saudi Arabia cut off ties with them, Egyptsevered ties, Syria doesn't listen to them, Iran disregards them. Ahmadi (Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) goes there and calls them 'the Great Satan' and they don't stop him. South Korea laughs at them and developed nukes without asking them.

"The entire world shows contempt for the Americans, does whatever it wants, and the Americans beg for 'negotiations' and tell Ahmadi once and again that they want 'negotiations,' and only to us they keep saying, 'Well? Well? Well?'" the rabbi added.

"We are the only people that remains backward, that willingly places itself under foreign rule. Instead of a sovereign country –a colony of the United States."

According to Yitzhak, the Americans want Israel to be "devoted to them, captured by them," and that is the reason why they have prevented the Jewish state many times from developing advanced weapons – so that it depends on their military aid.

"(US President) 'Obamba' said that America's interests come before Israel's interests, until (Republican presidential candidate Mitt) Romney told him that he should be ashamed of himself."

Rabbi Yitzhak concluded by likening Israel to Jacob and the US to Esau, and lectured the Americans for not practicing restraints in their wars as they expect Israel to do.

He ruled that without US intervention, Israel could have ended its war with Iran before it even began – "on a small scale, as they say, without any noise, without any shouting, without any problem" – and stop the rocket fire on Israel's southern communities "without entering Gaza."

Haredi Rabbi Blames Hurricane Sandy On Gay Marriage, Video

New documentary showing the beauty of Judea and Samaria

(Scroll down for video) The Jews living in Judea and Samaria and other settlements are seen as heroes by many Jewish people. These settlers are there to protect the Jewish land given to them by god. The media often refers to Judea and Samaria as the West Bank, while trying to paint these settlers as violent people.

Yet this is far from the truth, with one visit to the settlements you see the peace, unity and love that exists in these settlements. One man decided to change the view of the Jews about Judea and Samaria by recording a documentary about Jewish life in a settlement.

Ezra Ridgley visited Israel for the first time 10 years ago and was deeply moved by the dedication and commitment of Jews settling in these communities.
Previously, I had seen Israel "as a nation still struggling with dealing with the Arabs and still not as modern as the West. That changed immediately after my first visit.” Ridgley said: “I started traveling through dozens of cities and towns across the country and I was pleasantly surprised at how modern and beautiful Israeli cities are. This was the Israel I was never told about.”

Ridgley decided it was crucial to let others know what was really going on in the Jewish settlements. He took many photographs, did interviews and started a website. After returning many times and having visited over 100 settlements he wrote a book: Judea and Samaria - The land of God.

The book documents the optimism of Jewish settlements and how Jews are returning to the land that was written about in the Bible. It also proves that the West Bank land belong to the Jews historically, legally, religiously and morally.

One of his objectives is to combat negative stereotypes about people living in the settlements. “I found the people to be interesting, cultured and refined, not extreme or violent, as we hear in the media," he said.

Now Ridgley has taken the many hours of video recordings and made it into a 90-minute documentary called: “The Spring of Judea and Samaria." He hopes his documentary reaches many Jews so they can become educated on the truth about Israeli settlements. They will get a firsthand look into the life of Jews in these settlements.

All proceeds will go to Bnei Chayil Yeshiva Kedumim in the Samaria region and Girls High School in
Kochov Tzvia Ya'akov of the Binyamin region. Both schools help children who are struggling with emotional and/or learning problems.

"My goal with the book and the video is to create a new awakening to the land that is central to our identity and Jewish heritage. When we can all see the clearer picture, the Jewish world will focus more attention and realize that settling in this land is essential for our future and continued existence as a people.” Ridgley said.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

New York City Shutting Down Subways Ahead of Storm

 New York City will suspend its train, subway and bus service Sunday night ahead of Hurricane Sandy, which is expected to bring strong winds and dangerous flooding to the East Coast, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said at a news conference.
“If it turns and moves off, great. Really great. But if not then we will be prepared for it,” Cuomo said.
The service is expected to resume operations about 12 hours after the storm ends, officials said at the news conference.
New York City’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority said service on subways will be curtailed beginning at 7 p.m. EDT. The bus network will begin shutting down within the next two hours.
Long Island Rail Road and Metro-North Railroad will start their finals trains by 7 p.m. from terminal locations. Stations will close once the last trains pass through.

Wind Feared More Than Rain In Upstate NY

The National Weather Service says high winds pose a greater threat than rain in upstate New York when Hurricane Sandy converges with other storm systems in the Northeast.
The agency has posted high wind warnings and flood watches across the state, effective Monday morning through Tuesday. Forecasters said widespread power outages are likely when wind gusts topple trees and power lines.
Forecasters predict one to two inches of rain in the Mohawk and Hudson valleys, one to three inches in the Southern Tier, and two to three inches in western New York. They expect two to four inches in the Adirondacks and as much as six inches in parts of the Catskills.
Sustained winds of 30 to 40 mph and gusts of 60 mph are expected starting Monday

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Benghazi Cartoon

Forecasters Warn Of ‘Huge Weather Event’ On Track To Hit Area This Weekend

A potentially huge weather event could hit the Tri-State Area as early as Sunday night.

The storm system is forecast to linger in the area through Tuesday and could bring with it severe winds, rains and storm surges.
Forecasters are keeping a close eye on Hurricane Sandy as the storm spins near Jamaica.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Did Obama say Bayonets and Horses?

Police detain Jewish driver for displaying an Israeli flag

Yes folks, this is here in the United States:

A Jewish driver in Michigan was detained for causing a disturbance after displaying an Israeli flag on his car, according to reports.

Dearborn, Michigan is known as a hotbed for Muslim activity, but a Jewish resident was surprised when Muslim youths threw a bottle of liquid on his car which displays flags of Israel.

The incident has been confirmed and vandalism towards the driver can see at 2:25 in the video below.
The driver was passing in front of Dearborn Fordson High School as students were leaving school. He had two Israeli flags in the back of his truck. He was stopped in traffic, with a police car behind him.

Students began to approach his car,and a young man threw a bottle of liquid on the windshield. The driver rolled down the window to tell the students to stop.

The driver said that the principal called the police, who approached him and asked the driver why he caused a disturbance, while young Muslims hurled death threats against him.
Police said they did not hear the threats.
A Dearborn police car was behind me when this student threw a bottle at my windshield. The police did not arrest the student, but detained the driver for 30 minutes.
Both the principal and the driver, who graduated from the same high school, filed a police report about the incident.