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Showing posts with label Muslim clerics say Sandy is 'God's way of punishing America for anti-Muhammed film'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muslim clerics say Sandy is 'God's way of punishing America for anti-Muhammed film'. Show all posts

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Muslim clerics say Sandy is 'God's way of punishing America for anti-Muhammed film'

Some anti-American Muslim clerics have cast the deadly Superstorm Sandy as divine punishment for 'Innocence of Muslims,' a film mocking the Prophet Muhammad or for other perceived ills of American society.
The remarks by some on the fringe brought a backlash from other Muslims who said it was wrong to relish the suff1ering of others.
In Egypt, one radical cleric described the hurricane as revenge from God for the crude, anti-Islam film made in the U.S. that sparked waves of protests in the Muslim world in September.
Radical cleric Wagdi Ghoneim described Hurricane Sandy as revenge from God for the crude, anti-Islam film made in the U.S. that sparked waves of protests in the Muslim world in September
Radical cleric Wagdi Ghoneim described Hurricane Sandy as revenge from God for the crude, anti-Islam film made in the U.S. that sparked waves of protests in the Muslim world in September

'Some people wonder about the hurricane in America and its causes,' Egyptian hardline cleric Wagdi Ghoneim tweeted twice this week in the aftermath of the storm.
'In my opinion, it is revenge from God for the beloved prophet,' he added, alluding to the film.
Some praised the post, but others condemned it.
'God, shake the earth under their feet,' read one comment, prompting the response: 'We have brothers and friends in America - I don't wish them any harm.'
Another Twitter response to Ghoneim compared Sandy to a divine wind sent to destroy a sinful nation and strike at the seat of the United Nations in New York.
'We ask God to destroy the U.N. building for its injustice, corruption, tyranny ... with Sandy.'