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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Neturei Karta makes the prophecy of the Zohar Hakodesh come alive

Neturei Karta Animals 
This took place this Shabbos Parshas Pinchos! 
Oh! .... You want to know where?
In Germany! ...... Yup ... you heard it here first!
See Jews dressed in hats made from skunk tails marching with murderers of Jews in the country that facilitated the murder of 6 million Jews!

But there is good news ..... what? Did you just say "Good News?"
Yes ... very good news, because the Zohar Hakodosh prophesied this event over a thousand years ago ...

I actually first heard about this Zohar from the Satmar Rebbe himself in a Shalosh Seeeeeedah toireleh in 1967 on a tape!

But the "Holy Rebbe" who  cursed other religious Rabbonim that didn't agree with his fanatical unrealistic and irrelevant SHIT"ah said that the Zohar is talking about the IDF! And he says that the IDF is the"eirav rav!"  These narishkeiten were uttered by a leader of thousands!
 Unbelievable! You can't make this stuff up!

So let's learn the Zohar ....thru the words of the "Holy Rebbe" himself!
Loose Translation:
"The last time I already spoke what the Zohar Hakodash wrote, that the eirav rav,will join the foreign nations to go to war. 
By the great war of Gog and MaGog, the Jewish heretics will join the foreign nations to war against Moshiach.
I wrote (in Al Hagila siman 61) that a great person wondered, (Kashoier Rav, R' Shol Brach)"how could it be that Jews will actually war against Moshiach? Well, the Zohar  in Parshas Shmois (page 7) itemizes all the Gentile Kings that will join together to war against the King Moshiach by the war of Gog and MaGog, and the Jewish Heritics will join them in war"

I looked it up, and the Rebbe is 100% correct, the Zohar actually says that Jewish Heretics will join the Foreign Nations (Which includes Iran, Iraq etc.) in war against Moshiach! Yup, the Zohar says it!

And, yes, absolutely, the Zohar's prophecy is coming to fruition in our lifetime!

But what does the Zohar mean by "Jewish heretics?"

Anybody reading the news today knows who they are!
My readers know who they are!

Let's see ......ummmm?

So, which Jews do we see at the Palestinian Protests siding with the Arab murderers, in Washington DC, New York City, Germany, London etc,?

Which Jews go out of their way to meet with the Iranian anti-Semitic Leaders and tell them they are joining Iran's war against Israel? Hmmmmmm!?

The Jews that are joining the "foreign nation to fight Moshiach" now while I'm typing these Holy Words, are the  Satmar Savages! 

And that's who the Zohar is talking about!

I know that you're screaming at the screen ....
" Nooo Nooo, No!" "Nein" .... "Nisht" ... "Nada" "Nem" "LO"

"it's the Neturei Karta ..... the Neturei Karta..... "

Well, to that, I say ..... it's Satmar! .... it's Satmar!
The Neturei Karta are only doing the dirty work of Satmar!
They are the fall guys!  

Satmar uses them so they can say, "the Rebbe said that the Neturei Karta is not his Shita!" 
"Our Shita is bringing chicken soup to the hospitals" 


Pick up a Satmar newspaper, be it Der Yid (Zalonie propaganda rag) or Der Blatt (Aronie propagenda rag) Dee Zeitung (a switch hitter), any week you want, and you will see that the Shita of Satmar and the Shita of Neturei Karta are identical! 
That's right! 
Better yet, buy the booklet which comes with a CD, hear the actual words of the Rebbe.

Now my friends, Who is the Zohar HaKodesh talking about when he states that the Jewish heretics will join Iran, Syria etc,.....
The State of Israel or Satmar???

The Zohar is prophesizing that there will come a time during the war of  Gog Um'gog , that Satmar, the Neturei Karta and the leftist Chilonim, will join Iran and Hamas and fight against Moshiach! We are witnessing the prophesy come to fruition in our lifetime!

Now see who the "Rebbe" calls the "eirav rav"

Now see who Din calls the "eirav RAV"

Iran ... great negotiators

Gerer Rebbe: Do Not Travel to Poland

My personal opinion is that no one should travel to any country that was an accessory to the Nazis..why give hard earned dollars to anti-Semites? 
I also think, that the all those Rebbis including the Breslover in Uman should be exhumed and brought to Israel.....just like they did to the shevotim and more recently the Karlinar Rebbe...

The Gerer Rebbe has called for his Chassidim to cancel all travel plans to Poland this summer. Because of an immense lack of modesty prevalent during the summer, the Rebbe said that traveling to Poland should not be an option.
Following the directive of the Rebbe, Chassidim who had made plans cancelled them, even cancelling hotel reservations and taking financial losses as a result, in deference to the esteemed Rebbe.
Among those who canceled trips was Bnei Brak Mayor Chanoch Ziebart.
Gerer Chassidim have often traveled to Poland to daven at the kevorim of the great admorim of Gur, the Sefas Emes and the Chiddushei Harim, and to visit the Gerer Bais Medrash there and the other gedolei olam buried in the country.
The Gerer rebbe first traveled there in 1985, and since then was involved in the renovation of the kevorim there.

Hate mail won’t stop Mayim Bialik: ‘Coming to Israel is a political act’

Mayim Bialik
Actress Mayim Bialik is known for many things, among them old and current TV shows Blossom and The Big Bang Theory, her PHD in neuroscience, and her love for Israel. 
Last week she combined her passion for the holy land and her successful acting gig as the Big Bang Theory’s Amy Farrah Fowler, drawing an international CBS team to Israel for a photo shoot.
Mayim Bialik
"I went with them to Paris two years ago and when they asked me where I wanted to do it this time, I said Israel." She tells The Jerusalem Post."I was amazed they took me up on it." A large portion of her crew came from France, Italy and England, had never visited Israel before and came exclusively to work. "I think that's kind of amazing," Bialik enthuses. She describes the crew's response to Israel as “overwhelmingly positive.”

"The country is far more complicated and fantastic than they had imagined and they can go back and report that Israel is a beautiful place that people can tour and take children to and it has great food and nightlife...that's an amazing outcome," she states.

Bialik notes that the only thing that slightly marred the trip was a stream of hateful messages on social media regarding the very fact that she was in Israel. She says she has received many messages over the years on her social media accounts with language as strong as "Hitler should come and finish the job.” Bialik tends to block the people behind these messages, saying she doesn't like her social media account to be a platform for fighting and disinformation.    "Me coming to Israel is a political act simply because there are people who don't believe in Israel's right to exist," she remarks, adding that this reality is "sobering" for her as an American Jew. "The fact that I'm visiting is enough for people to call for the destruction of the Jewish people." Bialik emphasizes that this type of sentiment is not connected to her politics, but her simple presence in Israel. "I'm very clear on what anti-Semitism looks like."

Mayim Bialik inside house of relative and famous poet Hayim BialikMayim Bialik inside house of relative and famous poet Hayim Bialik

Bialik is not new to backlash over her status as an Israel supporter in Hollywood, having been subject to calls for boycotts against her and to have her fired. She also faced criticism for donating to the IDF during last summer’s Operation Protective Edge in Gaza, which she says triggered a similar dialogue.

Bialik, however, puts politics aside on her regular trips to Israel, particularly when visiting family who live in the West Bank.  'I don't consider it a political statement to visit the West Bank and I avoid talking politics with them," Bialik clarifies. The LA inhabitant who also has family in Kibbutz Gezer, revels in the safety and comfort she feels when she brings her two sons to Israel. Referring to the small size of the country and the relaxed and warm culture, she feels she can give her children more independence when visiting Israel. "I've been asked to watch other people's kids while they run into the supermarket - it's like one big family," she says by way of explanation.

The family oriented actress says she shares more than a science degree with her character Amy Farrah Fowler. “I’m pretty socially awkward,” she laughs, answering in the affirmative when asked if she would be friends with the fictional scientist in real life. “She’s honest, and I gravitate toward interesting people who are intelligent rather than trendy.”

As for Farrah Fowler’s romantic future, Bialik isn’t giving anything away concerning last season’s dramatic ending which saw her breaking up with boyfriend Sheldon Cooper before he revealed an engagement ring to the audience. Claiming she knows nothing of the writers' future plans, she anticipates "whatever works with the strangeness that is Sheldon and Amy - it's clear that neither of them will ever have a conventional relationship."

113th Yahrtzeit of Rav Yaakov Yosef zt”l, New York’s Only Chief Rabbi

Thousands will participate today and on Sunday in visiting and davening at the kever of Rav Yaakov Yosef in the Union Field Cemetery, located at 82-11 Cypress Avenue inRidgewood, Queens. Rav Yaakov Yosef’s yahrtzeit is tomorrow, 24 Tammuz, onShabbos, so the yahrtzeit will be observed today and Sunday.  Buses will be leaving from various locations in Brooklyn and ample parking will be available alongside the cemetery.
The cemetery will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Drinks and refreshments will be served.
Rav Yaakov Yosef was born in the Krozhe Province of Kovno. He studied at the yeshiva in Volozhin under Rav Yisroel Salanter zt”l and was elected as rov of Vilon, Yurburg, and Zhagovy before becoming maggid and acting rovof Vilna in 1883. A brilliant talmid chochom, Rav Yaakov Yosef was known for his brilliance.
When Rav Avrohom Yosef Asch zt”l, the first rov of Beis Medrash HaGadol of the Lower East Side, passed away in 1887, a new rov was sought. There was a common consensus that organizing the many kehillos in New York City under one banner was urgently needed and a decision was made by the 15 most prominent kehillos to appoint a Chief Rabbi. Requests were sent to the leading rabbonim of Europe, the seat of religious Jewry at that time, for recommendations of candidates. Several outstanding applicants were considered. A delegation was dispatched to Europe and consulted with its leading rabbonim for an appointment of a Chief Rabbi of towering Torah and personal stature for New York’s large and growing Jewish community. Rav Yaakov Yosef’s name was repeatedly suggested.
After much deliberation, the position was offered to and accepted by Rav Yaakov Yosef, then de-facto rov of Vilna. Fifteen leading New York City kehillos invited Rav Yaakov Yosef to leave Vilna and serve as the official Chief Rabbi of New York City. Rav Yaakov Yosef was offered an annual remuneration of $2,500, a large sum in those days, a large apartment, and the allegiance of most of America’s frum kehillos. In addition, Rav Yaakov Yosef was presented with $5,000, a veritable fortune, as a signing bonus of sorts to settle debts he personally incurred on behalf of the indigent he privately sustained.
On Shabbos, Parshas Matos-Masei, July 7, 1888, the trans-Atlantic ship Allaire docked at Hoboken, New Jersey. After Havdalah, at approximately 10 p.m., the new Chief Rabbi was taken to the nearby Myers Hotel by horse-drawn carriage. The leaders of the kehillos that joined in appointing the Chief Rabbi, as well as more than 100,000 people, crowded the streets for an opportunity to catch a first glimpse of him, all reported by the daily newspapers of the time. Hoboken had never before seen such a large crowd.
The Chief Rabbi delivered his first public drasha in New York on Shabbos Nachamu, July 28. Beis Medrash HaGadol at 60 Norfolk Street of the Lower East Side of Manhattan was filled to capacity, standing room only, and tens-of-thousands stood outside. Police were necessary for crowd control. Beis Medrash HaGadol, established in 1852, is still at its original location.
Sadly, Rav Yaakov Yosef was accorded great honor only twice during his tenure as Chief Rabbi. When he arrived in 1888, noting that more than a 100,000 people gathered to welcome him, The New York Times heralded him as an ecclesiastical giant in describing his grand arrival and royal reception.
For months, New York City newspapers continued to report about the huge attendances for his weekly Shabbosdrashos. When he passed away in 1902, more than 120,000 people participated in his levaya, the largest New York City had ever seen. His aron was carried through the streets of Manhattan and taken by boat across the East River to Queens.
While at the cemetery, many will visit the nearby kevorim of other notable rabbonim and roshei yeshiva. Not far from Rav Yaakov Yosef’s kever is the kever of Rav Avrohom Yosef Asch zt”l, first rov of Beis Medrash HaGadol of the Lower East Side. In the adjoining Mount Judah Cemetery, which is within very short walking distance, are thekevorim of Rav Avrohom Pam zt”l, Rosh Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Rav Yaakov Kamenetzky zt”l, Rosh Yeshiva Torah Vodaath; Rav Dovid Liebowitz zt”l, Rosh Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim; Rav Dovid Halberstam zt”l, Sokolover Rebbe; and Rav Reuven Grozovsky zt”l, Rosh Yeshiva Torah Vodaath.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Dovid Feldman From Neturei Karta Addresses Muslims in Atlanta Georgia July 26 2014

This Mamzer ben Mamzer addresses a bunch of Arabs that glorify the murderers of our brothers and sisters ...!
this was a year ago, but it's worth seeing again .... so that the Heimishe Oilim sees what the Satmar movement has wrought...he quotes the Satmar Rebbe alot in this sick demented video!
The Neturei Karta and Satmar is one of the same .... though Satmar says that they are separate entities ,,,,,, but don't you believe it for one minute....
In this video he tells the Muslims that only people dressed like him with skunk tails on his head are the real religious Jews!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Mexicans Watch Out! Trump leads GOP presidential field in new national poll

Media coverage of Donald Trump's controversial immigration remarks have lifted the GOP presidential candidate to the top of the Republican field, according to a new Economist/YouGov poll.
Trump was the preferred GOP nominee for president for 15 percent of respondents — 4 points ahead of former Gov. Jeb Bush (Fla.) and Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.), who were tied for second place.
Gov. Scott Walker (Wis.), Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) and former Gov. Mike Huckabee (Ark.) shared the third spot with 9 percent each.
In addition to being the first choice for the majority of likely voters who participated in the poll, Trump was also the primary second choice for those who preferred another candidate as their nominee.
12 percent of respondents said Trump was second in line for their vote, while only 7 percent picked either Bush or Paul as their safety candidate.

Hisachdas Ha'Ganuvim Bus Rules: "All women must sit in back of the bus" "Man and wife cannot sit together"

And so my dear readers, now we know why Moshiach is taking his time, because the men are sitting next to their wives on the bus!

Now the Zhlub who has 11 children and doesn't have the time to really talk to his wife because of "daagas parnoooooseh" won't even be able to steal a couple of minutes talking to her on the bus!

Hisachdus Ha'rabbonim of the USA & Canada

Rules regarding the order of sitting on the "Excellent Buses" to the Catskill Mountains!

A) All men must sit on the right side of the bus and the ladies on the left with a Mechitzah in the middle.

B) Every bus must have a Mechitzah through the length of the entire bus till the last row.

C) If the Mechitza starts for some reason from the 3rd row, then only  men can sit on both sides for first two rows. 

D)  The Mechitzah must be strong enough so that it cannot be easily moved

E) If for some reason there isn't any Mechitzeh on the bus, then the men must sit in the front of the bus and the ladies in back of the bus!

F) A man and his wife are prohibited from sitting next to each other. The man must sit with the men, and the Lady with the women.

We thank the owner of Excellent Buses, Mr. Yisroel Yaakov Gelb and his family, and his hired drivers for their cooperation in the above mentioned rules....

Judge Appears Shocked That Anonymous Unsubstantiated Tip Prompted Bais Yaakov To Expel Student

So let me get this straight, if you were a director of Seminary girls that touched up countless innocent students, then you can keep your position and your seminaries until the cows come home, but if you are a student and anonymous person calls up the principle and tells the principle an unsubstantiated story then we throw the student out!
Preliminary proceedings have begun in a case being brought against a Brooklyn Bais Yaakov, with the presiding judge at the initial hearing expressing incredulity that a teenager could have been thrown out of school because of an unproven accusation by an unnamed individual.
 Lev Bais Yaakov is being sued by a former student, identified in court records only as G.S. because of her age, for expelling her in December 2013 after the school’s principal allegedly received a phone call from a mother charging that G.S. had texted an inappropriate picture of herself to a boy.
 There is  30 pages of court transcripts of the initial hearing, which took place on June 30th in Brooklyn federal court.  According to the transcript, G.S.’s attorney Robert Tolchin outlined the details of the incident to Judge Ramon E. Reyes, Jr., who confirmed facts with Adam Guzik and Israel Goldberg, attorneys for Lev Bais Yaakov, located in Sheepshead Bay.
Tolchin said that his client was ejected from Lev Bais Yaakov because of the picture, which neither his client’s parents, nor anyone in the school, had ever seen.  While the claim had originally been made that it was the menaheles, Mrs. Rivka Oratz, who had received the anonymous tip, Tolchin told Judge Reyes it was actually another member of the administration, tentatively identified by Guzik as general studies principal Batya Sochaczewski, who took the call.
Guzik stated that he had yet to speak with Mrs. Sochaczewski but that it was his understanding that the school’s principals never saw the picture.  Goldberg noted that he believed that the anonymous tipster declined to show anyone alleged picture out of concern that it might tarnish her son’s reputation within the community.
Asked by Judge Reyes if G.S. has been expelled because of an anonymous tip with no proof supplied, Guzik did not deny the claims but rather countered that the alleged offense was a major infraction of school rules. Guzik’s remark prompted the judge to respond with incredulity, asking the defense lawyer twice in succession, “Are you serious?”
Guzik, who said he had not seen all of the case files yet,  said that he believed that G.S.  had been disciplined by Lev Bais Yaakov previously for both in-school cell phone usage and behavioral issues and that she was struggling academically, which precipitated meetings between the school and her parents. Goldberg described G.S. as a “troubled girl” who “was causing trouble” and suggested that her ejection after the anonymous phone call “may have been just the culmination of those many issues.”
Judge Reyes expressed concern about the school’s decision to expel G.S.
“It’s really troubling,” said Judge Reyes.  “It’s really troubling. The straw that broke the camel’s back was an anonymous call and an allegation, if it even happened. You’ve got to admit it’s problematic.”
The June 30th hearing was just the first step in what could be a lengthy legal process, and both sides will begin the disclosure process to identify potential witnesses and relevant documents.  All depositions are scheduled to be completed by the end of December and Tolchin says he expects a trial to begin in early 2016.
“I am looking forward to having the process bring out the truth of what happened,” Tolchin told reporters..

Satmar will now be able to do what Israel cannot: Annex land

Satmar won this battle and I actually applaud them, if they need space they should be able to expand....
but why when it comes to Israel do the "Court" Rebbe Brothers ramble and rant at the Shalish Seeeeeeeedeh Toirelech against the "territories" and side with the Palestinians and scream when the Israelis need to do the exact same thing??

 The Zohar said that the Meraglim,  were into power, and they believed if Klall Yisroel entered Eretz Yisroel, they would lose their prestigious positions in Chult Le'aaretz...so they bad mouthed the land that Hashem gifted to them...
the Satmar "Court" Brothers, the ones that are fighting each other in secular courts, both agree that they would lose their billions, and their positions should they be chased out of America,..... so they hock and hock and hock against the Zionists, hoping that Moshiach will not come so fast.... because they cannot deal with all the repercussions that will come with Mashiach!


NY Governor Andrew Cuomo has just vetoed Assembly Bills A07629 and A07639. These bills were specifically designed to stunt the natural growth of Kiryas Joel, the large Chasidic community within the town of Monroe in Orange County.

The Governor had until midnight to sign or veto legislation that would give Orange County a vital say in the contentious land annexation proposal involving the Village of Kiryas Joel and the Town of Monroe.
The legislation first proposed by Assembly James Skoufis would have given county planning departments more of a say in these types of land annexation deals.

The bill cleared the Assembly and Senate before the end of session.

Right now, Kiryas Joel is overseeing the annexation process as the lead agency.
They stand to more than double in size if the deal goes through, and would receive over 500 acres of land from the Town of Monroe.
They say they need it to build housing for their growing community.
Many people who live in the town have voiced concerns about quality of life if the annexation goes through.

Tribute to a Rebbe that was an IDF Soldier: The Seret Viznitzer Rebbe

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Pope poops in a bathroom with a painting of Jesus!

Where does the Pope poop?
"Der alter ken nisht kockin uhn zein gut!"
In a bathroom that includes an Asian-style rug and a painting of Jesus — when he’s in Ecuador at least.
Officials in the South American country built a spacious bathroom special for Pope Francis in the port city of Guayaquil, a stop on the Pope’s South American tour which began on Sunday. The bathroom also includes a large toilet, a shower and a large mirror.
The pope celebrated Mass at a park in Guayaquil Monday with more than 1 million people in attendance. The Argentinean pontiff is the first South American pope and is also due to visit Bolivia and Paraguay during his tour.

Satmar Rebbe at a loss of words because laughing black teens beat up Chusid in Williamsburg

Satmar Rebbe, Reb Zalman Leib and his mouthpiece "Der Goy" and Satmar Rebbe, Reb Aron and his mouthpiece "Der Bluteh" are always screaming that Jews shouldn't live in the "shtuchim" the "territories" in Israel, because it's a "sakanah" so now that shvartzas beat the hell out of one of their chassidim, right here in "Chitz Le'urettz" they are suddenly quiet!
By the way, it's the 4th incident in less than a week!

Helloooooooow ..... where are you? Rebbelich? 
I'm waiting for your Shalosh Seada Toirelehich!

So you think you are safe in Willy, New York? 
Well, once in a while, the "sitra achra" comes to "gulis" too!

The NYPD is investigating another possible hate crime in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
There have been four attacks against the Orthodox Jewish community in a week — the most recent came late Monday night.
As CBS2’s Ilana Gold reported, a 65-year-old man was attacked around 11 p.m. across the street from his home near Wilson Street and Wythe Avenue.
A teenage boy and girl ran up to him from behind and started punching him in the face and laughing about it, investigators said.
On Tuesday afternoon, CBS2 saw the victim as he limped out of his apartment with cuts and bruises under his eye. He did not want to comment, but his neighbor spoke with CBS2 anonymously.
The neighbor said his son heard the victim screaming for help and then the son ran outside and helped stop the beating. The two young perpetrators fled, the neighbor said.
The neighbor said the victim was “all shocked, confused, as expected.”
The incident follows another attack at 1 a.m. Monday, when a 25-year-old Orthodox Jewish man was struck in the head with a glass bottle on Driggs Avenue.
When asked how the attacks are affecting the community, Rabbi David Niederman of the United Jewish Organization of Williamsburg told Gold: “Basically people start thinking, ‘Can I allow my child to be out even during the day?’ And even adults, at night it’s scary.”
Police have posted flyers across the neighborhood showing a picture of the lone suspect in the bottle attack and warning everyone to be on high alert.
“It’s also a sign in reminding people that unfortunately you are not safe,” Niederman said.
In another supposed hate crime in Williamsburg, surveillance cameras captured men flinching when someone shot off paintballs right above them at a Jewish grocery store. Five minutes later, a 62-year-old was hit with a yellow paintball a few blocks away.
People in the community say they’ll be on edge until police catch whoever is responsible.
Police say Monday night’s crime and the glass bottle attack are not linked. The paintball attacks are being investigated as separate incidents as well.

An Irrelevant Pope Francis to be Tried by Irrelevant Sanhedrin

A re-established and self declared Israeli Sanhedrin, the religious High Court composed of 71 sages, has declared that it is putting Pope Francis on trial unless he retracts his statement that the Jews have no right to the land of Israel or to Jerusalem.
In February 2013, the Vatican officially recognized the “State of Palestine” but more significantly, the Vatican signed a treaty in June with “Palestine” in which the Holy See switched its diplomatic relations from the Palestinian Liberation Organization to the “State of Palestine”. This treaty is the first legal document negotiated between the Holy See and the Palestinian state and as such, constitutes an official recognition.
The trial and judgment will be on September 20th, 2015. If Pope Francis chooses to ignore the summons, he will be judged in absentia.
The Sanhedrin sent a letter to Pope Francis in reaction to the Vatican’s recent support of the Palestinian Authority’s unilateral moves to declare themselves a nation, reported the Hebrew magazine Matzav Haruach on June 24.
The letter stated:
“Because the Vatican recognized the organization known as the Palestinian Authority as a nation, and has begun to refer to it as a nation in its documents. His honor has named the head of said authority as an ‘Angel of Peace’, as was explained by a spokesman for the Vatican, that his intention was to encourage Abu Mazen to advance towards peace. These actions, to our great dismay, are consistent with a long series of actions and stances that are as in the days of the Roman Catholic Religion, that swore to persecute Israel because we refused to accept their Messiah as the Messiah of Israel, and to renounce our faith. The recent announcements and actions of the Vatican are a rebuke to the Jewish Nation and to the Bible, which you use to interpret the prophecies, as if God has abandoned his original Nation of Israel. Reality has proven the opposite to be true.”
“We require from you an apology for your recognizing as a nation those who stole the land, those who are known as the Palestinian Authority, and we are informing the Vatican that the sole God given right to the land of Israel is to the Nation of Israel. If His Honor the Pope, and the Vatican, do not apologize within two weeks of receiving this letter, and if he does not change his ways, we shall judge these actions in the Court of Mount Zion, in a court of 71 Jewish elders of Zion, and enact the prophecy of ‘The liberators will rise up upon Mount Zion, to judge the Mountain of Esau and the kingdom shall be God’s’ (Obadiah 1:21). The court shall judge the Vatican in its presence or in absentia, and it is possible that the Vatican will be found guilty of anti-Semitism, as has been known to be done several times throughout history, and to place responsibility upon the Vatican for all of the outcomes of its actions.”
The letter was signed, “The Secretariat of the Court of Mount Zion”. The authorized representatives of the High Court are Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, Rabbi Yoel Schwartz, Rabbi Dov Levanoni, Rabbi Israel Ariel, Rabbi Daniel Stavsky, Rabbi Yehuda Edri, and Rabbi Dov Meir Shtein.
The Sanhedrin has no political or legal status, and clearly has no authority over the Vatican. However, it is comprised of some of the greatest rabbis of the modern Jewish nation, men who have dedicated themselves to Torah, serving God and Israel. One of the main leaders behind the revival of the Sanhedrin is Rabbi Yoel Schwartz, well known for his advocacy in strengthening non-Jewish support for Israel.
The court’s rulings have the highest spiritual significance. The commandment to appoint judges is learned directly from the Bible (Exodus 18:13) and the present Sanhedrin is an effort to reestablish a tradition dating back to Moses.
Pope Francis’ recent visit to Israel and many of his actions caused disturbing waves in the difficult situation in the region.
His controversial description of Abbas as an “angel of peace” led to the Vatican backtracking and attempts to placate Israel. The Pope’s much-publicized meditation at a section of the security barrier prominently displaying pro-boycott graffiti was used by the Palestinians in an appeal to remove the much-needed security measure. That section of the wall also showed graffiti comparing the wall around Bethlehem to the Warsaw Ghetto. Pictures of the Pope’s visit to the wall went viral and became a symbol for anti-Israel sentiment.
While in Israel, Pope Francis attended Sunday mass at the Church of the Nativity. In his sermon, Latin Patriarch Fuoad Twal accused Israelis of being the present-day version of Christ killers by referring to the Palestinians as walking “in the footsteps of the Divine Child,” and likening the Israelis to King Herod. Shockingly, Pope Francis echoed his remarks in a later speech.
Pope Francis embraced the Palestinian mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Muhammed Hussein calling him “dear brother” in a show of great affection. In 2012, Hussein said it was the destiny of Muslims to kill Jews, who he claims are “subhuman beasts and the enemies of Allah.” Sheikh Hussein has also praised suicide bombers and said their souls “tell us to follow in their path,” remarks the Pope has never condemned.
Most significant, perhaps was a story of the Pope’s visit Caroline Glick told The Jerusalem Post. In a conversation with the Pope, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu mentioned that Jesus spoke Hebrew. Pope Francis corrected him, saying that Jesus spoke Aramaic. A flustered Netanyahu agreed that educated Jews at the time spoke Aramaic, but the language of the common people and the language Jesus preached in was Hebrew.
Reuters wrote of the exchange, noting that, “Modern-day discourse about Jesus is complicated and often political.” The report went on to explain, “Palestinians sometimes describe Jesus as a Palestinian. Israelis object to that.”
Pope Francis embraced Arab leaders, but more significantly, he accepted Palestinian national status, precluding any negotiated peace process, and voiding the validity of Israel’s claim to their God-given homeland.

Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/44759/pope-francis-tried-sanhedrin-jewish-world/#KfuYC5Gv0dLkV9y7.99

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Seret Vizhnitzer Rebbe Rabbi Eliezer Hager former IDF Soldier, Dies At 91

by Sandy Eller
The longtime leader of the Seret-Vizhnitzer sect died today after experiencing a cardiac event in Haifa at the age of 91.
Rabbi Eliezer Hager led the Seret-Vizhnitzer chasidim in Haifa for over 50 years.  Son of the Mekor Baruch and grandson of the Ahavas Yisroel, Rabbi Hager was recognized as the next leader of the chasidus from an early age, continuing on the Kosov-Vizhnitz dynasty.
Rabbi Hager arrived in pre-1948 Israel as an illegal immigrant and was detained at the infamous Atlit Ma’aplim camp in Haifa. He was named to succeed his father as the Rebbe of Seret-Vizhnitz approximately one year after his death. During his lifetime, Rabbi Hager was known as someone who spoke out forcefully against lashon hara, who pursued peace and who reached out to the unaffiliated in an attempt to bring them closer to their roots.
Rabbi Hager’s health had been declining in recent years and he was hospitalized two years ago with back issues.  He has appeared infrequently in public since that time and many of his duties have been carried out by his son, Rabbi Yaakov Hager, son in law to the Biala Rebbe of Bnei Brak.
Rabbi Yaakov Hager, who has been vacationing in Switzerland, is currently on his way back to Israel for his father’s levaya, which is expected to take place tomorrow.

Bring Herzl’s grandparents for reburial in Jerusalem

Over the past decade Israel  has gone to great lengths to fulfill one of the dying wishes of Theodor Herzl, the founding father of modern political Zionism.

Herzl, whose 111th yahrzeit on the Hebrew calendar is being marked today, the 20th of Tammuz, wrote in his will that he wished to be buried next to his father “and to remain there until the Jewish people will transfer my remains to Eretz Israel,” along with those “of my close relatives.”

While nearly all of Herzl’s immediate family members have indeed been brought to the Jewish state for proper re-interment, one of the most influential figures in his life – and the one who may have first inspired his Zionist passion – has yet to receive the same honor.

It is time for this to change, and for Israel to bring the Zionist visionary’s grandfather, Shimon Loeb Herzl, and his wife, Rivkah, to be laid to rest in Jerusalem.

After the State of Israel was established, Herzl’s remains were disinterred in Vienna and reburied on August 17, 1949, beneath the iconic black granite tombstone that bears his name on Mount Herzl. His sister and parents are buried there too.

But despite his express request, it was not until September 2006 that two of his children, Pauline and Hans, were at last brought to Israel and buried next to their father.

Herzl’s third and youngest child, Trude, was murdered by the Nazis at Theresienstadt.

In June 2007, the remains of Trude’s son, Herzl’s only grandson, Stephen Theodore Norman, were exhumed from a Washington, DC, cemetery and transferred to Jerusalem. Norman had visited Israel in 1946 and supported his grandfather’s vision, but tragically took his own life after learning that his parents had died in the Holocaust.

Zev Bielski, then-chairman of the Jewish Agency, said at the time, “It is not often you can carry out historic, Jewish and Zionist justice. Today we did. Herzl dedicated his entire life to the Zionist idea. He sacrificed for us, and today we are doing this for him.”

Nonetheless, Herzl’s paternal grandparents, who profoundly influenced him, remain buried in a small Jewish cemetery in Zemun, outside the Serbian capital of Belgrade.

I came across their graves when visiting the area a few years ago, and it has bothered me ever since.

After all, for anyone familiar with Herzl and his background, the figure of his grandfather looms large among those who shaped his worldview.

Born in 1805, Shimon Loeb Herzl was the son of a rabbi and a religious Jew who served as the gabbai, or sexton, of the local synagogue in Zemun, which was known as Semlin at the time. In the 19th century, the town was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire and straddled the border of Turkish-occupied Serbia.

In 1825, a young and dynamic rabbi, Yehuda Alkalai, was appointed the Zemun’s spiritual leader. Subsequently, nationalist sentiments began to rise in the Balkans, as the Serbs and others grew increasingly vexed by the Ottomans and their heavy-handed policies.

This had a meaningful effect on Rabbi Alkalai, whose Serbian friends and neighbors yearned to be freed from the Turkish yoke and began to agitate for independence.

Within a decade, in 1834, he produced a booklet called Shema Yisrael (Hear, O Israel) proposing something which at the time was considered radical: to create Jewish colonies in the land of Israel as a prelude to redemption. Rabbi Alkalai continued to develop his ideas, writing additional books and pamphlets and traveling throughout Europe to spread his message of Zionist renewal. In his 1845 work Minhat Yehudah, he wrote that, “Redemption must come slowly. The land must, by degrees, be built up and prepared.”

TO ACCOMPLISH this, he offered a novel series of practical suggestions, many of which seem to have clearly inspired Theodor Herzl’s later writings.

And that was no coincidence. After all, Shimon Loeb Herzl was one of Rabbi Alkalai’s most faithful congregants and devoted disciples.

As Hebrew University Professor Robert Wistrich, who passed away just two months ago, noted in his work The Shaping of Israeli Identity, Herzl’s grandfather, “Who annually visited his family in Budapest, always spoke enthusiastically of Alkalai’s ideas and this may have been his grandson’s first exposure” to the rebirth of Jewish life in the Land of Israel.

In other words, Herzl’s grandfather is likely the one who first kindled the spark of Jewish nationalism within young Theodor, a spark that would later ignite the Jewish world and alter the course of Jewish history.

It is therefore only fitting that Shimon Loeb Herzl, who died on November 3, 1879, along with his wife, Rivka, should now finally be brought to a proper burial alongside their famous grandson.

I call on the Israeli government and the Jewish Agency to take the necessary steps to make this happen.

Theodor Herzl did so much for the Jewish people, and laid the modern conceptual foundation for the rebirth of the Jewish state. The least we can do in return is fulfill his wishes and bring the remains of his grandparents back to Jerusalem.

by Michael Freund