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Showing posts with label monroe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monroe. Show all posts

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Satmar hypocrites Call For ‘Mutual Respect’ As Annexation Moves Forward

Again, I'm all for Satmar expanding wherever they live.... 
but calling for "mutual respect" ?
When did Satmar have any "mutual respect" for anyone? 
Why is it ok to call for "mutual respect" from goyim in "chitz Le' uhhhretz" and not have "mutual respect" for other gedoilim that don't or didn't agree with their  insane "SHIT'eh" UMMM?

Where was their "mutual respect" & "civil discourse" to the Kloizenberger? to the Belzer Rebbe? to the Lubavitcher Rebbe? 

Is the "mutual respect" of the goyim in Monroe more important than the "mutual respect" to Moreinu Harav Avraham Yitzchok Kook z"l, a great Tzaddik and lover of Zion? 
How do they justify cursing a Talmud Chacham Muvhak and then have no issue with offering  "mutual respect" to goyim??

Where is their "mutual respect" and " civil discourse" to healthy Zionists building up the land that Hashem promised us? 
Why do they wait  with their "heimishe" chicken soup until people are deathly ill and dying in the hospitals?
Does the Mitzvah of "Ve'uhavtah L'ereichu Kamoicha" only apply to dying Jews?

"Mutual Respect"? .... a bunch of malarkey!

read on ....
In the wake of the governor’s vetoes of two bills pertaining to the proposed annexation of 507 acres of land in the Town of Monroe into the Village of Kiryas Joel, the village’s government relations coordinator called for “civil discourse” as the process moves forward

“It is my hope that civil discourse will be the norm and that we can come together in the spirit of mutual respect so that the process can reach its conclusion and is in the best interest of the community,” said Ari Felberman.
He said the village appreciates that Governor Cuomo “was able to see through the angry rhetoric being advances by Assemblyman (James) Skoufis and looked at these bills for what they really were, a thinly veiled attempt to stop the natural growth of the peaceful, family-oriented community of Kiryas Joel.”

Skoufis, a Democrat, and Republican Senator William Larkin sponsored the legislation that passed in both houses of the legislature. They each expressed their disappointment that Cuomo vetoed the two bills. Orange County Executive Steven Neuhaus also said he was disappointed in the vetoes. 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Satmar will now be able to do what Israel cannot: Annex land

Satmar won this battle and I actually applaud them, if they need space they should be able to expand....
but why when it comes to Israel do the "Court" Rebbe Brothers ramble and rant at the Shalish Seeeeeeeedeh Toirelech against the "territories" and side with the Palestinians and scream when the Israelis need to do the exact same thing??

 The Zohar said that the Meraglim,  were into power, and they believed if Klall Yisroel entered Eretz Yisroel, they would lose their prestigious positions in Chult Le'aaretz...so they bad mouthed the land that Hashem gifted to them...
the Satmar "Court" Brothers, the ones that are fighting each other in secular courts, both agree that they would lose their billions, and their positions should they be chased out of America,..... so they hock and hock and hock against the Zionists, hoping that Moshiach will not come so fast.... because they cannot deal with all the repercussions that will come with Mashiach!


NY Governor Andrew Cuomo has just vetoed Assembly Bills A07629 and A07639. These bills were specifically designed to stunt the natural growth of Kiryas Joel, the large Chasidic community within the town of Monroe in Orange County.

The Governor had until midnight to sign or veto legislation that would give Orange County a vital say in the contentious land annexation proposal involving the Village of Kiryas Joel and the Town of Monroe.
The legislation first proposed by Assembly James Skoufis would have given county planning departments more of a say in these types of land annexation deals.

The bill cleared the Assembly and Senate before the end of session.

Right now, Kiryas Joel is overseeing the annexation process as the lead agency.
They stand to more than double in size if the deal goes through, and would receive over 500 acres of land from the Town of Monroe.
They say they need it to build housing for their growing community.
Many people who live in the town have voiced concerns about quality of life if the annexation goes through.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Were Dasan V'aviram Satmar?

Originally, while still in Egypt they were committed Zionists, we know that, because they survived the makkah of Choshech in Mitzrayim. Only those Jews who wanted to remain in Chutz L'aaretz succumbed to the plague of darkness! Even though Dasan V'aviram were rashaim having given over information to Pharoh that Moshe killed the Egyption, Hashem spared them because at that time Dasan V'aviram still looked forward to go to Eretz Yisrael.

In this week's Parshas Korach, we see a sudden turn of events in reference to Dasan V'aviram. When Moshe goes to talk to them, to try to convince them to coax them to separate from the "Gadol Hador" Korach, they utter words right out of the Satmar handbook Al Hagilah V'al Hatmirah ...they say with proudness 
"Lo naaleh, we will not make aliya!"

The Satmar Rebbe R' yoel z"l did not allow any Satmars to make Aliya pre-WW2, even when the cursed Nazis were nipping at the Hungarian/Roumanian borders ...... and get this, even after WW2, having  learned that 6 million Jews were annihilated, he was adamant that they remain in Chutz L'aaretz ,unless they had special permission.

So what actually  happened that turned Dasan V'aviram to become ardent Satmars?

They attached themselves to then "Gadol Hador"....  Korach! 

There were other Gedolim (Moshe and Aaron, Yehoshuah, Kalev)  that advocated going to Eretz Yisroel, and it  mattered not who lived there....even if Eretz Yisroel was surrounded by enemies; Ameleik lived in the Negev, the Chittes, the Yevusites, the Amorites lived on the mountain, the Canaanites lived by the sea and by the banks of Jordan...but all the Gedolim really wanted was the gift that Hashem gave us .... Eretz Yisroel.

but they, Dasan V'aviram listened to their "Gadol" who even though their Gadol made absolutely no sense and spoke and 'ploppeled" naarishkeiten,  they went with their "Daas Torah" and said
 "Lo Naaleh .....Nope ....No  Aliya for us"
We now  know the catastrophic results in both situations!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Satmar Rebbes say 770 Stabbing was because America Stole NY from the Indians!

Well .... they never actually said it ....
but this is Satmar "farkrumtah" logic...
Didn't the "Chuchim" from Monroe say that the three kidnapped boys that were murdered by the Arabs, was because they were settlers?
So why is this stabbing different? Didn't the Americans steal this land from the Indians?