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Monday, October 6, 2014

“Jews of no religion” are on a fast track to leaving the Jewish people altogether. New PEW POLL!

That's the bad news, but there is good news too, Read!

The new Jewish year opened with some encouraging Jewish news: 

According to aPew Research poll cited by NPR last week, more than a quarter of the so-called millennial generation of American Jews now keeps kosher, almost double the percentage among their parents’ generation. 
This isn’t because Orthodox Jews have more children; as the NPR report noted, many millennial kashrut observers didn’t grow up in kosher homes. Nor have they become Orthodox themselves: 

The Pew data shows that only half of kashrut-observant millennials observe Shabbat. But by deciding to keep kosher they have opted for a more distinctly Jewish identity – and that’s good news for anyone who cares about either American Jewry or Israel.
For decades now, soaring intermarriage rates and growing disinterest in organized religion have raised fears regarding the future of American Jewry. Indeed, the same 2013 Pew poll that NPR quoted greatly reinforced these fears: Inter alia, it found that while 93 percent of Jews born in 1914-27 consider themselves “Jews by religion,” that is true for only 68% of millennials, or people born after 1980; the remaining 32% of millennials define themselves as “Jews of no religion.” 

And by every conceivable measure, “Jews of no religion” are bad news for both the Jewish people and Israel. 
A whopping 67%, for instance, raise their children “not Jewish,” compared to only 7% for Jews by religion, while 79% have non-Jewish spouses, more than double the 36% among Jews by religion. Fully 54% say being Jewish is of little or no importance to them, more than five times the rate among Jews by religion (10%); 55% feel little or no attachment to Israel, more than double the rate among Jews by religion (23%); and only 10% care about being part of a Jewish community, less than a third the rate among Jews by religion (33%).
In short, “Jews of no religion” are on a fast track to leaving the Jewish people altogether. Thus anyone who cares about American Jewry’s survival should be rooting for young Jews to become more attached to the Jewish religion. 
And millennials who opt to keep kosher are necessarily doing exactly that, because keeping kosher requires them to recommit to Judaism every day anew: Day after day they must decide what to eat or not eat, what to buy or not buy. Thus the fact that 27% of American Jews aged 18-29 keep kosher, up from 16% among the 50+ group, is a ray of light in the otherwise gloomy Pew data. 
It’s also encouraging with regard to a related worry: that young American Jews are growing away from Israel. The Pew data unequivocally proves that the more American Jews care about Judaism, the more likely they are to care about Israel. That’s why Jews by religion deem caring about Israel “essential” to their Jewish identity at more than double the rate of Jews of no religion (49% to 23%). 

Moreover, that's why even among Jews by religion, the proportion who consider caring about Israel “essential” generally correlates closely with attachment to traditional Jewish praxis, rising from 31% among nondenominational Jews to 42% for Reform, 58% for Conservative and 79% for modern Orthodox (the ultra-Orthodox are anomalous; at 45%, they resemble Reform Jews).  
This correlation was inadvertently highlighted by a front-page New York Times story last month in which rabbis who criticize Israel complained about congregational backlash. “Rabbis are just really scared because they get slammed by their right-wing congregants, who are often the ones with the purse strings,” 

Conservative Rabbi Jill Jacobs said. She didn’t bother analyzing that telling statement, but I will: Major synagogue donors, by definition, are people who care deeply about maintaining organized Jewish religious life. And those are precisely the people who, as the Pew data shows, tend to be most supportive of Israel, and hence most likely to object to anti-Israel sermons.
Even Peter Beinart, who has made a career out of blaming Israeli policy for “distancing” young American Jews from Israel, admitted in a surprising pre-Rosh Hashanah op-ed that the main culprit is actually their alienation from religion. 
“The greatest threat to Jewish life in the United States is not the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It’s religious illiteracy,” he wrote, before adding that, “the best way to ensure that American Jews stay connected to Israel is to ensure that they stay connected to Judaism ... If you care deeply about Jewish tradition, you’re likely to care deeply about Israel,” whereas if you’re indifferent to the Bible and the synagogue and Jewish holidays, “you’re likely to be indifferent to Israel too.”
Thus the fact that some young American Jews are becoming more attached to Judaism offers hope for their attachment to Israel as well. 
It’s also worth noting, as Mitchell Bard did last month, that decades of Gallup polling among Americans overall show a tendency for people to become more supportive of Israel as they age. In 1982, for instance, 49% of Americans aged 18-29 sympathized with Israel more than the Palestinians; today, when those same people are 55+, 74% of them support Israel. In 1996, 32% of 18 to 29-year-olds favored Israel; today, those people are aged 36-47, and 58% of them do so. 
Why this happens isn’t clear, though I suspect moving from the left-wing hotbed of college campuses to the real world plays a role. But assuming American Jews resemble other Americans in this regard, one would expect millennials to become more supportive of Israel as they age regardless of their Jewish identity. When you combine this with a salient indicator of enhanced Jewish identity like increased kashrut observance, the widespread assertion that Israel is “losing” the millennial generation seems, at least, premature.
None of this justifies complacency: If we want to ensure that young Jews remain attached to the Jewish people and Israel, investing in their knowledge of and attachment to Judaism is vital. But as the upsurge of kashrut observance among millennials shows, it’s not yet too late. For far from losing interest in being Jewish, some young American Jews are clearly hungry for a Judaism with more to offer than just the latest liberal talking points. 

Evelyn Gordon is a journalist and commentator. Follow her on twitter here.

Single Girl Solves "Shidduch Crisis" Marries Herself!

Grace Gelder throws the bridal bouquet
A woman so fed up with the dating scene and single life has become the first person in Britain to marry HERSELF.
Grace Gelder even 'proposed' to herself on a park bench and staged a full wedding ceremony with 50 guests.
The photographer said that after being single for six years she had built up a brilliant relationship with herself - and creating that bond with someone else seemed like too much hard work.
Inspired by the Björk song Isobel, which includes the line, 'My name's Isobel, married to myself', the Londoner said the lyric struck a chord with her and it was then she decided to walk solo down the aisle.
From proposing to herself on the park bench in Parliament Hill, London, last November, right through to the ceremony in mid-March this year, the matrimony was approached like an ordinary wedding.
Grace bought a dress, a ring, rehearsed vows and eventually wed in a farmhouse in rural Devon watched by her sister and friends -sealing the deal by planting a kiss on a mirror.
Speaking to the Guardian, she said: "A few did comment, in a light-hearted way, that it was a bit narcissistic. Obviously, if you have just announced you’re marrying yourself, it is plainly a statement of self-love, and I was under no illusion how self-indulgent that might appear.
"But I was completely comfortable with my motivations. I’d been on a journey of personal development using meditation, dance and performance to increase my self-awareness.
"Included in this was a Shakti Tantra programme focused on sexuality and how this was bound up with making agreements with yourself and other people.
"Sitting on that park bench, it dawned on me that a self-marriage ceremony witnessed by other people would potentially be this massively powerful means of making those agreements stick."
Grace was wed by her friend Tiu - a celebrant - who backed her plans and said the deal would set her up for a new phase of life.
But Grace suffered a case of the pre-wedding jitters only a month before the big day and had to be convinced she was doing the right thing.
Although the wedding holds no legal ground, Grace is glad she is no longer a 'single' lady.
She added: "It felt like a really big deal saying my vows, which were mostly about me promising to take more risks in matters of the heart. I really don’t see it as any kind of feminist statement, but creating a wedding of this kind on my own terms felt incredibly empowering."

Revised Map of New Square, if Jews would acquiesce and not live in 1 mile radius from New Square

Exclusive to DIN:
See new Spring Valley/New Hempstead Map, should New Square be successful with their "Judenrein" wish!

Map was drawn by a reader of DIN

This seems to be the first time since the Weimar Republic that someone is requesting in
"print" to have areas surrounding them, "Judenrein!"

At least 30 shuls are within that 1 mile radius.
Just a sampling of the shuls:
Cong Knesses Yisroel, Cong Kehilat New Hempstead, Rabbi Senter's Shul, Rabbi Teichman's Shul, Cong Ohaiv Shalom, Rabbi Spiegal's shul, Rabbi Neuberger's shul etc

There is no word yet, how Jews will be able to travel on the Palisaides Parkway, which is within the 1 mile radius, as indicated on the above map!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Ben Affleck, clueless actor, defends Muslims Video

Ben Affleck, the Oscar-winning actor and director, has launched a ferocious defense of Islam, after becoming involved in a heated argument when he appeared on an American chat show.
Affleck, the star of Good Will Hunting and director of Argo, appeared on HBO’s television show Real Time with Bill Maher to promote his latest film, Gone Girl.
But instead of talking about the film, the 42-year-old found himself in a furious discussion with both Maher and Sam Harris, the author of a series of books on religion.
Maher, an outspoken atheist and critic of Islam, said last week in his show that “vast numbers of Muslims around the world believe that humans deserve to die for merely holding a different idea, or drawing a cartoon, or writing a book, or eloping with the wrong person.”
He said: “Not only does the Muslim world have something  in common with ISIS, it has too much in common with ISIS.”
Mr Harris said: “When you want to talk about the treatment of women and homosexuals and free thinkers and public intellectuals in the Muslim world, I would argue liberals have failed us.
“The crucial point of confusion is we have been sold this meme of Islamaphobia – where every criticism of the doctrine of Islam is conflated with bigotry towards Muslims as people. Which is intellectually ridiculous.”
Affleck was angered by his comments, questioning Harris’ interpretation.
“You are saying that Islamaphobia is not a real thing?” he said. “It’s gross, it’s racist. It’s like saying ‘that shifty Jew’.”
Harris replied: “Ben, we have to be able to criticize bad ideas. And Islam at this moment is the motherload of bad ideas.”
Affleck looked shocked, muttering “Jesus Christ!” under his breath and sitting back in his chair. He then responded, telling Harris: “That’s an ugly thing to say.”
Maher backed up the author, telling Affleck that he was wrong to state that fundamentalist beliefs were only held by “a few bad apples”.
Affleck countered: “How about the more than a billion people who aren't fanatical, who don’t punish women, who just want to go to school, have some sandwiches, and don’t do any of the things you say all Muslims do?”
When Michael Steele, a political analyst, attempted to support Affleck, arguing that many moderate Muslim voices were not given the same amount of coverage as extremist ones, he was shouted down by Maher.
“It’s the only religion that acts like the Mafia. That will ------- kill if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture or write the wrong book,” said Maher.
Affleck replied to his host: “Your argument is, ‘You know, black people, they shoot each other.’” Maher replied: “No it’s not! It’s based on facts!”
After ten minutes of fierce argument, Maher moved on – accepting that the panel would never see eye to eye.

People driving R' Chaim Kanievsky Nuts Motzei Yom Kippur

Here is a "zokin muflig," who fasted all day on Yom Kippur, and so what do the crazy followers do?
They shove an esrog at him to ask him if it's kosher!

I don't get it, don't we have a Shulchan Aruch that states what is a kosher esrog and what isn't? Aren't there countless books with photos depicting Kosher Esrogim and Posil Esrogim? 
They can't give this guy a break? 
Shoving esrogim at him???? 
Motzei Yom Kippur

Klausenberger - Sanz Rebbe looses consciousness during Yom Kippur Davening

The Rebbe of Sanz, a Chassidic dynasty, fainted during davening on the night of Yom Kippur, causing great anxiety among his followers.

Shortly before midnight Friday, his assistants noticed that he had lost consciousness and after he received initial care on the spot, he was evacuated on foot to the hospital.

His followers remained in the beit midrash all night, to say Tehillim for his recovery.

After receiving an IV drip during the night. He was released from hospital and back on his feet by morning, and continued to fast, leading the davening 

Followers of the rebbe estimate that the fainting was caused by the fact that the rebbe slept very little during the “Days of Awe” between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Gmar Chasima Tova

New Square Bais Din Begs Jews Not to Buy Houses within 1 mile of New Square to keep the "Shtetel" holy

The Bais Din Zedek D'Shikun Square, is requesting Jews to "not purchase any lots within a mile of New Square" to keep the community isolated so that the community stays "completely impervious to outside influences."

The first New Square Rabbi's, (who founded the community,) deepest desire was to have New Square be a "private corner in the world where the founding residents and their future generations would live according to the unique standards established by the Rebbe z"l" 
The Rebbe understood that it would be impossible to retain the same level of adherence to his legacy unless the Kehilla remained a separate entity and therefore he chose to establish his shtetl in such a secluded area. Only then, he felt, would his community remain almost completely secluded by any outside influences.

Because of the explosive growth and spread of the many communities around New Square, the Bais Din asks Jews to please uphold the "holy tzaddik's desire for his kehilla to retain its unique identity in complete isolation."  If the surrounding Jewish communities were to spread even further towards New Square , to the point of reaching the parameters of New Square, the "blurring of our borders would defeat the founding-purpose of the shtetl."

The Bais Din emphasizes that they legally have no right to demand this of anyone, but ask people to respect their wishes! 


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Satmar Yiddish Newspaper Headlines Blame Zionists for Forbidding them to Beat their Chickens!

Dear readers,
 I'm getting loads of emails complaining about the fact  that I keep knocking the Satmar Yiddish Weeklies and that I'm spreading Loshon Hara  .....

Read the headlines yourself, and if you can't read yiddish, get someone that can. The ones spreading "Loshan Hara" are the Satmar newspapers themselves, I'm just translating and reporting back to you.
Instead of writing about the upcoming Yomim Toivim, they are busy with "pista maasis" bashing the holy State of Israel on every single opportunity!
They are upset that the Chilonie Government is concerned about "Tzaar Baalei Chayim" and they, with the long beards, who chap sherayim from the Rebbe's soup, don't care that chickens are being tortured by their little children and don't give a hoot, that the live chickens are broiling in the sun!

These papers  came out today, Erev Yom Kippur! 

Der Blatt
 The above headline reads: 
"The Evil (dark) Decree from the Heretic Government stop Jewish residents of Eretz Yisroel from carrying out their custom of beating chickens!

Dee Zeitung
 The above Headline reads:
The State of Israel prohibits the custom of Kapporis with the excuse that they (the government) are concerned for the health and pain (of the chickens)
Der Yid

The above Headline reads: 
Zionist Government attempts to stop the Chareidim from carrying out the minhag of "Kapporis" on Eseres Yemei Teshuvah

Now, in great contrast, see the Headlines of the Yated and The Jewish Press! 
So tell me, who are the ones lying, spreading Loshon Hara, and spewing hate on Erev Yom Kippur??? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm?

12 Year Old Eitan Bernath makes it on "Chopped" TV Food Show

While producers at the Food Network touted Tuesday night’s episode of Chopped as groundbreaking because of its pint sized chefs, the September 30th installment of the cable television cooking show also featured what might have been another landmark moment, with possibly the first ever yarmulka-clad chef making an appearance on the show.
While Chopped has featured teen tournaments in the past, all four of the mini-gourmands featured on Tusday’s episode were between ten and eleven years old when the show was filmed last spring

12 year old Eitan Bernath of Teaneck was one of four youngsters selected from thousands of applicants to appear on the popular reality show, an elimination style program which pits a quartet of chefs against each other preparing gourmet food with mystery ingredients, which range from the conventional to the bizarre.
Eitan, currently a seventh grader at Yavneh Academy in Paramus, professed a lifelong love of cooking, an interest that he began cultivating seriously at the age of nine and a half.
Eitan’s Chopped odyssey began last December when his father, Jason, received an email about a casting call for the cooking show.  Eitan and his mother, Sabrina, filled out the application on a whim and after an interview process that took several months, the Bernaths received word in March that Eitan had been selected to appear on the show. 
While the episode was filmed last April, the Bernaths were contractually obligated to remain silent about any and all details of the show until after it aired publicly.
“At first it was a little hard to keep it secret, but over time I just got used to it,” said Eitan 
Eitan consulted with Yavneh principal Rabbi Jonathan Knapp to find out how to deal with any potentially problematic halachic situations that might arise while cooking.
“Basically he told me I just couldn’t cook milk and meat together,” said Eitan. “The people at Chopped were extremely nice and we told them that it would be a problem so they made sure it didn’t happen.”
The episode, titled “Short Order Cooks”, began with the diminutive chefs charged to create an appetizer using the four mystery ingredients:  ground beef, slider buns, tomatoes and cotton candy.
“At first when I opened the basket there was a shadow and I thought I saw a squash,” said Eitan. “But then I realized it was cotton candy.  All I could think of was ‘What am I going to do with that?’”
Chef contestants, Christopher Pappas, Lily Nichols, Mona Ziabari and Eitan Bernath stand together during a judging segment, as seen on Food Network’s Chopped, Season 21.Chef contestants, Christopher Pappas, Lily Nichols, Mona Ziabari and Eitan Bernath stand together during a judging segment, as seen on Food Network’s Chopped, Season 21.
In fact, the cotton candy turned out to be trickier than anticipated as Eitan tried to transform the wispy treat into a sauce. The first batch of cotton candy burned when heated into what Eitan described on air as “black, gooey disgustingness.”  In Eitan’s second attempt, the cotton candy refused to melt. It was the third try that finally proved to be successful, with Eitan dissolving the cotton candy in simmering orange juice.
While the ground beef sliders, seasons with chili powder and Dijon mustard cooked up problem free, Eitan’s panko-coated deep fried tomato slices were inadvertently left in the fryer, minimizing the “wow-factor” of Eitan’s cuisine.
Eitan did not find his inability to taste his creations to be a setback.
“It wasn’t hard cooking food I couldn’t eat,” said Eitan. “I kept imagining what it would taste like.”
While many Chopped contestants have complained about the time limitations imposed on each course, Eitan found the 30 minutes allotted to the appetizer round to be sufficient.
“I wasn’t rushing, rushing, rushing,” recalled Eitan. “People say it feels like time is flying but to me it just felt like a regular half hour.”
Celebrity chefs Geoffrey Zakarian, Alex Gournaschelli and Scott Conant offered both praise and constructive criticism to Eitan for his dish, which featured mini burgers on slider buns topped with cut up tomato and ketchup, accented with a drizzle of cotton candy sauce.
Eitan, the first chef to be eliminated in the episode, was disappointed but poised as he thanked the judges for what he called “an amazing experience,” shaking hands with the judges and Chopped host Ted Allen.  The winning chef, 11 year old Lily Nichols of Cinnaminson, New Jersey, took home a $10,000 prize, while each of the other three contestants received $500 gift certificates to the Food Network’s online store.
Both Eitan and his mother described Chopped as a wonderful opportunity, with the judges and the crew going out of their way to accommodate the contestants.  Mrs. Bernath noted that at one point the contestants were eating lunch and host Ted Allen noticed that Eitan wasn’t eating. Realizing that Eitan would only eat kosher food, Allen sent someone out to pick up lunch for Eitan.
“He told Eitan that they wanted to make sure he had something to eat also and the two of them sat on the couch eating together,” said Mrs. Bernath.  “Eitan thought it was really cool.”
mom Sabrina, Eitan, brother Yoni, dad Jasonmom Sabrina, Eitan, brother Yoni, dad Jason
While one of the highlights of Chopped for Eitan was seeing celebrity judges savoring his cooking, for Mrs. Bernath it was seeing Eitan’s behavior throughout the experience, particularly after he was eliminated from the competition.
“Eitan decided that for the rest of the day he was going to be the emcee,” said Mrs. Bernath. “As each one of the contestants was chopped, Eitan was there offering them food and water and consoling the parents.  He was the one cheering everyone on and he made a tremendous impression on everyone there.”
Although Eitan didn’t take home the grand prize on Chopped, he has found himself to be in demand in recent weeks. Over 100 people attended a food demonstration at Grand & Essex in Bergenfield this past Monday night, where Eitan cooked up beef sliders and skirt steak burritos.
His future plans, in addition to his schoolwork and preparing for his Bar Mitzvah in May, include a Chanukah cooking demonstration at Grand & Essex and possible collaborations with the Center for Kosher Culinary Arts, a Teaneck restaurant, an appearance on the Chabad Telethon and another cooking demonstration for a well known men’s clothing store.
According to his English principal, Barbara Rubin, Eitan’s fame has not gone to his head.
“Eitan is a young man who really embodies middos as an individual and truly is someone who will become an asset to klal yisroel,” said Mrs. Rubin. “His studies are important. His development as a ben Torah is important. He is a young man with kavod, who treats everyone with dignity and is very well rounded and grounded at such a young age. This is one unique young man.”
Eitan, whose favorite subject is math, says that he hopes to continue pursuing his passion for cooking, and he plans to follow in the footsteps of Guy Fieri, another Food Network personality.
“I can’t eat most of the food he makes, but I want to be how he is,” said Eitan. “He is always happy and when he is in the room, everyone is smiling.”

White House warns Jews not to build in their very own country!

Nir Barkat, Mayor of Jerusalem

What's up with this? Arabs can build anywhere ... be it in Saudi Arabia, Jordan or Jerusalem, but Jews can't! ....

In the USA, you can not discriminate, if a black or a green guy buys land or buys a building anywhere in the USA, you cant stop him, constitutionally, from moving in, but Obama wants Israel to stop Jews from moving into property that they bought fair and square in their very own country.

Where is the Agudah? They put their fingers in a local election in Monsey, but keep their mouths shut when it comes to something as frightening as this.

Where are all the "machers" with their keys, and their GMC's with the darkened windows and flashing lights? 

So what can we shzlubbs do to stop this idiocy? We can can call or email our Senators and Representatives,to have the State Department  BUTT out of this!

My Representatrive in Rockland County is a "lemech" called Eliot Engel, so I called him up and some chickie poo answers the phone.

Me:  "Can I speak to Eliot?" 
Secretary: "What's your name and what is this about?"
Me: " My name is DIN, and I don't know what this about because he called me" (I lied because I figured this is the only way I'll get him on the  phone)
Secretary: 1 Minute...
So sure enough, miracles of miracles, he gets on the phone, and he actually listened to me....
I told him, (what Mordechai told Esther,) maybe the only reason you got elected is to intervene on Israel's behalf and tell the State Department, that Jews will continue to build wherever they want.
He told me that he did in fact call them, I said why don't you get the other big mouth Schumer and make a press conference.. 
Engel: Bla bla bla bla bla 
Bottom line is you have to call or email..

So here is Mayor Nir Barkat's Statement vis a vis the crazy statement from the White House:

“I say this firmly and clearly: building in Jerusalem is not poisonous and harmful – rather, it is essential, important and will continue with full force. I will not freeze construction for anyone in Israel’s capital. Discrimination based on religion, race or gender is illegal in the United States and in any other civilized country.
“2,600 apartments in Givat HaMatos that we approved two years ago will enable more young people from all sectors and religions to live in Jerusalem and build their future here, thereby strengthening the capital of Israel. We will not apologize for that.”

Breaking News! RCC evacuated Bomb Threat!

Bomb threat at Rockland Community College, Building evacuated.
- A bomb threat caused SUNY Rockland Community College in Suffern to be evacuated this morning.
Hundreds of students, staff and administrators are being told to leave campus located on 145 College Road.
School officials say classes have been canceled as a safety precaution, and that no one has been injured.

No further info at this time.

Lady Chassidic Rebbe Will Get a Street Named After Her

The Heiliger Chana Ruchel Webermacher
My "Holy" comments after the article! 

From The Jewish Press:
A Jerusalem Municipality decision recently angered Hareidi (Ultra-Orthodox) representatives of the city, according to a report by Tzipi Malcob.

The municipality decided to name a street "HaBetula meLudmir", or in English, "The Virgin from Ludmir".

As you can imagine, using the word "Virgin" in a Jerusalem street name might upset some sensitive religious sensibilities.

But before you decide that the Jerusalem Municipality is trying to upset its Hareidi citizens, here is a little background.

The Virgin of Ludmir was the name given to Chana Rachel Webermacher (1805-1888), born in the town of Ludmir, Volhynia (now the Ukraine).

Webermacher was an unusual person. At one point in her life she decided to take on many of the ritual practices usually reserved for men, such as wearing Talit and T'fillin (possibly even wearing 2 pairs of T'fillin).

Due to community pressure in Ludmir, she got married, but quickly got divorced. She may have even gotten married and quickly divorced a second time.

Webermacher gained the reputation as a holy woman, and in 1860, she made Aliyah and moved to Jerusalem.

But what made her most unusual, is that it appears that Webermacher actually held court in her Meah Shearim home, with her own Hassidim, receiving her followers, handing out blessings and presiding over a regular Shabbos Tish, just like any other Hassidic Admor.

It's also known that Webermacher studied Kababla, taught Torah to women, and prayed with women at the Kotel and at Rachel's Tomb.

In short, the first Hassidic feminist.

She died in 1888, and was buried on the Mount of Olives.

In order to relieve Hareidi displeasure at having the word "Virgin" in the street name, the committee decided to change the name of the street to "The Virgin of Ludmir - Chana Rachel Webermacher".

The Hareidi representatives deemed that a respectable compromise.

What is not yet known is which Jerusalem neighborhood will welcome the Virgin.

So my friends, why is it ok for the Torah to write "Besulah" to describe Rivkah (Chayeh Sarah 24:16)? 

Why is it ok to write "Besulah" on the Ketubah?
But it's not ok to write it for a street? I don't get it?

It also seems like that Chareidim are not upset that they are going to name a street after a single lady, that spoke to men, read their kvittlach and ate her sharyim. They are also not upset that she wore Tefillin & Tzizis and davened with women at the Kosel.
So why are we getting bent out of shape, that the Women of the Wall want to do the same thing?
Also did she wear "Vasseh Shtrimp?" 

History of Webermacher from Mishpacha Mag printed on November  5, 2013
On 22 Tammuz/June 11, 2004, a hakamas matzeivahtook place on Har HaZeisim at the newly discovered gravesite of Chana Rochel Webermacher (1806–1888). It was the 116th yahrtzeit of the “Ludmirer Moid,” or Maiden of Ludmir, as she was also known.
The story of the only chassidish female who behaved like a rebbe — fiering tisch, accepting kvittlach, and performing miracles — but didn’t belong to any of the chassidic dynasties, has generated many articles, books, and plays in countries around the world. From these many accounts, it is possible to piece together a picture of one of the most fascinating lives of the last century.

A Rebbe’s Blessing
Chana Rochel’s story begins in the shtetl of Volodymir, Volhynia (then Russia, today northwestern Ukraine). Called Ludmir by its Jewish inhabitants, the shtetl is associated with the Tosfos Yom Tov, Rav Yom Tov Lipman Heller, who served as rav there from 1634–1643, and the Noda B’Yehudah, Rav Yechezkel Landau, who attended yeshivah there in the 18th century. Another prominent citizen of Ludmir was the founder of the Karliner dynasty, Rav Shlomo HaLevi, who settled in the town in 1786.
Munish Webermacher and his wife, a wealthy couple living in Ludmir, had been childless for over ten years when they were given a blessing for children by a chassidishe rebbe. Although all sources agree that Munish was a chassid of the Maggid of Chernoble, Rav Mordechai Twersky, they differ as to which rebbe gave the brachah that produced the Webermachers’ brilliant red-haired daughter. Since there is no documentary evidence regarding this fact — most written accounts were published decades after her birth — some historians of Chassidus, such as Shmuel Abba Horodetzky, a grandson of Rav Aaron of Chernoble, and writers such as Yochanan Twersky, another scion of the Chernobler dynasty and author of a Hebrew novel about the Maiden of Ludmir, attribute the blessing to the Maggid of Chernoble.
On the other hand, writers Menashe Unger, a brother-in-law of the late Bluzhever Rebbe, and Ephraim Taubenhaus, a descendant of the Maggid of Mezeritch, who wrote much about the Maiden of Ludmir, claimed it was the Seer of Lublin who told the Webermachers that he foresaw a child being born to them within the year who was going to have a very lofty soul.
Chana Rochel was unlike other children, who liked to play. She was always hungry for knowledge and begged to learn Torah. Her father hired private tutors for her, but tried to dissuade her from learning Gemara. When she continued to beg him to teach it to her, he finally humored her and permitted her to learn, hoping she would find it too difficult and lose interest. Instead, she became an outstanding student and became renowned as a “talmid chacham.”
The awe-inspiring kavanah she exhibited when she davened three times a day set her apart as an unusually holy girl. When she reached bas mitzvah age, she insisted on putting on two sets of tefillin, those of Rashi and Rabbeinu Tam, in private. Her father, who was very upset with her behavior, took her to his rebbe, hoping the Maggid of Chernoble would dissuade her from behaving like a male.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bnei Brak woman drugged and raped after meeting a man through a Shadchan

A Bnei Brak woman said that she woke up in a bed naked after being set up on a date through a matchmaker, Israel Police said.

The Petah Tikva Police Department said that they arrested 40-year-old Boaz Aharon on Monday, after being accused of raping the 35-year-old woman at an apartment in Petah Tikva.

During the night, the woman called the police after she woke up in the man’s bed. The woman could not tell police where she was, but officers located her by tracing her cellphone.

Police arrived at the apartment and arrested the man.

He was brought before the Petah Tikva Magistrate's Court for a bail hearing where he was remanded into custody for at least 4 days.

According to the police investigation, the woman met the suspect through a matchmaker. When she arrived at his apartment, he asked for sex, and when she refused he offered her a drink.

The woman told investigators that she does not remember what happened to her after she had the drink until she woke up naked in the man’s bed, leading police to believe that she was drugged and raped.

DIN: I have some questions;
1) Why did she meet him at the apartment?
2) After he asked her for sex, why did she accept a drink?

Chareidee Fanatics blame the "wicked" Israeli Government for making them use money instead of Chickens for Kapporis

Anyone visiting Israel during the Aseres Yemei Teshuva, couldn't help but observe the flagrant abuse of chickens, perpetrated by the chareidim, leaving the chickens broiling in the sun, alive.!

So, even though the prohibition of Tzar baalei Chayim is an Issur D'orisah, they insist on using chickens since this is their minhag, a minhag that the Mechaber says should not be practiced, and the Mishna Berura explains and clearly states that the reason the Mechaber doesn't want it practiced  is because it is a "minhag amoirie" a minhag of Ovdei Avoda Zara!
See Mechaber, that explicitly says that this Minhag should not be done. See Mishna Berurah that explains the reason of the mechaber and says that the reason is should not be done is because of "Darkei Hamoirie" The Rama actually says that "Vein Leshanois" that people should not stop shlugging Kaporis, but if the Rama would be alive today, he would prohibit it because of the Issur of "Tzar Baalei Chayim"

Years ago, when I grew up, you went to the market or the butcher and he had chickens for his customers and the chickens looked into the "Bnei Adam" and every one went on the merry way, but now, with bli ayin hara thousands and thousands of chareidim, this minhag of "shlugging kaporis" with chickens, should be totally eradicated...

So the Government cracked down on them, and now they are screaming "fowl"!

Pashkavilim appeared yesterday in the Meah Shearim and Geula areas of Yerushalayim from the Eida Chareidis instructing the tzibur to do kaporos with money this year instead of chickens.
Using the phraseology:
 “Because of the wicked government that has prohibited continuing the minhag of kaporos, a minhag handed down from our fathers…. We are announcing one who is capable of doing kaporos with chickens should do so while others who cannot due to the gezeira of the government, should use money. Each person should use 25 shekels and recite the appropriate nussach”.

The Ministry of Agriculture is being meticulous in enforcing laws pertaining to the transport and handling of chickens, limiting transport to certified vehicles exclusively. In practical terms, this means it is virtually impossible to transport a sufficient number of chickens for kaporos.

While some frum areas have been preparing the traditional areas used annually for kaporos, it is now evident there are no chickens available. Efforts are still continuing but it does appear many if not most areas that usually host kaporos will not be operating this year.

At least one avreich has been arrested after he was found to be transporting chickens illegally. Health officials’ seem to indicate there will be some kaporos stations operating, adding the law will be enforced, including the regulation demanding that the chickens are slaughtered within eight hours of transport.