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Showing posts with label new square asks people not to move close to them. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new square asks people not to move close to them. Show all posts

Friday, October 3, 2014

New Square Bais Din Begs Jews Not to Buy Houses within 1 mile of New Square to keep the "Shtetel" holy

The Bais Din Zedek D'Shikun Square, is requesting Jews to "not purchase any lots within a mile of New Square" to keep the community isolated so that the community stays "completely impervious to outside influences."

The first New Square Rabbi's, (who founded the community,) deepest desire was to have New Square be a "private corner in the world where the founding residents and their future generations would live according to the unique standards established by the Rebbe z"l" 
The Rebbe understood that it would be impossible to retain the same level of adherence to his legacy unless the Kehilla remained a separate entity and therefore he chose to establish his shtetl in such a secluded area. Only then, he felt, would his community remain almost completely secluded by any outside influences.

Because of the explosive growth and spread of the many communities around New Square, the Bais Din asks Jews to please uphold the "holy tzaddik's desire for his kehilla to retain its unique identity in complete isolation."  If the surrounding Jewish communities were to spread even further towards New Square , to the point of reaching the parameters of New Square, the "blurring of our borders would defeat the founding-purpose of the shtetl."

The Bais Din emphasizes that they legally have no right to demand this of anyone, but ask people to respect their wishes!