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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Jet Blue boots Jewish Doctor from plane, because a Palestinian "wasn't comfortable flying with her!"

A Jewish woman doctor from New York is claiming “hate crime” after an eavesdropping Palestinian woman had her booted from her flight home from Palm Beach.

Dr. Lisa Rosenberg
PALMBEACHPOST.com  reports that New York physician Dr. Lisa Rosenberg said that, just prior to departure, she concluded a private phone conversation with a friend over the current events in Israel when the fellow passenger identified herself as a Palestinian and initiated an “ugly, racially driven altercation.”
“A woman comes up to me and says to me ‘I’m a Palestinian,’ and she starts cursing at me. ‘Zionist pig. This is just the beginning,’” Rosenberg told WPBF.com .

Rosenberg, whose daughter plans to study in Israel next year, claims she said nothing disparaging about Palestinians during her phone conversation with friend, Obstetrician Myles Kobren, but was instead complimenting Israeli authorities over the way they have handled recent arrests in connection with the murder of a Palestinian teenager.
“I was saying how it was good Israel found the students that killed the Palestinian teenager and how it was exemplary not making them into heroes, but seeking to publicly try them. I said any other country would have made these students out to be martyrs and celebrating them,”
Rosenberg said she was told by Jet Blue staff shortly thereafter that she must de-board the plane because the Palestinian passenger did not feel comfortable flying with her.
“I can’t believe it. I said, ‘Why would you do that?’ I said, ‘Why don’t you have her leave the plane?’” Rosenberg said. “I said, ‘The passenger, the Palestinian passenger, didn’t feel comfortable with me, the Jewish doctor being on the plane?’”

Reps for Jet Blue refused comment other than to say that Rosenberg’s account of the story “in no way reflects the report that we have.”
Rosenberg said she believes she is victim of a hate crime and has been in contact with the Anti-Defamation League who has promised to investigate the matter.

Infant Pulled From Swimming Pool In Lawrence NY

Please be Mispallel for
Nosson Tzvi ben Sarah Rivkah Kashtiya
, a 1-year-old child who was pulled from a swimming pool in Lawrence, NY. Sources tell YWN that Hatzolah was called to the scene on Harberview on Sunday around noon. Upon arrival they found the infant in cardiac arrest, and Paramedics attempted to revive and stabilize the child.

He was transported to St. John’s Hospital, where he is listed in critical condition.

Nassau County police is investigating.

"Thank you Netanyahu and may God give us more people like you to destroy Hamas!" Wrote Azza Sami, who works at the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram.

Amany el-Kahayat

Several Arab leaders publicly thanked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, for striking the Hamas terror organization, the Tazpit News Agency reported.
The Arab world officially rallies around Hamas against Israel, on any issue.

Muslim countries in conflict, such as Saudi Arabia and Iran, as well as other Muslim countries came together last week at the U.N., in attempt to have Israel condemned for the so-called aggression in Gaza.

However, in wake of the ever evolving geopolitical reality in the Middle East, this seems to be only lip service, and the Arab World is actually interested in the IDF seriously hindering Hamas' terror activities.

They see the atrocities and massacres committed by Islamists on a daily basis in Iraq and Syria, and are beginning to ask themselves if they serve the interests of the Arabs and Muslims. A growing number of Arabs and Muslims, are fed up with the Islamist terrorists who are imposing a reign of terror and intimidation in the Arab world.

Senior journalist Khaled Abu-Toameh, writing for Gatestone, reported that over the past week, there are voices coming out of Egypt and some Arab countries that publicly support the Israeli military operation against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Isolated and under attack, Hamas now realizes that it has lost the sympathy of many Egyptians and Arabs. Egypt's Prime Minister announced this morning that Israel is insistent on continuing what he defined as aggression, and is waiting for Israel's willingness for a cease fire.

However, President Abdel Fattah Sisi has thus far turned down appeals from Palestinians and other Arabs to work toward achieving a new ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas called Sisi and urged him to intervene to achieve an "immediate ceasefire" between Israel and Hamas. Abbas later admitted that his appeal to Sisi and other Arab leaders, had fallen on deaf ears.

Sisi's decision not to intervene in the current crisis did not come as a surprise. In fact, Sisi and many Egyptians seem to be delighted that Hamas is being badly hurt.

Some Egyptians are even openly expressing hope that Israel will completely destroy Hamas, which they regard as the "armed branch of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization."

"Thank you Netanyahu and may God give us more people like you to destroy Hamas!" Wrote Azza Sami, who works at the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram.

Egypt has not forgiven Hamas for its alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood, and its involvement in terrorist attacks against Egyptian civilians and soldiers over the past year.

The Egyptians today understand that Hamas and other radical Islamist groups pose a serious threat to their national security. That is why the Egyptian authorities have over the past year, been taking tough security measures not only against Hamas, but also the entire population of the Gaza Strip.

These measures include the destruction of dozens of smuggling tunnels along the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, and the designation of Hamas as a terrorist organization.

Sisi and other Arab leaders are now sitting on the fence and hoping that this time, Israel will complete the job and get rid of Hamas once and for all. Palestinian Authority officials in Ramallah are certainly not going to shed a tear if Hamas is crushed and removed from power in the Gaza Strip, writes Abu-Toameh.

The reaction of some Egyptians to the Israeli military operation has shocked Hamas and other Palestinians. As one Hamas spokesman noted: "It's disgraceful to see that some Egyptians are publicly supporting the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip while Westerners are expressing solidarity with the Palestinians and condemning Israel."

Addressing the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, Egyptian actor Amr Mustafa said that they should not expect any help from the Egyptians.

"You must get rid of Hamas and we will help you," he said. He also called on Hamas to stop meddling in the internal affairs of Arab countries. "Pull your men out of Egypt, Syria and Libya," Mustafa demanded. "In Egypt, we are fighting poverty that was caused by wars. We have enough of our own problems. Don't expect the Egyptians to give more than what they have already given. We've had enough of what you did to our country."

In response to Egyptian Defense Minister Sedki Sobhi's decision to dispatch 500 tons of food and medical aid to the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the Egyptian newspaper El-Bashayer remarked: "The standard of living for a Gazan citizen is much higher than that of an Egyptian citizen. The poor in Egypt are more in need than the poor in the Gaza Strip. Let Qatar spend as much as it wants on the Gaza Strip. We should not send anything that Egyptians are in need of."

Famous Egyptian TV presenter and journalist Amr Adeeb has been told by many Egyptians to "shut up" after his criticism of Sisi's "silence" toward the war in the Gaza Strip. One Egyptian reminded Adeeb that "Hamas is responsible for the killing of Egyptian soldiers."

Egyptian ex-general Hamdi Bakhit was quoted as expressing hope that Israel would re-occupy the Gaza Strip. "This would be better than the Hamas rule," he said.

Egyptian TV presenter Amany al-Khayat launched a scathing attack on Hamas. She pointed out that Hamas agreed to the reconciliation pact with Fatah only in order to get salaries for its employees in the Gaza Strip.

Al-Khayat said that Hamas was seeking to depict itself as a victim of an Israeli attack only in order to get the Egyptian authorities to reopen the Rafah border crossing with the Gaza Strip. "They just want us to open the Rafah border crossing," she said on her show. "Hamas is prepared to make all the residents of the Gaza Strip pay a heavy price in order to rid itself of its crisis. We must not forget that Hamas is the armed branch of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist movement."

Isolated and under attack, Hamas now realizes that it has lost the sympathy of many Egyptians and Arabs, said Abu-Toameh. Some Hamas leaders are now talking about the "betrayal" and "collusion" of their Arab brethren, especially Egypt.

When the Egyptian authorities reluctantly and briefly re-opened the Rafah border crossing a few days ago, Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum rushed to declare: "The Egyptian authorities opened the Rafah border crossing only to receive bodies. Egypt is imposing a blockade on the Gaza Strip and has destroyed the tunnels."

Former Palestinian Authority security commander Mohamed Dahlan, predicted that the Egyptians will not do anything to save Hamas. "Egypt won't intervene to stop the war on the Gaza Strip, because Hamas was conspiring with the Muslim Brotherhood against Egypt," he said. "Hamas was working with the Muslim Brotherhood against the Egyptian army."

Hamas is paying a heavy price for meddling in the internal affairs of Egypt and some other Arab countries. The Palestinians living under Hamas in the Gaza Strip, are paying a heavier price, largely due to their failure to rise up against the Islamist movement and demand the right to live better lives, concluded Abu-Toameh.

i24 News anchor Lucy Aharish, an Israeli Arab, lashed out against a Gazan journalist who was a guest on her show last week, telling him that Hamas were to blame for the crisis in Gaza.

The journalist, Alaa al-Mashehrwi, was asked about the current situation in Gaza. He began lamenting about the reality there, accusing Israel of war crimes, of occupying Gaza and of generating a humanitarian crisis, which he defined as “very bad, very strong and very dangerous.”

Lucy Aharish did not sit silent and allow the lies to be aired, and cut him off, saying that Hamas leaders use civilians as human shields, hide weapons caches and launchers in civilians homes, and therefore they are responsible for the civilian casualties.

She called on al-Mashehrwi to go out together with other journalists and civilians, face Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, and demonstrate against their use of the civilian population. She urged them to demand from Hamas that they stop firing into Israel.

Der Blatt Continues to back Satmar Rabbi who said that it was the "parents fault" that the boys got murdered!

The Yiddish Satmar  Newspaper, Der Blatt, a yiddish version of Al Jazeera, refuses to apologise for Aron Teitelbaum, the Clown of Monroe, who castigated the parents of the three Jewish martyrs, while the parents were still sitting shiva.
Not only do they refuse to see the light, they are going out of their way and responding to the huge Chillul Hashem with a 4 page commentary backing the fool!
I will loosely translate, my comments in red:
A Deluge of False Ideas, Sympathy to "Hisgarois Be'umois" (Antagonizing the Gentiles,) and Feelings of Revenge by the Chareidie World Halted, after spreading  the Holy words of Current Events from the Satmar Rebbi
Unprecendent attacks against Satmar, by Religious Zionists and Chassidic-Zionists because of the Rebbe's sin of revealing the true Daas Torah!
The Fiery, short & sharp words of the Satmar Rebbe last week, wednesday, in the auditorium of the Yeshiva Gedoile of Satmar in Kiryas Yoel, had an unbelievable reaction.
This was the main topic in the kitchens of Jews from all denominations.
There wasn't a shul or Chareidishe house throughout the entire world that didn't discuss, review and analyze on the holy Shabbos, the Rebbe's holy words about the grave danger of the pursuit of land conquests of the
 of the Zioinists Mehadrin min Ha'Mehadrin, and what that can result, G-D Protect Us!
(that wasn't what the Jews were discussing in the "kitchens" on shabbos. What the Jews in the "kitchens" were discussing was the Clown's foolish and hurtful words to the parents of the murdered teens)
This (being critical of the speech) all started with the reporting of the Rebbi's words by the Non-Religious Zionists Press and then  spread to the New York Media and then to  the Social Media and to the bungalows and finally to the shuls.
(that's not exactly how it happened! Satmar's propaganda machine had his hateful speech translated into English, and had Vos Iz Naies report it. From there, DIN printed it, and then the Social media and then the general media and then the bungalows!)
The reaction from the Rebbi's holy words, from child to adult was unprecedented, that even Torah Jews with no connection to Zionism, wanted revenge!
What the holy speech did accomplish was that the Satmar Shita was now discussed vis - a - vis the prohibition of voting in Zionist elections, the prohibition of going to the Kosel until Mashiach comes, the prohibition of speaking the profane Hebrew language, Hisgarois B'umois the antagonizing the Nations, the rebellion against G-D, the prohibition of going against the 3 Shuvois" and the great danger of having Religious parties in the Knesset.
(a)Prohibition of voting?
So why are you complaining when the Zionists do something you don't like? If you don't vote, Shut the Hell up!
(b) Prohibition of going to the Kosel?
When in Jewish history did a Jewish sect prohibit Jews from going to the Kosel?
I'll tell you when, those who learned the Daf this week, Mesactas Taanis daf 30, will know that the Jewish evil king, Yerovom ben Navot went one step further than the Satmar Rebbe, he put guards at the border to prohibit Jews from going to the kosel....and being "Olie Regel."
(c)Prohibition of the Hebrew profane language?
Doesn't the Clown's  naive Israeli  wife speak to her sisters every week in that "profane" language?
(d) the rebellion against G-D?
 How about Satmar  rebeling against G-D, by speaking against the Holy Jews that live in Israel, and by prohibiting Jews from going to the Kosel and prohibiting all his Chassidim except for his wife, to speak the language of G-D?
(e)Hisgarous B'Umois (Antagonizing the nations)?
So why are you, Mr Clown, allowed to antagonize your Goyishe neighbors, by annexing land to Kiryas Yoel. Why isn't that Hisgarous B'Umois?
(f) prohibition of the 3 Shevuois (oaths)?
We spoke about this many times, the 3 Shevuois are null and void,
1) The Nations of the world gave us permission to populate the land. The League of Nations and later The United Nations gave the Jewish people a homeland. Instead of reading the hatefull "Al Hagilah" open a history book.
2) The nations themselves violated the oath of not excessively torturing us in exile.
3) It seems that Ezra Hasofer wasn't concerned about the 3 oaths since he advocated Aliyah and then went ahead and built the 2nd Bais Hamikdash? Why wasn't he concerned about the 3 oaths?
 What's interesting was, that the Zionists media reported the Rabbi's holy words with respect and even nodded half ways as if they agreed with the Rabbi.
(this article is talking about the leftist commie Israeli Newspaper Haaretz.  Haaretz, Satmar and the Arabs  all agree that  The State of Israel should be, G-D Forbid, turned over to the Arabs, so they "half nodded" to the holy foolish words of the Clown in Monroe.)
However, the hate that came from the Chareidie media against the Rebbe was so antagonistic, that we hadn't had such venom since 1967, when our great Holy Rabbi, the Divrei Yoel, the V'Yoel Moshe, z"l,  warned that Daas Torah prohibits Jews from going to the Kosel until Moshiach comes.
(Now, I'm confused! "Daas Torah prohibits a Jew from going to the Kosel? Then why are there countless pictures of the Gerrer Rebbe, the Kloizenberger Rebbe, R' Chaim Kanievsky, R' Shteinman etc, at the Kosel?
Why aren't they listening to "Daas Torah"?
Oh! This is only Satmar "Daas Torah"! So, let me understand .... everyone has a different "Daas Torah"?
Ok... My Daas Torah tells me that Satmar doesn't belong to the Jewish people, in fact Satmar  ideology, is alot closer to the Muslims than to Judaism....
so there!
The article continues, but you guys get the gist of this venomous words from the Clown's followers.


Friday, July 11, 2014

Elimelech Meisels owner of 3 Girl Seminaries in Israel a Sexual Pervert

From Frum Follies
The special beis din (rabbinical court) of Chicago exists to address allegations of sexual abuse which cannot be, or will not be, directed to the criminal justice system. It is led by Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz, the Av Beis Din (court head) for both the Chicago Rabbinical Council (CRC) and the Beth Din of America (BDA).

Rabbi Elimelech Meisels owns and operates several Israeli “seminaries” for post-high school, year-in-Israel religious education of young women, mostly from Yeshivish ultra-orthodox backgrounds. These include: Pninim, Binas Bais Yaakov, Chedvas Bais Yaakov and Keser Chaya. Meisels is associated with Ohr Somayach and is second author with Rabbi Dovid Kaplan of The Kiruv Files (2008)

In a ruling issued on Thursday July 10, 2014, the Beis Din reported that they believe “that students in these seminaries are at risk of harm and it does not recommend that students attend these seminaries at this time.
The ruling was signed by Rabbis Schwartz, Shmuel Feurst (Dayan of Agudath Israel of Illinois) and Zev Cohen (Congregation Adas Yeshurun).
While Meisels used the title of Rabbi until now the Schwartz Bais Din pointedly referred to him as Mr. Meisels.

Meisels is, I am told, a grandson of Michael (Mike/Elimelech) Tress. If so, his mother is Henie (nee Tress) Meisels.

A beit din is being convened in Israel to deal with this matter. I am told they will force Meisels to give up control of the seminaries. I do not know if they have succeeded to date. I suspect the Chicago Beit Din issued its ruling precisely because he refused to give up control. The Israeli Beit din is comprised of Rabbis Menachem Mendel Shafran, Chaim Malinowitz and Tzvi Gartner.

Remarks by PM Netanyahu, DM Yaalon, IDF Chief-of-Staff Gantz and GOC Air Force Eshel after the Security Cabinet Meeting

Prime Minister Netanyahu:
“We are in the third day of Operation Protective Edge. While the campaign has gone as planned further stages yet await us. We have struck hard at Hamas and the terrorists and as long as the campaign continues we will strike at them harder. I would like to thank the IDF, ISA, and the security services for their professional, dedicated and precise actions, and express the appreciation of all Israelis. They are making every effort to avoid hitting civilians and innocents are hit it is because Hamas is maliciously hiding behind Palestinian civilians.

As of now, the IDF, ISA and other security services have successfully foiled many attempted attacks against Israeli citizens but a tough, complex and complicated campaign yet awaits us. Therefore, I call on all Israelis to continue to show the strength that you have shown in these days and hours. This civilian fortitude is a main component of our ability to continue operations until we finish the work of restoring quiet and security to Israel’s cities. The most important thing for us, for all of us, is to guard the lives of all Israelis and we are all working together to this end.”

Defense Minister Yaalon:

“We are in the midst of Operation Protective Edge. As of now, we have hit Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip very hard. Hundreds of targets have been destroyed including the homes of militants, government institutions, launchers, rockets and other war materiel. Dozens of terrorists have been killed and we are continuing to strike at Hamas and make it pay a heavy price for everything it has done in recent days.

This is an opportunity to express appreciation to the IDF; the IDF has been active on land, sea and air, in both offensive and defensive efforts. The IDF has impressively succeeded in intercepting the rockets being launched at the State of Israel and in thwarting the terrorist organizations’ malicious intentions to perpetrate attacks, both by sea and in other ways.

But this is also the opportunity to express appreciation to the residents of Israel. I have visited several local councils and, indeed, the stamina of the public is an important component in our ability to continue the operation. But the public must also act properly; this is part of our ability to avoid casualties. The public must listen to instructions from the IDF Home Front Command. We will continue with this operation until we reach the desired result – the cessation of firing and the lifting of the threat to Israeli citizens and soldiers.”

IDF Chief-of-Staff Lt.-Gen. Gantz:

“The IDF is monitoring what is happening in all sectors – in the north, center and south. After the conclusion of Operation Brother’s Keeper, we moved on to Operation Protective Edge in the south and this time we are dealing with Hamas and the other terrorist organizations that are trying to attack deep into Israeli territory by land, sea and air.

We will continue to follow the directives of the political echelon. We will continue to monitor the intelligence reality. We will continue to act patiently and with sagacity. We will attack wherever it is necessary to attack, we will defend wherever it is necessary to defend, and we will attack and defend on land, sea and air. We will use all of our intelligence, command and control, and logistical capabilities. All in all, we are operating well in all sectors. Southern Command, Home Front Command and the Air Force are making maximum efforts. We will continue to act. We will rely on the patience of the public and must ask that it follow the instructions of IDF Home Front Command in order to minimize damage as much as possible. We will continue to take determined action until we reach our goals. At this stage, I would like to commend our citizens and the actions of our forces.”

GOC Air Force Maj.-Gen. Eshel:

“The Air Force is taking both offensive and defensive action: Offensively, with the praiseworthy cooperation of Southern Command, the Intelligence Branch and the ISA. The intelligence agencies are providing excellent intelligence for the Air Force’s operational activity. We have dropped hundreds of tons of ordnance and bombs on terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip, in a very complicated environment in which civilians are being used as human shields and we are trying to avoid hitting civilians as much as possible. Until now the results have been very good and we are continuing the effort.

Defensively, Air Force personnel in Iron Dome and other capabilities are making great efforts in the fight against the rockets being launched in all directions. Until now the results have been good, most rockets are being intercepted and are not causing damage; a minority of them are hitting in settled areas. Nothing is 100% but these soldiers are professionals and are doing their work in a level-headed and determined manner, in short timeframes. Making the necessary decisions is very, very complicated and as of now there has been great success.

We will continue both offensive and defensive efforts until we reach the goals set by the political leadership. The entire Air Force is involved in this effort, both offensively and defensively, and we will succeed.”

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Will Satmar rule that one is prohibited to daven for the success of the IDF?

Previously, when the 3 boys were kidnapped, the Satmar Taliban paskened that one is prohibited to be mispallel for the success of the IDF, who were at that awful time  searching for the boys.

Will the clown, Ari Teitelbaum, Satmar Rav, rule that one is prohibited to daven for the safety and success of our Yiddishe Neshamos in uniform, that are protecting the Satmar Batei Midrashim in Bnei Brak and Yerushalyim?

I wonder what his minions are thinking when the sirens go off? Are they hoping that the Chilonim, that are up all night, don't fall asleep while they are manning the Iron Domes?

Do they want that the IDF to sit idle, while the rockets are raining down all over Israel? Or are they defying, their foolish leader, and are secretly being mispallel for the success and the safety of our Jewish Boys in Uniform? Hmmmmmmm?

I guess just  like there are no atheists in the foxhole, there are no Satmar Chassidim when the missles start unfortunately falling!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

ISIS destroyes grave of Yonah Ha'Novie, after blindfolding 50 Iraqis and executing them!

Shocking moment ISIS militants take sledgehammers to Mosul tomb of Prophet Jonah as more than 50 blindfolded bodies are found massacred south of Baghdad

  • ISIS militants filmed taking sledgehammers to tombstones in Mosul, Iraq
  • Donning balaclavas and black clothing, they swung weapons into tombs
  • One grave belonged to Prophet Jonah, revered by Muslims and Christians
  • Rebels believe special veneration of tombs is against teachings of Islam
  • Comes as more than 50 bodies have been found in city south of Baghdad
  • Most of the bodies were blindfolded with gunshot wounds, said authorities
  • Investigation is underway to establish the circumstances of the killings


Stunned by Israel's fierce response, Hamas sends distress signals

Despite fiery statements issued by Hamas spokesmen over the past 48 hours, it was obvious Tuesday night that the Islamist movement was searching for ways to rid itself of the current escalation
Hamas feels that it has been forced into a confrontation with Israel – one that it did not want at this stage because of its increased isolation and financial crisis.

The massive Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip over the past 24 hours have surprised Hamas and other Palestinian groups. Hamas apparently expected a limited response to the recent rocket attacks on Israeli cities and towns. But as the IDF intensified its strikes against Hamas targets – including the homes of some of its top commanders – it became clear to the movement’s leaders that Israel means business

On Tuesday night, Hamas spokesmen were sending distress signals to various parties. The organization is concerned that if the IDF operation continues for another few days, the movement will pay a very heavy price – one that could even bring about an end to Hamas’s rule over the Gaza Strip.
Hamas accused Israel of “crossing all the redlines” by bombing the homes of its military commanders.

This shows that Hamas did not expect Israel to take such a drastic move. Less than 24 hours after the beginning of the IDF offensive, Hamas talked about the need to return to the truce that was reached with Israel in 2012.

A spokesman for Hamas’s armed wing, Izzadin Kassam, listed this demand as part of his movement’s effort to end the current confrontation. The spokesman called for an end to the IDF crackdown on Hamas members in the West Bank, which began after the abduction and murder of three Israeli youths last month.

On Tuesday night, Hamas and other Palestinian groups appealed to Egypt and Arab countries to intervene to stop the IDF operation. Given Hamas’s bad relations with the Egyptian authorities, it’s unlikely that President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi would rush to save the movement that is openly aligned with his enemy, the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Palestinian Authority, which has condemned the Israeli “aggression,” is also unlikely to make a big effort to save Hamas from destruction. In fact, President Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah faction would be happy to see Hamas severely defeated.

Hamas is beginning to feel the heat and that’s why its leaders, who have gone into hiding, are seeking an “honorable” way out of the confrontation, which, they say, they didn’t want to begin with.

IAF destroys homes of all Hamas commanders, kills senior members

In recent air strikes on Gaza, all of the homes of Hamas brigade commanders have been destroyed, Israel Radio reported early on Wednesday.

According to a report by the Palestinian news agency Ma'an, one of the homes targeted was that of senior Islamic Jihad terrorist Hafiz Mohammed Hamad. In the strike early on Tuesday, Hamad and five of his family members were reportedly killed.
In a separate incident, a joint IDF-Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) operation struck a vehicle containing a commander of Hamas's naval commando unit, Muhammad Sa'aban, aged 24, on Tuesday.
Palestinian media reported that four Hamas people in total were killed in the targeted strike on the vehicle.
Sa'aban's commando unit operated in northern Gaza, security forces said. He was immediately killed in the strike. Sa'aban was a resident of Jabalia in Gaza.
The strike came hours after the IDF launched Operation Protective Edge in an effort to quell increased rocket fire from Gaza into southern Israel in recent weeks.
Later on Tuesday, the air force struck three homes in Gaza used by Hamas as command and control centers for enabling rocket fire against Israel.
The homes belonged to Muhammad Sba'at, a senior member of Hamas's rocket launching formations in Beit Hanount, who was involved in several recent rocket attacks against Israel, Amin Ibrahim Al-Alba'an, a Hamas member, and Abu Jarad, a Hamas member from northern Gaza who has been engaged in terrorism against Israel.
Palestinians said six people were killed and about 25 wounded in one of the houses attacked.
Some 100 targets in Gaza have been struck by the IAF since the operation began, including homes used by Hamas and Islamic Jihad members, underground rocket launchers, underground attack tunnels, remote rocket launch infrastructure, training camps, and additional centers of terrorist activities.
Since midnight Tuesday, some 30 rockets fired from the Gaza Strip have exploded in Israel.
The Iron Dome anti-rocket system has intercepted six rockets.
Palestinians say that a total of 24 people have been

Video of Hamas Cell Taken Out By IDF Helicopter Strike

Earlier Tuesday, five Hamas “naval commandos” came ashore in Israel north of the Gaza border, where they were promptly eliminated in an IDF helicopter strike. The IDF spokesperson’s unit released dramatic footage of the strike.
The introduction text says in Hebrew, “Prevention of an infiltration attack from the sea by a group of terrorists in the Zikim area.” Zikim is a kibbutz north of Gaza.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

New Olim not delaying their move to Eretz Yisroel despite war!

Nefesh B'Nefesh Co-Founder and Executive Director Rabbi Yehoshua Fass said he was inspired by the determination of the new arrivals, who did not delay their move in spite of the challenging security situation.

"The Olim who’ve chosen to make Aliya to Israel during these challenging days are real heroes, and each one of them fills our heart with pride and great inspiration," he said.

Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Issues An Urgent Call to Prayer

Events currently unfolding in Eretz Yisroel demand our tefillos on behalf of all our fellow Jews who are privileged to live on holy soil.

Our rabbinic leadership has asked us to convey that simple, stark but urgent message to all of our constituents and supporters, indeed to all caring Jews.

As has been the practice in many shuls over past years, in response to the call of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, the recitation of Tehillim (Psalms) 83, 130 and 142 after Shacharis, followed by the tefila of Acheinu, is recommended.
Indeed, our every prayer should include entreaties on behalf of our fellow Jews in Eretz Yisroel.

May our tefillos be received in mercy by Hakodosh Boroch Hu, and help usher in days of peace and security.

Yeshivishe and Chassidishe Yeshivos abandon Ashdod but Hesder Yeshivah will stay!

The Rabbis of Ger and Belz asked their chassidim to abandon the Yeshivos in Ashdod, because of rocket attacks, according to the report from Be'Chadrei Chadorim.

Following  the Psak of the Litvisher Gedolim, Yeshivas Grodno also vacated the Yeshivah in Ashdod.

The Hesdor Yeshivot will not abandon their brethern. They will remain to support their brethern.
May G-D and their Torah protect them.

Iron Dome intercepts rocket over central Israel, sirens sound in Tel Aviv

Air raid siren sounds in central Israeli cities, including Tel Aviv, Rishon Lezion, Petah Tikva, Lod and Givatayim for first time amid recent Gaza escalations; no injuries or damage reported.

The Iron Dome rocket defense system intercepted a projectile over the metropolitan Tel Aviv area, in the city of Rishon Lezion, on Tuesday evening, as air raid sirens sounded in central Israeli cities for the first time amid recent escalations. No injuries or damage were reported.

Israeli television showed a double-burst of smoke in skies above Tel Aviv after air raid sirens sounded, sending residents running for shelter.
Air raid sirens sounded in all of Gush Dan, including Tel Aviv, Petah Tikva, Lod and Givatayim.
It was the first Gaza rocket that reached Tel Aviv since Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012.
Earlier on Tuesday, the Tel Aviv Municipality was instructed to inspect and open public bomb shelters in the city in order to "provide an optimal response for residents if necessary" in the event that escalations in the South reach the Center.
The Home Front Command also instructed Tel Aviv residents to prepare for utilizing protected rooms and shelters in their private homes.
Under the same instruction, the division responsible for civil security ordered for bomb shelters in Tel Aviv schools to be opened.
The IDF launched Operation Protective Edge in the early hours of Tuesday morning in order to quell the ongoing barrage of rocket fire from the Gaza Strip. Later in the day, the IDF begun actively calling up 40,000 reserves approved to it by the cabinet.
Since midnight Tuesday, more than 30 rockets fired from the Gaza Strip have exploded in Israel.
Terrorists in Gaza have launched more than 250 projectiles at Israel in recent weeks.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Israelis kill 7 terrorists and the Satmar Blog VIN publishes the picture of the crying mothers! UPDATED

The IDF finally responds to the constant missile attacks from Gaza, and kills 7 terrorists who were about to launch more missiles, so what does VIN do?

They show the picture of the crying mothers of these dead terrorists from Reuters!

How sick can you get?
Did VIN just copy and paste the picture and the article from Reuters? or did they do this on purpose?
G-D only knows!

Turns out, that the 7 terrorists weren't killed by the IDF, but they were killed in a tunnel when they accidentaly triggered it off. Makes this picture more despicable!


Sunday, July 6, 2014

A Tale of 2 Rabbonim

One Rebbe, the Sanz-Kloizenberg Rebbi visits the mother of one of the murdered boys, and gives her Chizuk, while the other, the clown, Aron Teitelbaum, the leader of thousands of Satmar Chassidim,  says that it was all her fault.
Question: Whos actions does G-D like better? Hmmm!
The Sanzer Rebbe Shlita was among the many being menachem aveil at the home of the families of the kedoshim HY”D. The rebbe visited with the Yifrach family, the parents of Eyal HY”D. The rebbe explained
“אין כל בריה יכולה לעמוד במעלתם ובמחיצתם של קדושים”.

The rebbe spoke with Mr. Yifrach explaining the level of the boys who dies Al Kiddush Hashem and the mission, they the parents were selected to fulfill. He explained “our existence as the Jewish People is dependent on our steadfast emunah in HKBH”, praising their actions during recent weeks.

When the rebbe finished being menachem aveil, he got up and went to the women’s section and spoke with Mrs. Yifrach, explaining to her that she and the other women were MeKadesh Shem Shomayim around the world.
As the search for the boys continued, the rebbe was mispallel for them as the Kosel.

Statement of OU and RCA on Arrest by Israel of Jewish Suspects in Killing

The Orthodox Union and the Rabbinical Council of America unequivocally condemn the brutal murder of Muhammad Hussein Abu Khdeir. We are appalled that this heinous crime was allegedly carried out in revenge for the kidnapping and murders of three innocent Jewish teens in Gush Etzion. The murder of innocents is antithetical to Jewish law and tradition and must always be opposed by men and women of decency and morality. This merciless act of brutality defiles the name of God and desecrates the memories of Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Frenkel. We pray for the day when such senseless acts of violence will cease. We mourn the victim and offer condolences to his grieving family. We salute the Government of Israel for resolutely and without hesitation seeking to bring to justice the perpetrators of this reprehensible crime.
Orthodox Union

Rabbinical Council of America

Chinese Government Gets Sick Of Islamic Violence, Take 13 Muslim Jihadists And Execute All Of Them

China executed 13 people today for “terrorist attacks” in the far western region of Xinjiang, state media said, while a further three were sentenced to death for staging a lethal attack in Tiananmen Square in Beijing.
“The 13 criminals had planned violent terrorist attacks and ruthlessly killed police officers, government officials and civilians, which took innocent lives, caused huge property losses and seriously endangered public security,” the official news agency Xinhua said.
Xinjiang is the traditional home of Muslim Uighurs who speak a Turkic language, and China has blamed previous attacks on Islamist separatists it says seek to establish an independent state there called East Turkestan.
Exiled Uighur groups and human rights activists say the government’s own repressive policies in Xinjiang have provoked unrest, something Beijing denies.
The 13 executed men were involved in attacks in different parts of Xinjiang, including one last June that killed 24 policemen and local residents, Xinhua said.
In the Tiananmen case, five people were killed and 40 hurt when a car ploughed into a crowd in the square and burst into flames. Those killed included three people in the car.

Satmar to Annex 500 acres in Monroe! Causing a huge Chillul Hashem!

The Satmar guys see nothing wrong with antagonizing the goyim in Monroe, and will annex over 500 acres in neighboring Kiryas Yoel.
The Hypocrisy is astounding!
They yell and shout when the Zionists annex parts of Eretz Yisroel,  land that was given to us by G-D!
Why is it ok for Satmar to annex but wrong for Jews to annex our very own land?
If they want to live together, why don't they all move to Israel?
I don't get it.

Kiryas Joel is a fast-growing island of ultra-Orthodox Satmar Chasidic Jews in a suburban stretch of New York’s Hudson Valley. Sidewalks are busy with mothers in head coverings pushing strollers, and kids’ plastic trikes seem to outnumber cars.

Now a petition to expand the densely settled village by annexing 507 acres of leafy lots nearby has heightened tensions with some suburban neighbors. While expansion could help a village bursting at the seams, there are fears it would lead to unwanted increases in apartment complexes, homes and traffic.

“The quality of life here will be completely destroyed,” said John Allegro, standing on his family’s wooded 1.5-acre lot, which he said would be semi-circled by annexed land. Allegro said he moved farther from New York City to escape that kind of hubbub.

A group of residents called United Monroe, which includes Allegro and others, has been raising alarms about the landowners’ annexation request, much of it covering undeveloped acres. They argue looser village zoning could usher in a new wave of high-density development that will stress sewers, hurt air quality and create a “dramatic change in the rural landscape.”

“The reality is that it changes everything, fundamentally,” Monroe resident Michael Egan said.

The annexation issue arose amid friction in other Orthodox populations in the region and after Kiryas Joel separately challenged zoning restrictions in neighboring Woodbury.

Freund insists villagers are trying to live in peace and follow the customs of their ancestors. “Because we’re looking different, they’re fighting us,” Freund said. Similarly, Kiryas Joel school superintendent Joel Petlin said that while the village generates heated debate, officials elsewhere in the county quickly passed resolutions supporting proposals for large casino resorts and allowed the expansion of the nearby outlet mall.

Shelly Dadon was murdered by an Arab Cab Driver

Nearly two months after 20 year old Shelly Dadon was found stabbed to death in a parking lot in Migdal Haemek, information about an arrest made in the case was cleared for publication by police on Sunday.

Hussein Yousef Hussein Khalifa, 34, a resident of the Arab village of A’ablin in the Galilee, was arrested on June 16 for suspected involvement in Dadon’s May 1 murder. He later confessed to committing the crime.
Khalifa was a taxi driver who provided a daily employee shuttle to the industrial area of Migdal Haemek in the Jezreel Valley.

On the day of the murder, he was waiting at a cab stand in the center of town when he was approached by Dadon, who asked for a ride to the industrial area, where she was scheduled to have a job interview, police said.
Instead of dropping her off, Khalifa took her to an abandoned parking lot near her intended destination, and stabbed her to death before fleeing the scene.
Khalifa’s motive had yet to be fully verified, police said, but the Shin Bet evaluated that the murder had nationalistic motives.


Chassidim Protesting with Arabs against Israel in London

Don't tell me that they are Neturei Karta! ...
I'll only believe these bastards are Neturei Karta, when the Chassidishe Rabbonim come out with a statement that this is unacceptable!
As long as the leaders just call them a "bunch of meshigaim" we will accept the notion that they agree with this obscenity!

London - More than 1,000 people protested outside the Israeli embassy in West London today, Saturday, against Israel’s deadly new attacks on the Gaza strip.
The protest was called at just a few days notice by Palestine Solidarity Campaign and backed by Stop the War Coalition and Friends of Al Aqsa among others.
The diverse crowd included many young Muslims fasting for Ramadan, and some members of the Jewish Chassidim.

I’ve come down here to show solidarity with the Palestinian people and obviously to support their freedom and their justice, and also to protest against the collective punishment which is constantly occurring in Palestine when terrible tragedies occur, which all of the Palestinian people get punished for and get blamed for. There are hundreds of people who are trying to just live in peace in that area,” said Adam Lee, an activist at the rally.
Protesters at the event also condemned the media and called for an end to biased and one-sided coverage of the news related to the occupied Palestinian territories.
There were other protests in towns around Britain, including Glasgow where 200 people rallied in Buchanan Street.
In London, the protest began behind fences across the street from the embassy. But after a group of activists staged a symbolic “die-in” at the embassy entrance, others followed chanting “Free Free Palestine,” forcing police to close the road.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Der Blaat, Aroinie Newspaper, Prints the entire Hatefull Speech, for the entire world to see

Der Blaat, the Aroinie Yiddish weekly, published the entire speech of their Hate Monger Rabbi, just in case someone missed it!

So for those useful idiots, that say that the blogs are spreading hate, see the above full page copy of Aron Teitelbaum's sick perverted speech to his naive sheep, which was printed in Der Blatt!

This speech is straight out of Al jazirah!


Der Yid, Satmar Newspaper, Just like Hamas Blame Zionists for the brutal murder of the boys.

Der Yid, a Satmar Yiddish weekly newspaper, puts all the blame on the State of Israel. Their arguments are identical to Hamas and  Haaretz.
Satmar is no different than the Israel leftist communist daily newspaper, Haaretz.
Im not going to translate this convoluted garbage they espouse, suffice it to say, it's no different than the hate coming out of the Hamas terrorist organization.
Satmar may do alot of Chesed, but so does the Salvation Army!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Rav Aviner's Response to Aron Teitelbaum

In the wake of our tremendous pain over the murder of the three innocent teens, a desire has arisen within the Nation to understand why this has happened.

The Admor of Satmar, who dwells in the Exile, claims that it is a punishment for the teens learning in the “Settlements” and blames the parents for sending them to learn there.

We fear that assigning such blame may violate the prohibition of “Ona’at Devarim” (distressing others). As the Gemara in Baba Metzia (58b) says, one may not speak to one who is suffering affliction or illness, or whose children have died, the way Iyov’s friends spoke to him: “Surely your fear was your foolishness, your hope and the sincerity of your ways” (Iyov 4:6).

And we can add that the Rishonim on this Gemara write that the problem is not only causing distress to another person but also arrogance in thinking that we can know the ways of Hashem.

This recalls the reciprocal placing of blame that occurred following the horrors of the Holocaust: Some said that it happened on account of Zionism, others said it was because there was not Zionism. Still others blamed it on the Enlightenment. Each group’s explanation came from its own biased outlook, with no regard for the idea: “For My thoughts are not your thoughts and My ways are not your ways” (Yeshayahu 55:8).

As is known, the uncle of the Admor of Satmar, Ha-Rav Yoel Teitelbaum, wrote a book “Va-Yoel Moshe” which is based on the idea that the murder of the holy one during the Holocaust was because of Zionism and the Return to Tzion.

But the great Rabbis of Israel have already answered that if the main transgression was Jews making Aliyah to Eretz Yisrael in an organized fashion, then the first Jews to make Aliyah should have been murdered. Yet those who came to Eretz Yisrael and “violated” the Three Oaths (according to the Satmar Rebbe’s opinion) were saved, and those who did not make Aliyah were the ones who were murdered! (See the book “Alo Naale” – Response to Va-Yoel Moshe #43). The number of Jews murdered in Auschwitz alone was, in fact, higher than that of all of the Jews murdered in all of the wars and terror attacks since the beginning of the Return to Tzion.

Today – with the kindnesses of Hashem upon us – there are almost half a million Jews who live in Yesha. Therefore the Admor of Satmar’s claim is not valid.

Regarding the question itself, whether learning in Yesha is permissible:
this was already asked of Ha-Rav Yitzchak Zilberstein, Rabbi of “Ramat Elchanan” (neighborhood in Bnei Brak).

A student was learning in a Yeshiva in Yesha and his parents were opposed on account of the danger. Ha-Rav Zilberstein proves that “a frequent damage” (Pesachim 8b. See Mesilat Yesharim, end of Chapter 9) is five percent. Baruch Hashem, 5% of the residents in Yesha are not murdered! And Ha-Rav Yitzchak Isaac Herzog in Shut Heichal Yitzchak proved based on Shut Rabbi Akiva Eiger (#60) that a frequent danger is not five percent, but one in a thousand (Shut Ha-Rav Herzog Vol. 1, p. 269).

Baruch Hashem, one in a thousand Jews is not murdered in Yesha. The basic halachah is therefore that there is nothing to fear. Obviously, nothing is 100% certain, but nowhere in this world is 100% safe, not Yerushalayim and not Tel Aviv, and it is all based on the definition of “a frequent damage”.

We agree with the Admor of Satmar that there are many Arab murderers in Eretz Yisrael, but we must see things in proportion. We have already been living in Yesha for 40 years and the number of murders that occur there is extremely low. The same is true in all of Eretz Yisrael. We must remember that according to a report of the WHO, World Health Organization, 8 out of 100,000 Israeli citizens are murdered each year. That’s compared with 15 out of 100,000 citizens in France, and 25 out of 100,000 Americans.

Therefore, it is more dangerous for the Admor of Satmar, may he live a long and good life, Amen!, to live in America than to live in the “Settlements”!

We must thank Hashem, and his loyal agents – Tzahal, the police, the Mossad, the Shabak and the rest of the security establishment – day and night for the peace and quiet we merit in our Land.

In the Gemara in Chullin (63b), Rabbi Abayu asks: Why is there a bird called “Ra’ah” (the one who saw)?
He answers:
Because he sits in Bavel and sees a carcass in Eretz Yisrael. The great Rabbis explain that this is a parable to someone who dwells outside of Eretz Yisrael and see the deficiencies in Eretz Yisrael and speaks Lashon Ha-Ra against it…

This obviously in no way detracts from the incredible merits of the Admor of Satmar in strengthening Torah and fear of Hashem in America, and we pray regarding them: “May our eyes behold Your return to Tzion in compassion”.

(Source: Rav Aviner)

The Yeshiva World Blog writes that Aron Teitelbaum violated the Torah, for speaking against parents of murdered teens!

I have to say, that I didn't expect it, but they did what's right.
Here is the editorial of the Yeshivaworld blog: in response to the maniacal rant of the Romanian Rabbi.

Yelamdeinu Rabbeinu.
There is a recording of the Rav’s recent talk on the tragedy of the murder of three precious neshamos in Klal Yisroel.
Among the Rav’s words were the following:

“Instead of just eulogizing [their children] they should have also said ashamnu bagadnu, klap all chait, that we had a portion in this.. They caused the retzicha of their own children.”
One can understand the Rav’s view on Zionism. One can also understand the Rav’s view on the three shavuos that Klal Yisroel took. What I cannot understand, however, and this meant with the utmost respect, is how does the Rav read a simple Gemorah? It is in Bava Metziah 58b.

Tanu Rabbanan: Our Rabbis Taught

Lo sonu ish es amito ...........A person should not anguish his friend

B’onaas Dvarim hakasuv medaber.. The pasuk is speaking about anguish brought through words..

Ha Kaitzad?.. What are examples of this?..

Im hayu yisurin ba-in alav.. If he was suffering from difficulties..

Oh shehaya mekaver es banav      Or he was burying his sons

Al yomar lo kederech     He should NOT SAY TO HIM in the manner

Sh’amru lo chaveirav l’Iyov      that Iyov’s friends said to him

“Surely, your fear was your foolishness, your hope and the sincerity of your ways. Remember now, who was innocent that perished? And where were the upright destroyed?”

The words that the Rav spoke seem to be in direct contradiction to this Gemorah. 
Does the Rav feel that this Gemorah is not l’halacha? 
How can this be? All the Poskim quote it.

Does the Rav feel that these parents are not within the category of Amito? This also cannot be because the Rav’s words described the children as precious neshamos in Klal Yisroel.

The prohibition of Onaas Dvarim is very severe. It is also true that the Rav would never knowingly violate this issur.

One can only conclude that the Rav -

1] feels that it is permitted to speak like Iyov’s friends if the words do not reach the person suffering.

2] was unaware that his words would be recorded and would reach the ears of the parents too.

Unfortunately, the second point is not true. Whenever anything is said publically or recorded one should make an assumption that others will hear of it.

I am certain then that the Rebbe will correct this error at the first opportunity,

With blessings of peace and achdus,

Dovid Kates

לכבוד הגאון הרב הצדיק יסוד עולם סוע”ה כקש”ת מו”ה אהרן טייטלבוים שליט”א, אדמו”ר דסאטמער

ילמדנו רבינו. ישנה קלטת של שיחת רבינו בענין האסון של רציחת ג’ נפשות בישראל ר”ל.

ובתוך דבריו, הרב אמר:

“ובמקום הספד היה להם לומר אשמנו בגדנו וגם שהיה להם ל”קלאפ” על חטא שהיה לנו חלק בזה (ברציחה זו).” ושוב אמר, “ההורים אשמים ברציחת בנם.”

ניתן להבין את שיטת הרב בענין הציונות. וגם ניתן להבין את שיטת הרב בענין הג’ שבועות [שלא לעלות בחומה]. אבל קשה לי מאד להבין, איך הרב מבין דברי גמרא מפורשת בבבא מציעא נח ע”ב.

לא תונו איש את עמיתו – באונאת דברים הכתוב מדבר. אתה אומר באונאת דברים, או אינו אלא באונאת ממון? כשהוא אומר וכי תמכרו ממכר לעמיתך או קנה מיד עמיתך – הרי אונאת ממון אמור, הא מה אני מקיים לא תונו איש את עמיתו – באונאת דברים. הא כיצד? אם היה בעל תשובה אל יאמר לו זכור מעשיך הראשונים, אם היה בן גרים אל יאמר לו זכור מעשה אבותיך, אם היה גר ובא ללמוד תורה אל יאמר לו פה שאכל נבילות וטריפות, שקצים ורמשים בא ללמוד תורה שנאמרה מפי הגבורה. אם היו יסורין באין עליו, אם היו חלאים באין עליו, או שהיה מקבר את בניו, אל יאמר לו כדרך שאמרו לו חביריו לאיוב הלא יראתך כסלתך תקותך ותם דרכיך זכר נא מי הוא נקי אבד.

ובמחילת כבודו לכאורה דברי הרב הנ”ל הם ממש כנגד דברי הגמרא הנ”ל. ואיך יתכן? האם הרב ס”ל שלא ק”ל כהגמרא להלכה? הלוא כל הפוסקים מביאין הדברים כפשוטם. ואם הרב ס”ל שההורים יצאו מכלל אמיתך, הרי לא משמע שזה שיטתו מכיון שהרב בעצמו דיבר על ג’ נפשות יקרות מישראל.

והנה ידוע שאיסור אונאת דברים חמור מאד ולא יתכן שהרב יעבור על איסור זה במזיד חלילה. אלא ע”כ ס”ל לרבינו שמותר לומר דברים של אונאה שלא בפניו של זה שנפגע – אם בטוח שדבריו לא יגיעו לזה שקובר את בניו. אך בזמנינו דבר זה לא שייך, שכל דברים של אדם נכתבים ונקלטטים מיד. ובטוחני שרבינו יתקן הטעות בסי המהירות.

בברכת שלום ואחדות,

דוד קייטז