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Showing posts with label der blatt satmar newspaper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label der blatt satmar newspaper. Show all posts

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Der Blatt Continues to back Satmar Rabbi who said that it was the "parents fault" that the boys got murdered!

The Yiddish Satmar  Newspaper, Der Blatt, a yiddish version of Al Jazeera, refuses to apologise for Aron Teitelbaum, the Clown of Monroe, who castigated the parents of the three Jewish martyrs, while the parents were still sitting shiva.
Not only do they refuse to see the light, they are going out of their way and responding to the huge Chillul Hashem with a 4 page commentary backing the fool!
I will loosely translate, my comments in red:
A Deluge of False Ideas, Sympathy to "Hisgarois Be'umois" (Antagonizing the Gentiles,) and Feelings of Revenge by the Chareidie World Halted, after spreading  the Holy words of Current Events from the Satmar Rebbi
Unprecendent attacks against Satmar, by Religious Zionists and Chassidic-Zionists because of the Rebbe's sin of revealing the true Daas Torah!
The Fiery, short & sharp words of the Satmar Rebbe last week, wednesday, in the auditorium of the Yeshiva Gedoile of Satmar in Kiryas Yoel, had an unbelievable reaction.
This was the main topic in the kitchens of Jews from all denominations.
There wasn't a shul or Chareidishe house throughout the entire world that didn't discuss, review and analyze on the holy Shabbos, the Rebbe's holy words about the grave danger of the pursuit of land conquests of the
 of the Zioinists Mehadrin min Ha'Mehadrin, and what that can result, G-D Protect Us!
(that wasn't what the Jews were discussing in the "kitchens" on shabbos. What the Jews in the "kitchens" were discussing was the Clown's foolish and hurtful words to the parents of the murdered teens)
This (being critical of the speech) all started with the reporting of the Rebbi's words by the Non-Religious Zionists Press and then  spread to the New York Media and then to  the Social Media and to the bungalows and finally to the shuls.
(that's not exactly how it happened! Satmar's propaganda machine had his hateful speech translated into English, and had Vos Iz Naies report it. From there, DIN printed it, and then the Social media and then the general media and then the bungalows!)
The reaction from the Rebbi's holy words, from child to adult was unprecedented, that even Torah Jews with no connection to Zionism, wanted revenge!
What the holy speech did accomplish was that the Satmar Shita was now discussed vis - a - vis the prohibition of voting in Zionist elections, the prohibition of going to the Kosel until Mashiach comes, the prohibition of speaking the profane Hebrew language, Hisgarois B'umois the antagonizing the Nations, the rebellion against G-D, the prohibition of going against the 3 Shuvois" and the great danger of having Religious parties in the Knesset.
(a)Prohibition of voting?
So why are you complaining when the Zionists do something you don't like? If you don't vote, Shut the Hell up!
(b) Prohibition of going to the Kosel?
When in Jewish history did a Jewish sect prohibit Jews from going to the Kosel?
I'll tell you when, those who learned the Daf this week, Mesactas Taanis daf 30, will know that the Jewish evil king, Yerovom ben Navot went one step further than the Satmar Rebbe, he put guards at the border to prohibit Jews from going to the kosel....and being "Olie Regel."
(c)Prohibition of the Hebrew profane language?
Doesn't the Clown's  naive Israeli  wife speak to her sisters every week in that "profane" language?
(d) the rebellion against G-D?
 How about Satmar  rebeling against G-D, by speaking against the Holy Jews that live in Israel, and by prohibiting Jews from going to the Kosel and prohibiting all his Chassidim except for his wife, to speak the language of G-D?
(e)Hisgarous B'Umois (Antagonizing the nations)?
So why are you, Mr Clown, allowed to antagonize your Goyishe neighbors, by annexing land to Kiryas Yoel. Why isn't that Hisgarous B'Umois?
(f) prohibition of the 3 Shevuois (oaths)?
We spoke about this many times, the 3 Shevuois are null and void,
1) The Nations of the world gave us permission to populate the land. The League of Nations and later The United Nations gave the Jewish people a homeland. Instead of reading the hatefull "Al Hagilah" open a history book.
2) The nations themselves violated the oath of not excessively torturing us in exile.
3) It seems that Ezra Hasofer wasn't concerned about the 3 oaths since he advocated Aliyah and then went ahead and built the 2nd Bais Hamikdash? Why wasn't he concerned about the 3 oaths?
 What's interesting was, that the Zionists media reported the Rabbi's holy words with respect and even nodded half ways as if they agreed with the Rabbi.
(this article is talking about the leftist commie Israeli Newspaper Haaretz.  Haaretz, Satmar and the Arabs  all agree that  The State of Israel should be, G-D Forbid, turned over to the Arabs, so they "half nodded" to the holy foolish words of the Clown in Monroe.)
However, the hate that came from the Chareidie media against the Rebbe was so antagonistic, that we hadn't had such venom since 1967, when our great Holy Rabbi, the Divrei Yoel, the V'Yoel Moshe, z"l,  warned that Daas Torah prohibits Jews from going to the Kosel until Moshiach comes.
(Now, I'm confused! "Daas Torah prohibits a Jew from going to the Kosel? Then why are there countless pictures of the Gerrer Rebbe, the Kloizenberger Rebbe, R' Chaim Kanievsky, R' Shteinman etc, at the Kosel?
Why aren't they listening to "Daas Torah"?
Oh! This is only Satmar "Daas Torah"! So, let me understand .... everyone has a different "Daas Torah"?
Ok... My Daas Torah tells me that Satmar doesn't belong to the Jewish people, in fact Satmar  ideology, is alot closer to the Muslims than to Judaism....
so there!
The article continues, but you guys get the gist of this venomous words from the Clown's followers.