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Harav Yair Lapid |
הרב הצדיק יאיר לפיד חושש מכרת וזועק כי אסור לעלות להר הבית
- ומביא כהוכחה את הרב הצדיק אריה דרעי
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Ben Gvir with Chassidim on Har Habyis |
Chareidim don't really care whether Ben Gvir or those going up to the Har Habyis are being over a " Safeik Karis"! They could care less! You think that they are losing sleep over Ben Gvir's Olam Haba?
Did the Gedoilim who condemned Ben Gvir, condemn the Gay Parade in Yerushalayim?
Do they protest Chillul Shabbos?
Years ago Harav Amrom Blau z"l protested every shabbos against chillul shabbos, today not a peep! Harav Arye Levin z"l would go every erev Shabbos to stores and try to convince to keep stores closed!
Today the spiritual leaders of Chareidim don't really care about Jews that don't look like them, that violate Shabbos to which there is a definitive capital punishment! They invite politicians that openly are mechelei shabbos during elections to pander and chanfeh them! They sit with them in the Knesset and shmooze all the time, and they aren't the least concerned about their olam habah!
If they really cared about Ben Gvir as a fellow Jew and were really concerned about his olam habah, they would have invited him over to discuss this like civilized mentchin, but instead, they condemned him in their Loshon Hara rags!
So what happened? Why are they getting involved now? Why, Ben Gvir has been going up to the Har Habayis for years!
Read what I wrote a couple of days ago and you will see that this is all about politics, it has nothing to do with Hashem, it has nothing to do with "safeik karis" It's all about votes!
It all started with hypocritical Loshon Hara paper the Hebrew Yated, denouncing Ben Gvir's ascension to the Har Habyis on Tisha Be'ov!
Over 3,000 frum Jews including Belzer Chassidim ascended!
On Sunday Aug 11 we posted a well-researched article that going up to the Har Habayis has been a tradition going back at least a thousand years and that the Rambam himself davened on the Har Habayis! (Note: Follow your own Rabbi's Psak)
It is interesting that the Yated trying to support their position that it is prohibited to ascend to the Har Habyis, quotes Harav Avraham Yitzchok Kook z"l who prohibited it!
This would be laughable if it weren't so tragic, they have absolutely no respect for Harav Kook z"l and zero respect for Harav Aviner shlitah who also prohibits it, but that doesn't stop these hypocrites from bringing support to their position from Gedoilim they hate and actually curse!
In their article denouncing Ben Gvir they denigrate and mock Ben Gvir's Gedoilim!
When their Charedie Gedoilim are mocked and ridiculed they scream and bark that it is prohibited to be "mevazeh a Talmud Chachim" but they have no problem attacking those Gedoilim that don't agree with them!
Normally they would ignore Ben Gvir, so why not ignore him now?
Great question! I love my readers' sincere interest in learning the facts!
Ben Gvir is a threat to the rest of the Chareidie parties!
Ramat Beit Shemesh Alef and the Sheinfeld areas in Beit Shemesh voted overwhelmingly for Ben Gvir in the last two national elections. This is significant since it seems that all new Olim vote for Ben Gvir. Between Ben Gvir and Smotrich they have 14 seats! This means that Chareidim in Bnei-Brak and Yerushalayim are fed up with Deri and Gafni and must also be voting for Ben Gvir! Wow! Their own people are voting for Ben Gvir!!!!
Litvaks were running so scared that they would be losing seats that they schlepped out R' Chaim Kanievski z"l from Bnei--Brak, dragged him kicking and screaming to a huge rally in Yerushalayim! I had reported then about that rally where R' Chaim z"l on an open mike asked his grandchild Yankie "Vus tee ich doo" "what am I doing here?"
So the enemies the Chassidim and the "kalteh litvaks" decided to band together and recruit Harav Hazadik Yair Lapid Shlitah to their cause to make Ben Gvir look like a lunatic! The enemy of my enemy is my friend!
They now saw an opportunity to show their own who are sympathizing with Ben Gvir, that he is a bono-fide "lunatic" and that he defies Chareidie Rabbis and goes up to the Har Habayis. They are showing them that Ben Gvir "is not one of us" ..
Truth be told... They don't really care if anyone goes up, and they don't care if Ben Gvir goes up as he goes up every week and they say nothing, but this is a golden opportunity!
Will this work? Only time will tell!
Just weeks ago Belz, Stolin and Viznitz announced that will allow in their Yeshivois secular studies starting this coming Zman!
The Yated blasted this decision; according to the hypocrites this went against Mesorah (a lie), and brought their big guns Rav Landau, Rav Hirsch to denounce the Chassidim. R' Landau and R' Hirsch were only too happy to oblige the Yated as there is no lost love between them and chassidim, ;
Belz and Stolin laughed at them and said that they "don't need kalteh Litvaks to tell them what their mesorah is, and that they are doing this with the Haskama of their own Gedoilim! Interesting that only the kalteh litvaks invoked their worn-out mantra "Daas Torah" but what they ignore is that Chassidim have their own "Daas Torah"
Ben Gvir is also a threat to Chassidim because according to their own internal studies, their very own Chassidim are fed up with Shas, Degel and the Aguda parties and are abandoning them and turning and voting for Ben Gvir and Smotrich, in the last election many Charedim voted for Ben Gvir and Smotrich!
But what we see from this incident is the following:
#1 Chareidim won't allow others to be Mevazeh their Talmedei Chachim, but they have no qualms mocking and being Mevazeh Talmedei Chachmim that oppose their view in a public forum...see video below!
#2 They will bring Gedoilie Yisrael such as Harav Kook z"l and ybl"c Harav Aviner Shlitha to support their view, though they ridicule and mock them all the time! In fact, they erased Harav Kook z"l from the Charedie establishment altogether!
#3 They will team up with far-leftists like Yair Lapid who hates their guts, and sit down with them in private discussions to try to oust their threat ... Ben Gvir!
#4 Chassidim and the Litvaks who hate each other's guts will team up to try to eliminate their common enemy!
Below watch a video of Chareidim Being Mevazeh a Gadol BeYisrael Harav Leibil Shlitah because he refuses to follow their psaks!
Tisha Be'Ov is over back to Sinas Chinim!!
When have they ever cursed(sic) him? Bring any typed proof.digging up some clip of a few wild adolescents or such- will be treated as just that!
They have for decades referred to him with full titles-even when in disagreement
When DIN & coterie denounce others -must be positive
When/if others- sinas chinam
You don't need any proof, just talk to any Chareidei And say "Harav Avraham Yitzchok Kook z"l" and you will get a mouthful of curses, including "YM"S" Yup! Not only that you know it too, but you are playing dumb!
I love every Jew but this blog is dedicated to root out hypocrisy! And I am not claiming to be a "gadol" in fact I am a "katan" wnk wink! והמבין יבין
If I come up to shomayim and they ask me why i didnt go up to the har habayis . I will tell them that Harav Hagoan R Avraham Yitzchok Kook Zatzal said it is osur . BTW in my chareidei circles i never heard anyone say anything derogatory about him. not worth playing around with a risk of kares
I went into a book store in Bene Beraq a couple of years ago, the one on the corner of Rabbi Avika and Rav Shach and asked if he had any of Rav Kook's, zt"kl, seforim. He rolled his eyes and told me this was a Chareidi book store so no.
In my experience, it depends on milieu.
There are many who treat RAYK with reverence,with the caveat that his classic unbound 'Ahavah' was 'mikalkeles es ha'shurah'
Heshy Goldstein from the Pesach hotel scam?
Renegade Belzers?
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