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Monday, August 5, 2024

Hashgachos In Israel Now Certify if the Shabbos Goy is a Genuine Goy


Because of the stressful situation now in Israel, Frum Jews need a Goy on Shabbos to give them the News! "Nias Goy" Goy News! 
But how does anyone know who fits the criteria of a Genuine Goy??
Not to worry! 
Hashgachos in Israel are always rated by the "heimishe oilam" and Badatz is number1, Machpud #2, Rabbanut #3 and Tzohar #4!

So the Goy of Badatz is 100% a genuine Goy. A Ben achar ben achar ben, a Goy!

The Goyim of the other Hashgachas are questionable Goyim. The Goy of the Rabbinate could even have a name like Rabinovitz! The guy in the video wants to know if the Badatz Goy would eat from the Hashgacha of Machpud! 


Anonymous said...

Bardak is satire

Dusiznies said...

No kidding

Anonymous said...

Bardak is great