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Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Ezzra Friedlander of the "JudenRat" Meets Antisemitic Yentas Ilhan Omar and Tlaib


The self serving kapo, Ezra FriedLisker, has proven once again that he is an amateur! 

Friedlander,  who does this "for the Benjamins" invited himself to an Arab seuda called "Iftar" to tuchisleck outright antisemites. Instead of talking about Yom Ha'shoah he decided to diss the State of Israel and meet her enemies. 

As I said many times "ehr iz nisht a groiser chuchim in nish a kleiner naar" he isn't very bright and he isn't a small fool. 

This being chummy with people that are against America and Israel could actually be dangerous for Jews as he isn't a seasoned politician and who knows what this "upgerissinar naar" could say! 


Agudah Multiverse of Madness said...

Giving shkoiach to Ezra's kapo pandering are the dimwit "Turx" from Ami Magazine, vus er redt vee a Turk.


And moron Agudah Fresser Yosef Rapaport who is also on Hamodia's payroll.

Anonymous said...

Rav Yochanan ben Zakai met with Vespasian, who by ordering the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash makes Rashid et al, look like uber zionists.

Anonymous said...

Comparing the great Rav Yochanan Ben Zakai the undisputed leader of the jews to this guy???????
Let's just say your analogy is rather flawed.

Dusiznies said...

If you read the gemarrah about this incident you will find that there were Tanaim that were not happy with the results of this meeting, they felt that he should have requested that he leave the Bais Hamikdash standing. One can debate what R' Yochanan Ben Zakai should have requested, but what there is no debate is that R Yochanan was a Tanna who redacted the Talmud Yerushalmie and who represented Klall Yisrael at a time of extreme strife, and that Vespasian was in the position to grant the wishes of R Yochanan, Ezra is no Rav Yochanan and Ilhan Omar and Tlaib are powerless machsheifas who will continue to deride and defame Ezra and his brothers and sisters. I am not against him saying hello to them or even talking to them, I'm against his boasting about this on Yom Hashoa no less.

כל עוף למינהו ישכון said...

Friedlander is desperate to increase the population of Liska Hasidim, so he meets with כל צרוע וכל זב וכל טמא לנפש. His father hardly has a minyan.