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Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Finally we see Jewish Children Ascend the Har Habayis


What a beautiful sight! Kol Hakovoid!


Ben Tayreh said...

This is wrong. You can bring as many Dati Leumi shitos that there are fun heint biz morgen. Why take a chance with issur kareiss when much bigger gedolim than the Leumi crowd are all assering?

concerned said...

Actually, there is less of a chance of violating the Makom Hamikdash with children that don't have Tummah Hayotzai Meigufum...and they don't need Mayim chaim to go on the Har Habayis... It was precisely the scarcity of mikvaos that are Mayim Chaim, and therefore the strong chance that people will go up on the Har Habayis without the proper Tevilah- that was the original reason many made the "modern gezeirah" not to go up at.

Dusiznies said...

Ben Tayreh
I didn't know that the Rambam was a Dati Leumi.
The facts are that Arabs go up there and have picnics and play ball and urinate, which is a massive Chillul Hashem, and
במקום חילול השם אין חולקים כבוד לרב
I'm amazed that with this huge חילול השם going on constantly the Chareidie and Sfardie Gedoilim still refuse to review the latest archeological proofs that are 100% certain where the Makom Hamikdash stood and where the Hichel was. I sincerely believe that if they acknowledged the facts on the ground, they would, like the meraglim, have to give up their big shuls and power. They are interested in keeping their sheep clueless so the sheep would continue davening in the "shteeblich"
I am certain that the רבונו של עולם is very upset that Chareidim and Sfardim abandoned His Home that is left in shambles and in disgrace, while making Meron and Uman into a shrine!
Whether the Chareidim like it or not, the Jews have a State with a Jewish government, and they should immediately take control of the Makom Habayis.