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Thursday, January 5, 2023

Arab Imam States that "Al-Aqsa Mosque is not in Palestine and Mohammad was never in Jerusalem "



Youtube Live Stream said...

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DrMike said...

Okay, but I can also find Jewish "rabbis" who will say that Moshe Rabeinu, a"h, never existed and our ancestors were never in Egypt. how authorititative and otherwise mainstream is this guy?

Chevra Chazirim said...

Yeah, "shocked". As if many of the retailers aren't in large part responsible for the price gouging themselves.


There is a growing concern amongst retailers that continued inflation will put a damper on the upcoming Passover season. The retailers are mainly concerned that key items like eggs, flour, potatoes, and poultry will be at record levels, surpassing last year’s shocking increases. They seem to be less concerned with supply chain issues saying that many of the SKUs may already be in stock. One retailer said: “We keep getting shocked by an endless spade of increases which we are mightily trying not to pass along to consumers.” He was also concerned about the possibility of spot shortages of many goods and wondered how high the price of Shmurah Matzah might be this holiday.

Uriah’s Wife said...

Time for witless chareidi/yeshivish folks to abandon overpriced cholov and pas yisroel, kosher vegetables , kosher water and other phony halachic mandates. Buy cheapest foods which shouldn’t require a hashgacha at all.