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Wednesday, January 4, 2023

94% of antisemitic attacks in NYC were against Orthodox Jews and were perpetrated by other minorities


A new report from Americans Against Antisemitism (AAA) found that Orthodox Jews in New York City were the most frequent targets of antisemitism, representing nearly 100 percent of reported cases between 2018 and 2022.

The report by AAA found that Orthodox Jews, and specifically Hasidic Jews, were the victims in 94 percent of the 194 antisemitic incidents recorded in New York City between 2018 and 2022.

The study also found that 77 percent of the antisemitic attacks occurred in neighborhoods with mainly Orthodox populations. Nearly 25 percent of the assailants were teenagers.

The report also found that only two of the assaults that led to criminal proceedings ended in convictions.

It also noted that the incidents of antisemitism were not carried out by white supremacists but by other minorities.

AAA founder Dov Hikind told Newsmax that troubling findings should be a “wake up call” for the New York Jewish community and elected representatives.

“All the Democratic elected officials and the leaders of the Democratic Party they want to talk about white supremacists,” he said. “And the facts are that in New York, where antisemitism is literally out of control – I mean, numbers that we’ve never seen in history – those attacks are emanating from people in the minority community. But you wouldn’t know it if you talked to leaders of the city, of the state.”

“If you don’t face a problem, how do you solve the problem?” he added.


Anonymous said...

Time to start teaching martial arts in yeshivas and girls' schools..seriuously! Actually long overdue, imho..

DrMike said...

So basically the group no one cares about was attacked by the groups no one is allowed to report on.