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Sunday, March 6, 2022

DIN Gets Caught In the Yerushalyim "Chup" Protest

So today I was stuck in traffic for hours in Yerushalyim traffic. What happened was that the police caught a Satmar Young Avreich , a Teitelbaum of course, who refused to register with the draft and so they threw him into jail. 

The "Auerbach "leidegeiers " blocked traffic to protest his arrest! 

I had nowhere to go as I was blocked in on all sides, so I decided to step out of my now stopped car and take a little stroll over to see who were the protestors? מי ומי ההולכים

I couldn't help but notice that at least 85% of the protestors were shaven boys with big "Chups" "fancy hair styles! These "Chup" wearing guys stopped their Torah learning to protest the arrest of a Satmar Draft dodger!  Looking at their fancy "chups" I couldn't help but think that they must be looking in the mirror for hours combing their fancy locks! Who are they trying to attract? They are supposedly in Bais Medrish all day shteiging away, so why do they need these "chups?" Why is a Torah "Scholar" styling his hair? I know that the Ribono Shel Oilom has a senses of humor, and I can't wait to see them going bald!

Could it be girls? Naaaaa! So what's with the "chups?"

Background Story!

The law is that all Israeli boys must register for the draft, despite the fact that they get exemptions and do not serve. There isn't a bocher in Israel who registered for the draft and received an exemption sitting in jail for not serving in the IDF! Not One!

How did they catch him? 

This Satmar Shvantz left his young wife and child  in the middle of the night  last Thursday, not to do "tikkun chatzos" chas ve'sholom, but to commit a criminal act!

He and 20 of his friends או לרשע ואו לשכינו came to a brand new neighborhood in Beit Shemesh, called Beit Shemesh Daled, to spray grafiti on the walls of  brand new buildings! They sprayed "Tziyoinim YM"S" and other Torah Statements, doing tremendous financial damage and of course making the buildings and the neighborhoods ugly!

This was going on for several weeks, and I guess the brand new residents were sick of these parasites so they  set up a buddy system to catch the culprits. Bingo! Last Thursday, they caught the vandalizers, and while many got away, this Teitelbaum character who was quick with a paint aerosol can, but apparently not too swift on his feet and never ran in the "Jerusalem Marathon" got caught and the neighbors held him for police. When the police saw his ID they noticed that he never registered for the draft and they threw him in jail. His "Friday Night Mitzva Night " is going to wait until he sees a military judge!

Originally they were going to protest in Beit Shemesh, but the rabbanim in Beit Shemesh told them that they won't cooperate because he was a "mazik" a criminal!

But the "Auerbach Chups" who are always looking for a quick exit from learning Torah, called for a massive protest and that's how I got caught up in this mess! 

זו תורה וזו שכרה

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess Kedushas Eretz Yiroel didn't have any hashpa'ah on them. How could that be? Would these chup bachurim be better people maybe if they lived in Lakewood? Then there would be no hafganas to do so at least no being mazik. Or do we say that someone who lives in Eretz Yisroel even if he is a mazik and a gazlan is better than someone in chutz la'aretz even if he isn't a mazik o a gazlan? What are your thoughts?