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Thursday, March 24, 2022

Mrs. Devorah Chana Phillipson from Monsey Dies Suddenly


Mrs. Devorah Chana Phillipson of Monsey was 55.

Devorah Chana a”h, was born in Boro Park to Mr. and Mrs. Menachem Mendel Gottlieb.

Mrs. Phillipson’s husband, Rabbi Binyomin Phillipson, is a renowned philanthropist who leads the Yad Elka Foundation, distributing tens of millions of shekels before each yom tov to thousands of needy families in Israel. Additionally, he is a well-known donor to numerous Torah institutions and various tzedakos throughout the world.

Mrs. Phillipson was his partner in all that he does. Her home was known to be open to all, and she was mekarev countless college students who received their first taste of yiddishkeit in the Phillipson home.

She and her husband would visit the Tosher Rebbe before each Yom Kippur, following his advice to a tee and never allowing their own opinions and preferences to guide them. Emunas chachomim and daas torah were the foundation of their home, which was steeped in torah and gemilas chasadim.

The levaya was held at noon in Spring Valley, with the nifteres now being flown to Eretz Yisroel for kevurah.


Anonymous said...

Ever since the vax we don't stop hearing of people dying suddenly, which prior to that wasn't the case.

Dusiznies said...

I don't really know what you are getting at and what this has anything to do with the Vax.... A rather young well known lady who was healthy died suddenly. This would have made the news if she died before covid, because her husband is a well known Baal Tezedaka in Monsey.

Anonymous said...

It is absolutely news, having nothing to do with the vax.

But I am pointing out that the vax has killed countless people. We now live in a society where the establishment is totally corrupt and has no credibility. If you listen to mainstream news, you'll get the propaganda of the day, and you won't know the truth. If you follow the government's arm twisting medical advice, you will be doing their bidding, but you won't know why they want you to do it, and you won't now whether it's good for you or not. Because they are not to be believed, and because whether or not it's good for you, was never part of the equation for them.

Dusiznies said...

Can you name one out of the "countless people" that died from the Vax? Just one.
Because I live here in Israel where the majority were vaxxed and not one person ever told me that they know someone who died from the vaccine.
But I can name you hundreds that died that didn't take the vaccine.

LES AYM said...

Dusiznies said...at 802pm

Gut Gezugt!

Sam Green said...

Not just the vaz...the dumb boosters

Anonymous said...

Well, all the people in this article learned of their relatives dying "suddenly." And it is certainly worth reading. We don't understand H's ways, but believe H' is in control.


Anonymous said...

Different countries have different mutations and strains. What works in one country doesn't necessarily apply in another. There are still too many unknowns. Being opposed to Covid vaccination doesn't mean one is opposed to all vaccinations.

There are many in USA who died suddenly -- after taking the Covid vaccine. Also reports of shingles, erectile dysfunction, and penile shortening. Not going to ask anyone to put themselves at risk and be a guinea pig.

Apparently the US FDA is using Israel as the guinea pig to watch and see how they do.