Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Zelensky Addresses the Knesset Wearing The Same Cross That Hitler ym"s Wore



MelancholyIndeed said...

Pardon my opinion, but being a self attributed history buff, it seems that the point of this post would be unproven. Being that most Christian countries, which includes Ukraine, have their own versions of military medals that are crosses. Such a the Victoria cross for UK, Distinguished Service Medal USA, etc etc. So the cross on Mr Zellenskyys shirt does resemble the cross on Hitler ymsh military dress, only bc it is a cross. Nothing more. It is most probably in reference to Ukraines own military medal which bears a cross. Thank you for allowing me comment.

Unknown said...

It's a symbol of torture,death and Avodsah Zoro. Zilinsky might be Jewish, but he has anti Semitic tropes against Israel and denifrates the Holoxcaust. He also, covers up 100 thousand Ukrainins who collobrated with Nazis in shooting and badgering Jews to death! Ukrainians Volunteered to be sadistic guards in Polands concebtration camps! I saw certain militia in Ukraine that similar SS as their emblem recently!NOT ONE UKRAINIAN was triued for war crimes.
Let Russians kill Ukrainians and vice versa. BARUCH SPoTRANU