Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Moshiach Will Come on Motzei Shevuois Says Daughter of R' Chaim Z'L



Anonymous said...

Disregard this fraudster.
She tries to stay relevant after her dad died.
All she thinks of is $$$.

Frum but normal said...

DIN, with all due respect, you should NOT have reported this CHILLUL HASHEM, it’s pretty obvious she is not playing with a full deck. Anyone who believes for a second that Reb Chaim Z”L would ever babble such nonsense ,doesn’t begin to appreciate who Reb Chaim was.

yaak said...

This is wrong on multiple counts.

First of all, it says Motza'ei Shevi'is - not Motza'ei Shavu'os.

Secondly, it was from 2015 - last Shemita.

And finally, it was proven false. See here:


Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

If I had a dollar for every time someone said they knew for sure the date of Moshiach's appearance...

Anonymous said...

I've been hearing this non stop since I become frum in 1970. It's idiotic because it serves no purpose other than to make people sceptical of what Rabbonim say and hence less frum. It's like they are trying to show off in case they are proved correct.