Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Ladies.... Crossing your legs when buying shoes for your children

How perverted is this? 


Anonymous said...

He should change professions. The women cross their legs for the purpose of tznius. When they don't, it could create a real tznius infraction, unless their clothing is much longer. Either way though, if he gets triggered, having them not cross their legs will probably trigger him more, so he has a problem for which I think he needs to find a different line of work.

Anonymous said...

It's difficult to know where to start with this one............LOL!!!

Uriah’ Wife said...

Yeah, the solution to your viewing women’s leg problem is of course not to permit men to service women in shoe stores. Or of greater tonics concern is permitting women to wear dresses altogether because they expose the contours of a women’s body. Especially below the knee where the the curves of a woman’s legs might arouse all types of prurient interests. So why not permit women to wear baggy pantsuits? That would easily solve their tznius bafflement.
Idiocy seems to infect the Charedi mind at greater degrees these days. Taliban Chareidism at its worst.

Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

So he's a pervert and he blames his victims. What's new?

Anonymous said...

Hope he had/has no problem learning foamily life halachos.

Anonymous said...

Mighty Garnel,
He didn't victimize anyone in this story. Having a nesoyon with seeing whatever, does not make him a pervert, but it makes him a normal healthy male. The women who have no regard are the ones doing the victimizing.

Anonymous said...

You are one screwed up guy!

cyrano said...

Newsweek and Readers Digest both report that it is considered a serious breach of etiquette for a female member of the British royal family to sit with legs crossed at the knees. Simply out, "es passt nisht". It is unbecoming.

A Jewish woman is a "Bas Melech", a princess. Is it so bizarre to suggest that what applies to British royalty should also apply to Jewish royalty?

Anonymous said...

I think you're the one with the problem. There is a legitimate concern with looking at women, even fully clad. Maybe you don't feel that certain provocative views are a problem, because you aren't mindful enough about velo sasuru. The Rambam says that for looking at women it's unlikely to repent, because the person thinks that he didn't really do anything wrong, as you think too.

And also you wrote to me "You are one screwed up guy!" Do you think that's nice? Are are you also desensitized to the sin of insulting people?

Anonymous said...

@12:31...I think you're confusing a repressed cult-member of being a 'normal healthy male'

Maria said...

I will try to remember to cross my legs whenever I am in a heimishe store.... My little chesed to the deprived gentlemen there. Actually not when i am in scrubs after work... probably wouldn't make any difference. Seriously its probably just kol kevuda organisation needing to dhow they are doing something ahead of nect round of fundraising.

Uriah’s Wife said...

Anon, 12:31

If he’s a normal male, what is he complaining about? That he’s even blathering about this, shows that this guy is not normal.

Uriah’s Wife said...


Both the British Royalty and the Bas Melech tznius baloney are anachronisms and deserve to be dumped.

42nd Street Porno Block said...

You guys don't get it. This was not the shoe guy that wrote this. This was a guy living on 42nd Street in apartment 3A who was thinking about a lady crossing her legs, he is a pervert, period.
As far as 8:35's Rambam. You don't care about the Rambam, if you did you would get off your fat ample arse and move to Eretz Yisrael; it was the Rambam that wrote to the Jews in Teiman and told them that Moshiach will not come until the majority of Jews move to Eretz Yisrael. If you would care about the Rambam you would be going to the Har Habyis as he did, to support the "Har Habyis Goers" insteas of preaching and lecturing us about a poem that the 42nd Street pervert wrote

Rebyendor said...

It’s obviously written by a meSHOEgannner

Tiptoe through the Fanatics said...

Some low 40s addresses between 15th-16th are tied to that crazy kanoyee Usher "Tali-Ban" Friedman.


If it's him behind this be on the lookout for a coming campaign to ban all retail shoe stores in favor of mail order only.

cyrano said...

"Uriah's wife" feels that British royalty and Bas Melech tznius "baloney" are anachronisms that deserve to be dumped.


But others might think that Kate Middleton's dignified bearing and gracious deportment exemplifying the lofty charcter of the British nation ought to be lauded above Meghan Markle's American boorishness.

Hey, there is no acoounting for taste, right? As Cicero exclaimed, O tempora!, O mores!'.-