Saturday, March 19, 2022

Police Estimate One million will attend Rabbi Kanievsky's funeral


Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, a leading Lithuanian-haredi rabbi, will be laid to rest on Sunday.

Rabbi Kaniesvky passed away just before the start of Shabbat (Sabbath) on Friday afternoon. He was 94.

The funeral will begin at 11:00a.m. Sunday morning. The exact hour will be decided Saturday evening by the family.

Israel Police estimate that between 700,000 and one million people will attend the funeral in Bnei Brak.


Anonymous said...

And if the Corona cases show an increase in 2 or 3 weeks, guess who will be blamed!

Anonymous said...

Yanky Kanievsky is the big loser here.
His Goose with the golden eggs is dead.
He won't be able to rob the gullible idiots anymore and buy himself and his cronies apartments all over Bne Berak.

Zako said...

Estimate 1 million people ? Really ? In April 2019, the israeli police said the exact same thing minutes after the Kaliver Rebbe passed away. But no such thing ever happened.
This bad communication is here only to try to justify the extensive use of costly helicopters and other useless vehicules.

Anonymous said...

Why is he on the floor? Why would they have the most respected person right on the floor?

Dusiznies said...

All dead people are placed on the floor after their demise, it makes no difference whether he was a tzaddik or a "pusheter yid"
That's the halacha!

Anonymous said...

Where is this based from? It still seems disrespectful to leave him like that. Where is it written regarding it?

Dusiznies said...

This actually is based on a halacha in Hilchos ShabboS where the rabbis debate whether a dead person can be moved to the "floor" on Shabbos! This goes into a complicated situation called "bossis" This is not the place to discuss this, be it as it may, the rabbis are trying to figure out how to place a dead person on the floor on shabbos.

Anonymous said...

But he didn't pass away on Shabbos! It was on Friday, how else was the picture taken?

Josh said...

You need to learn more lumdus!!
@DIN was just proving that it's an accepted practice to place a dead person on the floor from the fact that the Gemara discusses whether or not on Shabbos one can move a dead body to the floor... But obviously the idea to move dead bodies to floor is unrelated to whether or not it's Shabbos or when they died just on shabbos it would potentially violate the prohibition of מוקצה etc, hence the need for the Gemara to discuss whether or not it's permitted but regardless the placing of bodies on the floor is implied.

Anonymous said...

So why was he put on the floor if it was not Shabbos?

Anonymous said...

What about disgracing the departed!??! If it's not Shabbos why was he put out like that? Where does it say to do this? We don't put a "blech" on during the week because we do so on Shabbos. So why did they do to him when it wasn't Shabbos?