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Thursday, November 4, 2021

Lisa (Brewer) Hardy Sends Hateful Message with threats to Chabad Rabbi at George Washington University



Zako said...

A clear proof that left/democrat/woke/progressism is a deeply mad filthy dangerous sick brain disease.
And these sick wild beasts never have even a word about islamic wars or world jihad.

Ma Rabbi said...

Another anti-semite witch.
May she have a Misa Meshuna very soon.

Kastner_train said...

Zako, Hitler too was a deeply mad filthy dangerous sick brain disease. The Jewish Political-machines are playing major games with the system.

We're not chosen for privileges, we're chosen to be a light upon the nations. Until then they'll keep reminding us.

We better listen before the guns come out. Yeah, we have been very dumb for 2,000 years and a lot before then too.