Saturday, November 27, 2021

Hikind Goes "Nuts" Defends the Vicious anti-semite Ilhan Omar


 There was once an English teacher in Torah Vodas that would say "shut up when you talk to me" that's what went thru my mind when I heard that Dov defended this vicious anti-semite. Dov is pandering to the muslim who married her brother and thinks that now that a Jew stood up to defend her, she will turn around and love Jews.

Jews marched and died for the "shvarzas" during the protests for the Civil Rights movement. What did we get in return? We were stabbed in the back as the blacks rioted and burned down Jewish Stores in Harlem. 

Dov ...shut up!

In a rare move, former NY Assemblyman Dov Hikind is defending antisemitic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. In a tweet Thursday, Hikind blasted Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert of Colorado, after she poked fun at Omar’s Muslim faith.

“I see fret all over his face, and he’s reaching… The door’s shutting, like I can’t – I can’t open it – like, what’s happening? I look to my left, and there she is. Ilhan Omar. I said, ‘Well she doesn’t have a backpack, we should be fine,’” she said, followed by laughter from the crowd.

Hikind, the founder of “Americans Against Antisemitism” who has been a fierce opponent of Omar, sent out a scathing tweet criticizing Boebert.

“I’m no fan of Ilhan Omar to say the least, and there’s no shortage of legitimate criticism to level at her,” tweeted Hikind, “but this “joke” by Lauren Boebert isn’t funny, it’s despicable! Disagree vehemently with your colleagues but don’t resort to grotesque stereotypes to score political points!”

In a similar tweet, Omar herself slammed Boebert, saying “Anti-Muslim bigotry isn’t funny & shouldn’t be normalized. Congress can’t be a place where hateful and dangerous Muslims tropes get no condemnation.”

It’s somewhat ironic that Hikind and Omar are on the same side of this debate, considering that Omar has a long history of engaging in antisemitic tropes and supporting Islamic extremism.

In a 2012 tweet, Omar accused Israel of “evil doings” and “hypnotizing the world.” More recently, she claimed that American support for Israel is “all about the Benjamins baby.”

And this past May on Twitter, Omar labeled Israel’s self-defense as terrorism, saying, “Israeli air strikes killing civilians in Gaza is an act of terrorism.”


Anonymous said...

Your comments about Jews standing up for rights of Blacks during the civil rights movement is despicable. There are many good Blacks, some of whom are Jewish. The civil rights movement paved the way for Blacks to have better jobs and living conditions.
As for Mr. Hikind's post, we should respect other people , even if they do not respect our G-d-given right to Eretz Yisroel and to defend our people.

Dusiznies said...

Very bizarre answer.. did you read what I wrote? Or are you babbling and shooting from the hip? Mr. Stoc
You go "respect" people that do "not respect our G-d given right to Eretz Yisrael and to defend our people"
As for me, Mr. Stoc, I will continue to write how the schvartzas burned down Jewish business in Harlem and how they murdered Jews both in Harlem and in Crown Heights.
Tell that to Yankel Rosenbaum, may G-d avenge his blood!

Falafel Akbar said...

DIN, I understand your sentiments but I don't think Dov was trying to chanfeh the smelly Somali. I think he was trying to show everyone else he won't stand for any anti-Muslim or anti- whatever religion bias, hoping it will influence people to stop attacking inzerra.