Tuesday, November 30, 2021

"We are not democrats and not republicans.. We Are Yidden." Rabbi Schnall at the Aguda Convention


 How many people believe that statement? How many? 

Except for Rabbi Schnall and his rebbetzin, no one believes that lie! 

Not ONE rabbi sitting smugly at that dais believed that for a second. 

The chareidi political -economic system relies 100% on Democrat policies. They make these false claims so that they can promote the idea that politics isn't something they meaningfully engage in, since it's not Torahdik. 


Joe Magdeburger said...

Jewish particioation in politics should be based on promoting biblically based values. Too often we are told by our leaders to trade Torah principles for a free turkey and a few dollars for a yeshiva. Voting for Torah and the good of the country should be our way

Anonymous said...

They let "Rabbi" Schnall ( I am sure he has a real semicha somewhere in the closet) speak ?! On that silly podcast where he can get turned down is good. Or telling kids a story at an Avos Ubanim is half good. To adults and repping Klal Yisroel and Reb Yisroel?!?! Agudah are you for real ?

Agudah Greppserei said...

Schnall is a despicable & idiotic fat ferd for many reasons but Rav Hutner did write in a teshuva that democracy is also an avoida zara.

R' Meir Stern does not allow any Passaic kollel guys to take welfare.

Brisk (R' Avrohom Yehoshua) does not take any government money & at the same time also refuses Satmar's Keren Hatzuleh gelt.

It's particular Rebbes like Skver who always push the mindless sheep to bloc vote Democrat no matter how anti-Torah the candidates are so that they can maximize the welfare windfall. Most US Litvisher roshei yeshiva encourage voting for the Republican candidates. The gedolei Eretz Yisroel assered voting for any candidate who is pro-toyeva which disqualifies virtually any Democrat except for galich Diaz in the Bronx.

cyrano said...

I am a Republican. I have been a Republican all my life. I even supported Barry Goldwater in his !964 Presidential campaign.

Nonetheless, I understand that there are rare circumstances when a Yid must cast his ballot in favor of a candidate who is pro-toayvah. When Shimon Hatzadiik went forth to greet Alexander the Great at the outskirts of Yerushalyim and begged him to spare the city, he did so in spite of the fact that Alexander was, as was common for a Greek at that time, a notorious pederast and promoter of Toayvah.

What choice did Shimon have? He had to save the Bais Hamikosh at all costs. However, one should clearly make the distinction between choosing the lesser of two evils and choosing to support a candidate with an evil agenda simply because he promises more money for yeshivas.

leach unto the nations said...

Nice to see how Agudah has just become a puppet to the Teitelbaum bro's and other very holy godoylim (gods). They trained Agudah very well how to milk both the Republican and Democratic Parties.

Because "We Are Yidden" therefore we need to be misgarim b'imes (provoke the nations), the super power, and feel entitled to leach unto the nations. Misgarim b'imes (provoke the nations) on donkeys (with no money) is a terrible sin.

"We Are Yidden", entitled, and exclusive, not chosen to be a light unto the nations. Being a light unto the nations doesn't provide any money, (znus or power) to the holy gedoylim (gods) or sheryim (pet crumbs) to Agudah.

Gay Aveck said...

Cyrano, you don't know what you are saying.

Shimon Hatzaddik said nothing to Alexander. The Emporer got off his horse & bowed to him the moment he saw him. The only reason the tzaddik approached him is because Greece had just conquered Persia. There were no free elections. There was a potential danger because so many other conquerers massacred Jews.

This is besides the fact that Alexander being a pedophile or homo is most likely a modern invention by toyeva propagandists. Early sources point to Alexander abhorring those deviant lifestyles & sometimes punishing the practitioners. Alexander was not even Greek, he was Macedonian.

Even if Alexander was a pederast / homo, ancient Greece did it matter of factly without an agenda. Today's militant toyeva movement act like the gays of the Dor Hamabul who behaved like Orwellian snowballers of Communism. Chazal say that type of pushing toyeva on others is what brought the Mabul, plain toyeva would not have sealed their fate.

The gedolim in Israel who assered voting for today's Democrats know what they are saying.