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Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Extremists Now After the Singer Mordechai Shapiro


First they came after their bikes, then they came to prohibit boys playing ball and even swimming, then they came after their phones and then the internet. Now they are against a family sitting together at a kosher concert, and read below how in a world gone absolutely mad they were able to convince  R' Chaim Kanievski to write a letter to "admonish" those organizing these concerts. 

These insane parasites don't care if the boys get bored to tears, they want them sitting home doing nothing. 

There actually wasn't any "mixed dancing" at all ... 

there were some boys dancing in their seats next to some seminary girls also dancing in their seats.. 

Wow... Hey maybe that would solve the Shidduch crises? 

 Mordechai Shapiro knowing whats good for him caved like a cheap cardboard box, whimpering like a sick puppy that he "wasn't aware of the "mixed dancing". 

I think that the IDF should draft the "Extremists" for a couple of months.

Read and cry!

A musical concert which took place at Jerusalem’s Binyanei Haumah conference center Monday night has raised an uproar in the chareidi community after scenes emerged of chareidi men and women dancing adjacent to one another.

In the past, the gedolim have warned that such musical events can lead to a serious spiritual deterioration if they are not conducted in a kosher manner and with proper decorum. Last week, during the course of the Tzam’ah concerts which take place annually to celebrate the 19th of Kislev, the gedolim protested the fact that male singers sing at a concert for women only and the women dance during the course of the concerts.

However the concert on Monday which starred American chareidi singer Mordechai Shapira was a far more serious breach of rules, as the concert featured mixed seating and at various points men and women were dancing adjacent to one another. The concert was touted for the chareidi community and advertising in various chareidi journals and communities but the atmosphere was inappropriate.Various rabbis decried the frivolous atmosphere and one educator remarked that “as a result of the mixed seating things deteriorated to singing and dancing together. Even in the US where they are more open there are no such things. Even those singers who used to appear before mixed audiences don’t so so any more.”

Another educator criticized the “disgraceful scene” in which “yeshiva students were seen dancing next to sem girls as a chareidi singer performs is a terrible breach of rules and weakening of the chareidi fight for purity in our camp. At this rate the youth will soon question why we need to hold weddings and events with separation.”

Last week Rabbi Chaim Kanievski wrote a letter stating that “recently people who violate  rules have begun to entice yeshiva students to all kinds of song evenings under the guise of raising spirits through music and song. When these are conducted without spiritual supervision the atmosphere is far from spiritual strengthening and is more entertainment and lapsing which can cause spiritual damage and wasting time from Torah study.

Rabbi Kanievski compared these evenings to a Moshav Leitzim, a place where mockers of Torah congregate.”


Anonymous said...

These are not chumros. Not A Frummy thing.

There are clear halachic problems with what happened

The Bach 560:3 holds that all music is forbidden whether it’s sung by people, played on instruments, is at a feast or isn't at a feast as the Sh”t HaRambam (see above) holds. Furthermore, the Bach explains that this is also what the Rambam meant in his Yad Chazakah. This stringent opinion is brought as halacha by some achronim including: Magen Avraham 560:8, Shlah (Tanit pg 60d), Bear Sheva (Sotah 49a), Mishna Brurah 560:13, and Sh”t Az Nidabru 8:58(1). Sh”t Igrot Moshe 1:166 writes that a righteous individual should be strict for the Bach, and Sh”t Az Nidbaru 8:58(1) holds that the minhag to rely on the Rama is a weak minhag

There is a heter from Reb Moishe to listen to RECORDED music.

A heter to make a concert in the first place is pretty weak in the first place.

If you go thru the igros moishe you will also see that mixed dancing does not just mean actually mixed and what happened here would be a clear violation of Halacha

Ill side with Reb Chaim on this one

Dusiznies said...

I don't have to go thru the "Igros Moishe" ..
The Igros Moishe's son-in-law Rabbi Moshe Tendler met his wife the daughter of R' Moshe at a Young Israel Dance.

No one holds like the Bach 560:3, not in the USA and not in Israel. Even R' Chaim doesn't hold like that because I was at a political rally in Yerushlayim 2 years ago before the last election and R' Chaim was there sitting listening to live music and a live singer!

"This stringent opinion is brought as halacha by some achronim including: Magen Avraham 560:8, Shlah (Tanit pg 60d), Bear Sheva (Sotah 49a), Mishna Brurah 560:13, and Sh”t Az Nidabru 8:58(1). Sh”t Igrot Moshe 1:166 writes that a righteous individual should be strict for the Bach, and Sh”t Az Nidbaru 8:58(1) holds that the minhag to rely on the Rama is a weak minhag"

that whole diatribe that you scribbled above is totally ignored by ALL Gedoilei Yisrael! ALL! I can give you hundreds of examples.

The kids need concerts and the Rabbanim should be busy finding ways to free Agunois and be busy condemning sexual perverts and molesters, hiding in therocks, instead of being busy with this nonsense
If the kids won't be allowed to attend concerts they will go to the Tel Aviv concerts

Anonymous said...

if you want to know why we have a shidduch crisis, look no further that todays 'gedolim'. Years ago, as singles, we went to singles weekends, ice skating, college, and assorted other mixed events. We grew socially and in maturity, and there was no shidduch crisis. you know why? because it was not required that every putz go sit in kollel and land the big fish who would support his lazy tuches. This is because of todays 'gedolim'.
Them and the idiot ASSkanim who run to report every little issue. Oh no, a boy stood next to a girl!!! ANd you wonder why every other couple os getting divorced? There were tons of concerts too and they were all mixed. Maybe, just maybe, a boy would meet his bashert at an event such as this. But then, his mommy would have to hire a shadchan to make the shidduch 'kosher'. PATHETIC!

YU - Torah Madua said...

Come on DIN, the reason why Young Israel eventually stopped allowing mixed dances is because they finally faced the fact that it's assur. Years later when "Flakey Jake" tried to attach their name to his hedonistic events, falsely claiming an endorsement, they warned him to cut it out.

I'm not saying you don't have a point, as for instance Avremel Schorr Habor was acting pretty thuggish when he ripped the mic from Lipa at a simcha. But please don't bring Dokter Rabbiner Moses Tendler to be matzdik kol davar assur.

goldn calf pshetlech said...

8:20, no one is interested in your elitist pshetlech (snake oil tales).

Please tell us how much money (power and znus) this concert can and will cost your bosses the holy godoylim (gods).

Also please explain why your bosses the holy godoylim (gods) feel entitled to monopolize the entertainment industry like a mafia. Did God give them this entitlement to oppress his peoples?

Anonymous said...

Wow look what one bored bochur could do send out one little video and a uproar in klal yisroel

Give this guy credit

And lucky bochur for getting mordechai Shapiro the name he deserves

Anonymous said...

It's all propaganda. Don't believe a single word or rationale coming from godoylim (gods).

Do you believe a word coming out of Iran? They are exactly the same power hungry rapists and murderers. Nothing to do with religion or Hashem.

Get away from godoylim (gods) far and fast, they are imploding now, lots of debris will be falling.