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Friday, November 5, 2021

Berland's Chusid Confessed to the Murder of Nissim Shitrit 35 years ago and Incriminates 3 others

 One of the main suspects in the murder of 17-year-old Nissim Shitrit 36 years ago confessed to the murder on Wednesday and incriminated three others, Channel 13 News revealed on Wednesday night.

On Wednesday morning, disgraced Shuvu Banim leader Eliezer Berland told Meir Shitrit, the brother of murder victim Nissim Shitrit, 17, that he can sit Shiva and say Kaddish. Berland also urged one of the main suspects of the murder to tell the investigators what happened.

The report revealed the transcript of the meeting between Berland and the suspect, during which Berland urged him to confess. “We need to say what happened,” Berland said. “I’m instructing you to say what happened.”

The suspect, who until then had refused to talk, broke down and confessed his role in the murder of Shitrit, and incriminated three others. He described what transpired that day to the investigators, saying that they didn’t actually intend to kill Shitrit.

“We went to scare Shitrit and beat him up,” he said. “G., Z. and B. beat him and he died from their blows. I didn’t beat him, but [it happened] in front of me. Afterward, we dug a kever and buried him. It wasn’t planned. We decided we won’t tell anyone what happened.”

The suspect was taken by the police to the murder site in a Jerusalem area forest in an attempt to locate the remains but he could not identify the exact spot. According to his lawyer, the suspect doesn’t remember the exact location of the kever.

A female suspect involved in the murder cooperated with the police and confessed her role of calling Shitrit and telling him to go to a certain apartment, from where he was kidnapped. She also provided other details regarding the case to the police and confronted other suspects. On Wednesday, the police released her to house arrest for a week.

Also on Wednesday, Jerusalem’s Magistrate Court extended the detention of four other suspects for eight days.

During the hearing, the police said they are now also aware of the identities of those who murdered Avi Edri, 41, in 1990, and what role each suspect played in the murder.

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