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Thursday, November 11, 2021

EuroPisher Union Sends Millions of Euros To Palestinians to Help Wipe Out Jewish Presence in Yerushalyim


An agreement was signed Tuesday for support and budgeting that the EU will transfer to a Palestinian Authority organization whose purpose is to strengthen "Palestinian identity" among the residents of eastern Jerusalem.

According to the Facebook page of the "Office of the EU Representative (West Bank and Gaza strip, UNRWA)," Deputy EU Representative Maria Velasco said that “the Palestinian civil society organizations remain one of our key partners in maintaining the Palestinian identity of East Jerusalem."

She added that the EU provides around 12 million euros every year to address multiple needs and sectors in "East Jerusalem," including "inclusive education, economic empowerment, legal aid, human rights and advocacy, housing, culture and identity."

"Resilience is at the core of our work, and resilience is what we are celebrating today,’’ said the Deputy EU Representative.


frum but normal; said...

These filthy European rodents for a thousand years have been screaming at Jews, "Jews go back to Palestine" with the culmination of mass genocide the gassing and burning of 90% of European Jewry.But now that Jews are back in their God given homeland, what are those sewer rats cry? Jews out of Palestine"

Anonymous said...

You misunderstood what the European rodents really mean, that Jews should disappear from everywhere.

Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! said...

"EuroPisher Union"