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Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Berland Gave the Orders to Have Nissim Shitrit Murdered ..Israeli Police


An Israel Police representative said during a court hearing on Wednesday that Eliezer Berland, the disgraced leader of the Shuvu Banim community, was the one who gave the orders to the kidnappers and murderers in two murder cases from over 30 years ago, but was not present himself when the acts took place, Kan News reported on Wednesday.

The police said that there is evidence that there was premeditated intent to commit the murders but the prosecution must evaluate whether there is sufficient evidentiary basis to file an indictment – and that will be done next week.

Kan report on Tuesday night said that Berland sent messages to his followers in recent days indicating he is aware he will be charged in the cases and may serve a long prison sentence.

“I understand the story is over,” Berland said in a message he sent from prison, where he is serving a five-month sentence for fraud, exploitation, attempted intimidation, tax offenses, and money laundering. “Many people testified against me and the investigators told me that there is evidence against me.”

“I hope that the truth emerges. I want my suffering in jail to end.”

It was also reported on Tuesday night that the police believe that there is little hope of finding the remains of Nissim Shitrit, z’l, but meanwhile, they are continuing the search.

Channel 13 News reported on Monday that another suspect of alleged involvement in the kidnapping and murder of Shitrit admitted to his role in the case.

Last week, one of the main suspects of Shitrit’s murder confessed his role in the case and incriminated three others, providing a detailed description of the events that day that led to Shitrit’s murder. A female suspect has also confessed to playing a role in Shitrit’s kidnapping and one suspect signed a state witness agreement.


Mendel said...

Really, what has the chareidi world come to, how can the Chareidim really honestly believe that they are the true Jews of G’D

Josh said...

What does this wacky cult headed by Berland have to do with chareidim?
Cause they happen to be chareidim in the way they dress? Come on!

Anonymous said...

Josh, chareidism, is about blindly following getchke-gedoylim (shaman-feces). Who kill, rape, and pillage. Berland is just the first one to get caught.

Only after 30 years and only after an international manhunt circus for a few years, when it became obvious that gedoylim (feces) need to be flushed. Too smelly.

Josh said...

I don't believe that's a correct definition of chareidim...I consider all litvishe and chasidishe Jews chareidim, but, even if you only consider chasidim, chareidim.
There is still no equivalency, between a normal group of Stoliner/Sklener/Viener chasidim and this shuvu bunim cult, his followers are clearly not pychologically healthy people, Berland clearly manipulated them and took advantage of them financially with his tiktoks and ordering murders of fellow Jews, Berlands group seems to me, a lot closer to Lev Tahor then to "Chareidim" is what I'm trying to say...Nobody considers the despicable acts of Lev Tahor as a problom with Charedi culture in general...These are clearly cult groups who present themselves as just other Chareidi sects...Don't be fooled by them.

Kastner train said...

Josh, you mention wimp sects. It's definitely the correct definition for the getchke-gedoylim (shaman-feces) in control.

Both Satmer Teitelbaum brothers, Viznitz Hager in Rockland, NY, and Lakewood's Kotler are the same (opikorsem) atheist as Berland. Just bigger, better financed, and more sophisticated vaads (secret police). Besides the killing, raping, & pillaging they also dabble in cyber-crime (TAG.org).

Orthodox Judaism in general in USA is subordinate to these 4 getchke-gedoylim (shaman-feces). Way too smelly. These 4 need to be flushed. Wimps, wake up you're covered in gedoylim (feces) up to your nose.