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Sunday, June 7, 2020

After 14-year struggle, 'Aguna' finally gets divorce

The Jerusalem-based Yad La’isha organization of Ohr Torah Stone which helps women escape “chained marriages” announced the successful resolution of a case that had gone on for over 14 years in two countries. 

The ongoing Corona crisis had made the case even more challenging as legal and rabbinic authorities worked to get the proper documentation in place to secure a get for the wife, Vicky Tzur, as soon as possible.

Vicky had married her husband in Argentina before moving to Israel and having four children together. In December of 2006, Tzur’s husband decided to end the marriage and filed for divorce. While the proceedings were underway – a divorce process that he had instigated- he left the country and has since been in Argentina, refusing to give his wife a get.

Only in 2013 was the case finally referred to the Agunot (trapped wives) branch of the Rabbinate but for three years the file was left virtually untouched. In early 2016, the branch began communicating with the husband with the aid of the Chief Rabbi of Argentina, Rabbi Gabriel Davidovich. Vicky made continued concessions in an effort to have the case closed but despite agreeing to erase any debts her husband held towards her, he continued to refuse to issue the get.

In 2019, when Vicky came to Yad La’isha: 
The Monica Dennis Goldberg Legal Aid Center, they filed a civil lawsuit against her husband for damages resulting from his refusal to grant her a divorce. By November of 2019, she was awarded 720,000 shekels in damages even as Yad La'isha advocates Moriah Dayan and Tamar Oderberg continued extensive negotiations to secure the get with the aid of the Argentinian Chief Rabbi.

Since then, various documents have been exchanged between the parties for a period of about five months to ensure compliance. Although Vicky meticulously met all of his conditions, her husband did not stop adding demands.

But as a result of the continued pressure and the successful tort suit, Vicky's husband finally signed a divorce agreement last week – receiving special permission to leave his house during the corona pandemic in order to do so. The get was received in Israel late last week and today, June 7th, the final papers were presented for approval in the Netanya court. After 14 years of being refused her freedom, Vicky finally has a get in hand.

“No woman deserves to live in constant torture for 14 years waiting to be released. Thanks to the incredible work of advocates Moriah Dayan and Tamar Oderberg and together with the collaboration with Argentina’s Chief Rabbi Gabriel Davidovich, as of today we are finally seeing this case resolved,” said Pnina Omer, director of Ohr Torah Stone’s Yad La'isha. “This injustice is nothing less than a cynical exploitation of Jewish law. We will continue to fight for the freedom of women like Vicky in every way possible. We also thank the Agunot branch for their ongoing support throughout the years of negotiations.”


Uriah’s Wife said...

“No woman deserves to live in constant torture for 14 years waiting to be released. Thanks to the incredible work of advocates Moriah Dayan and Tamar Oderberg and together with the collaboration with Argentina’s Chief Rabbi Gabriel Davidovich, as of today we are finally seeing this case resolved,”

This Halachic bullcrap has been putrefying for centuries. Tell me why similar approaches to extirpation of Torah laws are not utilized to neutralize ancient oppressive religious mandates. Heter Iska, like sale of chametz to non-Jews and Shabbat carrying Eruv are a few examples of these subversive modifications to Halacha. These changes to Halacha can be instituted like they were in centuries past via similar interpretative initiatives.
It takes guts which is severely lacking by current Halachic authorities.

Ben Torah said...

I know that DIN, like most of us, is all for helping real agunos. I hope that was the case here with no fishy stuff leading in the direction of possible mamzerus. I say this because this is crackpot Stevie Riskin's org and without batting an eyelash, he would go the mamzerus route if that's what works for him.

The only bull turds are from feminists like the commentator here who sometimes create fake "agunos" + sometimes the next step which is real mamzerim. I am not labeling Vicky Tzur one way or another because I don't know her details.