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Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Progressive Western women converting to Islam, since 10/7 Hamas attack

A growing number of young, progressive Western women are converting to Islam, citing the Israel-Hamas war as motivation for the conversion – and they're documenting their journey on social media. 

Hoover Institution research fellow Ayaan Hirsi Ali issued a warning on the new trend during "America's Newsroom," arguing young women are "throwing away" their freedom with the decision. 

"You are converting to throwing away your freedoms as a woman," Ali told Dana Perino on Monday. "Islamic scripture, Islamic law, Sharia law and Islamic practice is crystal clear about the position of women, and it's inferior to men. Your testimony is half that of a man. Your husband can beat you. You have absolutely no freedom."

"Everything is about your guardian having authority over you. First your male father, and then later on your male husband, and if those aren't even available, even your own male son has authority over you," she continued. "So if that's what they want to revert to, good luck with that."

The left-leaning women making the decision to convert have shared their religious diversion on TikTok, with many wearing the hijab, reading the Quran, attending pro-Palestinian protests and even learning Arabic as they accuse Israel of genocide. 

One activist, Alex, who is a self-proclaimed "leftist queer gremlin," took her shahada shortly after purchasing the Quran, to officially dedicate herself to the Islamic faith. 

She was supposedly inspired by another social media user, Megan Rice, after she detailed the Palestinians' "ironclad faith" in wake of the war. She claimed Israel's retaliation after October 7 spurred her interest in conversion. 

Hackers are taking over planes’ GPS — experts are lost on how to fix it

It’s one of the most terrifying events imaginable.

There have been over 50 recent reports of frightening cyberattacks that have altered planes’ in-flight GPS, leading to what experts described as “critical navigation failures” onboard the aircraft.

More frightening still, industry leaders thought that this type of hacking was not possible and are at a loss over how to fix the now glaring security failure. Since late August, they have been observed throughout the Middle East, particularly over Israel, neighboring Egypt, and Iraq.

In September, the FAA issued a warning on the “safety of flight risk to civil aviation operations” over the spate of attacks, according to OpsGroup, an international collection of pilots and technicians who first brought attention to the terror.

The attack, called GPS spoofing — when a navigation system is given counterfeit coordinates — isn’t new and applies to all modes of transportation. Ten years ago, a group of college students at the University of Texas bragged that they moved an $80M yacht off its course as a school project. In 2015, a security researcher also hacked a United Airlines flight and modified its course as a warning over security flaws.

How many aid groups knew Hamas was hiding in a hospital and lied about it? Did the American Red Cross know?


Hamas used Gaza City’s Shifa hospital as a base of terror operations. That’s the obvious conclusion following Sunday’s discovery of a large terror tunnel under the hospital along with videos of Hamas bringing Israeli hostages inside.

Now comes an important question for Congress: 

Which US-funded international organizations knew the truth about Shifa and helped Hamas conceal its war crimes?

The Israel Defense Forces this weekend discovered a tunnel beneath Shifa hospital that extends 10 meters down and 55 meters across — leading to what might be a booby-trapped door. Special units that specialize in handling explosives have been summoned to break through to the next section.

Meanwhile, Israel also released security footage showing two hostages brought through Shifa by Hamas terrorists following the Oct. 7 massacre as hospital workers looked on — suggesting a widespread conspiracy to conceal both the presence of hostages at Shifa and Hamas’ terror infrastructure within the compound.

Israel last week found two other hostages dead near Shifa. One of them, according to Israel, was murdered inside the hospital.

Red Cross president meets Hamas leader Haniyeh in Qatar


Mirjana Spoljaric, president of the International Committee of the Red Cross, on Monday visited Qatar where she met with the head of Hamas’ political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh.

To date, the Red Cross has not been permitted to visit the more than 200 hostages who have been held by Hamas in Gaza since its deadly terrorist attack against Israel on October 7.

“The ICRC continues to appeal for the urgent protection of all victims in the conflict, and for the alleviation of the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza strip. ICRC staff in Gaza have been delivering life-saving assistance, and an ICRC surgical team continues to perform operations. The ICRC is calling for sustained, safe humanitarian access so it can increase its work,” the ICRC said in a statement following Spoljaric’s visit to Qatar.

Rav Asher Weiss Was Moved To Tears By This Story From a Soldier in Gaza


 Rav Asher Weiss related a story which happened recently during the IDF offensive in Gaza, a story which moved him to tears.

The story concerned a soldier fighting in Gaza whose son was due to have his Bris on Shabbos. The soldier knew that due to his position on the front line he would not be able to make it out before Shabbos and asked a rabbi whether he would be permitted to go out on Shabbos itself in order to attend the Bris.

The rabbi replied that there was no possible leniency which could allow Chilul Shabbos in order to reach a Bris even of one’s son. Even if his family would not forgive him, this would not allow him to desecrate Shabbos. However if as a soldier he feels that the furlough will give him renewed strength to fight in Gaza, this could allow him to leave the battlefield on Shabbos and go to attend the Bris.

Rabbi Weiss said that he was not discussing the Psak of the rabbi, but said that after a few minutes the soldier told the rabbi that he had thought about it and come to the conclusion that he did not require the furlough to continue fighting.

Rabbi Weiss said that “I was moved to tears- it would have been so easy for him to say that he needed the break, it’s the Bris of his son! But the soldier explained that ‘I hope that when my son grows up and hears why I didn’t attend his Bris, he will grow in Yiras Shamayim from this.’

Rabbi Weiss concluded “How easy it is to see the beauty and the charm of the soldiers of Israel.”

Candace Owens Denounced by Conservate Group that Discovered Her


A conservative anti-radical Islam organization that used to support Candace Owens has released a scathing condemnation, disavowing the right-wing podcast host.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center, a prominent conservative group that helped launch Owens’s career, posted an article entitled “Goodbye Candace” in Front Page magazine. The group said it is ‘disappointed’ in Candace, accused her of being obsessed with her own fame, and implied that she is just chasing clicks.

“Six years ago, the David Horowitz Freedom Center invited the then little-known Candace Owens to its annual Restoration Weekend gathering of conservative movers and shakers,” it began.

“This really is the conference where everything started for me,” Candace later said. “I started my career, my political career on YouTube making just funny, satirical videos, and I got an email from David Horowitz inviting me to this conference, and let me just tell you what a big deal it was for me. I had no connections whatsoever.”

NBC Journalist Arrested For Inciting Terror

 A Palestinian freelance journalist working for NBC News has been arrested in Israel on charges of inciting terror and identifying with a terrorist organization.

Mirvat al-Azzeh was detained after sharing four Facebook posts that incite terror, according to the Jerusalem Post.

Following her arrest Friday, NBC cut ties with her. Network officials said that they had been unaware of her social media activities.

“Before we recently retained Marwat Azza for services as a freelance producer, we were not aware of her personal social media activity that provided the basis for the Israeli investigation,” an NBC spokesperson said.

“We understand the material under investigation is not related to any services she provided to NBC News.”

Al-Azza, who lives in East Jerusalem, began working for NBC shortly before the war on Gaza, after the Hamas terror attack on October 7.

Her most recent byline on Nov. 12 reported that newborns at the al-Shifa Hospital were dying as the facility ran out of resources.

Police described the posts at a hearing at the Jerusalem Court as “inciting and glorying the horrible acts committed against civilians.”

Her arrest comes as other mainstream media outlets have come under fire over using journalists who have expressed antisemitic beliefs.

The New York Times recently rehired a Hitler-praising filmmaker to cover the Israeli-Hamas war.

Soliman Hijjy — who praised Hitler as recently as 2018 on Facebook — had a byline at the Times nearly every day between Oct. 12 and Oct. 19, from Gaza.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Chrareidim attack ultra-Orthodox reserve soldier in Bnei Brak

 DIN: Except for the lady, not one person came forward to take the garbage away from his car , Not one! 

Draft them all!

A frum reservist soldier was attacked and targeted with hateful chants by a group of Charedi in the central city of Bnei Brak on Monday.

The group of youths surrounded the man’s car and tipped over trash cans to block it, while yelling at him and other residents who came to defend him, footage of the incident shows.

The Israel Hayom daily reported the soldier was a resident of Netanya who serves as a medic identifying the bodies of those fallen in battle.

The footage showed a woman wearing typical religious attire telling the group to leave, and in response, the extremists call her a shikse — a derogatory term referring to a non-Jewish woman.

The Bnei Brak municipality condemned the incident, adding that police arrived on the scene and arrested those suspected of involvement, who were not apparently residents of the city.(not true)

“Bnei Brak cherishes and strengthens the soldiers who give their lives for the nation and country. This inappropriate behavior does not and will not have a foothold in our city!”

Haredi neighborhoods and cities in Israel occasionally see incidents of public shaming of soldiers, as many in the ultra-Orthodox community shun the mandatory military service that applies to most Israelis. The community has historically enjoyed blanket exemptions in favor of religious seminary studies.

However, since the outbreak of war on October 7, there has been a surge of some 3,000 Haredim who would otherwise be exempt from service signing up to be recruited, indicating a shift to some degree in the community.

Earlier this month, the 40-year-old son of ultra-Orthodox Shas party leader Arye Deri enlisted, generating particular interest, since Haredi leaders have insisted on preserving the military exemption despite growing resentment among many secular and religious-Zionist Israelis.

Below is the soldier that was attacked in Bnei Brak singing with Avram Fried  

New footage from October 7 shows Hamas terrorists executing two Israeli women near Kibbutz Alumim.


IDF Takes over Hamas Court and Blows Up Mosque which was a hotbed of Terrorism


Family of Hostages Clash with Ben-Gvir They Don't Want the Death Penalty for Terrorists


MK Almog Cohen (the one in black dress and turban) who is advocating for the death penalty told the family of hostages in tears: 

"You don't have a mandate on pain, I buried 50 friends and my friends are captive in Gaza, Hamas must be destroyed and those who survive have to be executed,"

The families are a bunch of leftists, of course, but are afraid that this "death penalty for terrorists" debate is putting their families in jeopardy. 

But what they don't understand is that if Israel had the death penalty in place this Oct 7 tragedy would have never happened! 

How the Rains in Gaza are Actually Helping the IDF ..Amazing Video


Rabbi Jessica Rosenberg's Solution to Israel Responding to Hamas for Oc 7 is for Israel to do nothing!


Rabbi Jessica Rosenberg ... 
Rabbi Jessica Rosenberg confronted President Biden about a ceasefire in Gaza during a campaign fundraiser in Minneapolis. 

She joins CNN this Morning to explain why she continues to demand this and to send a message to the Jewish community.

For those who have difficulties with the video above here is the link

IDF removed 2 trucks full of weapons, including Badr-3 rocket parts, UAV parts and Islamic Jihad intelligence materials


Watch How elderly couple injured on Oct 7 reunite in Hospital


MK Tali Gottlieb Tells Off Arab Lady in the Knesset.. "Why are you sitting here? How Are Not Ashamed a Supporter of Terror to sit here?

 It's in Hebrew, but believe me you don't have to understand one word in Hebrew to understand what happened here!

No go, Joe: Putting the UN in charge of Gaza would be a sick joke


DIN: This idiotic idea of putting the UN in charge is not a new one, this was actually proposed seriously by R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l in his book "Al Hagilah" and in his Va'Yoel Moshe, and Der Goy the Satmar Yiddish Weekly still keeps pushing this "farkakte" proposal.

The Biden administration is pressuring Israel to define its plan for “the day after.”

This is a bit like demanding America have a plan for postwar Japan weeks after Pearl Harbor.

But worse, Washington insists the end goal of Israel’s war be the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Understanding how unlikely Israel is to accept this suicidal proposal, Secretary of State Antony Blinken suggests it turn Gaza over to a United Nations peacekeeping force or other multinational presence.

President Biden just called for the “international community” to provide “interim security measures.”

The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon literally has “interim” in its name and has been failing at its job since 1978.

The idea of international forces in Gaza repeats decades of mistakes.

In every single case, UN forces and agencies failed to provide Israel any security and were coopted and used by its enemies.

Israel raids terrorists’ luxury homes, take over parliament and police HQs in Gaza

 Israel raided Hamas terrorists’ luxury homes and parliament and police headquarters in Gaza City on Sunday, taking control of the sites and uncovering a slew of weapons and tunnel entrances below them.

Israeli paratroopers and armored units descended on the neighborhoods of Sheikh Ijlin and Rimal, executing a series of rocket launches and raids in the heart of Gaza City, where Hamas has maintained power since 2007.

Much of the once-affluent area was already leveled by Israeli air strikes since the war began last month, but the Israel Defense Forces said it still encountered several Hamas operatives in Sheikh Ijlin and Rimal and killed them while also raiding some wealthy terrorist homes.

The IDF said it found 35 tunnel shafts in the area leading to Hamas’ 300-mile underground network, along with dozens of weapon stashes, The Jerusalem Post reported.

In addition, the IDF’s 7th Armored Brigade and Golani Infantry Brigade successfully took control of Hamas’ parliament building, its entire government complex and its police headquarters, The Times of Israel said.

The IDF captured a Gazan university faculty building, too, that allegedly served to produce and develop weapons for the terrorist group.

A Hamas training base, command center, interrogation rooms and detention cells were commandeered as well by the advancing Israeli army.

Hamas officials have yet to comment on the fighting in Sheikh Ijlin and Rimal, as rolling communications blackouts have become the norm in Gaza.

Ramat Beit Shemesh Buries Our Hero Binyamin Airly Who Fell Fighting in Gaza


Rabbi David Bagno, Rabbi of the community in Ramat Beit Shemesh of fallen soldier Binyamin Meir Airly, who fought in Gaza, tells about his character.

"Just a pure boy. Really. I had a close relationship with him, not on a daily basis, but every time he came home. He study at the Hesder yeshiva in Tzfat, and when he came, we met, a hug and 'how are you and what's going on', a pure boy, a boy who wanted to do what's right. He wasn't interested in other things. He was just looking for what's right," he said in an interview with Esti Perez on Kan Reshet Bet.

Rabbi Bagno elaborated on Binyamin’s character, saying, "He was guided by doing what was right. His mother said that after they were notified [that he fell in battle], she looked for something in his room to hang on to, and she found almost nothing, he was that simple. We went shopping and I told him I will buy him clothes. He replied that there’s no need, that was the kind of child he was."

Rabbi Bagno had difficulty starting the interview with Perez due to his immense pain. "It's hard for me to speak. I have been the rabbi of the community for 13 years, I have been with him and the family since he was a child. The Mishkan Shilo community in Ramat Beit Shemesh is a Zionist Torah community, new immigrants, 90% of the community came from the US, England and other places. Very high quality idealistic people.”

"His father came from England and his mother from the US, a gentle, gentle family, all the purity and goodness that can be put in there. They are really, a very, very special family, with the ideal of being here in Israel and building their home here. Sending their children to institutions that combine army service and doing it as well as possible. That's who he was."

Asked if it was clear to Binyamin that he wanted to be a combat soldier, the rabbi replied, "Yes, his parents must have been worried. I remember that one Shabbat I walked with his mother after shul and we talked. She was very worried. It was clear, though, that this was the right thing to do. We have 30-40 soldiers from the community who are combat soldiers. Until you experience this and are hit with it, you can’t describe it. Everything broke. Literally."

In Toms River NJ Brazen Thieves Break Into Jewish Home Over Shabbos, Steal Over $300,000


A packed home in Toms River was burglarized over Shabbos, with thieves making off with hundreds of thousands of dollars in illicit proceeds – including a vehicle worth over $250,000.

The thieves broke into the home just before 4 am, and rummaged through it for valuables, including car keys, before making off about 20 minutes later.

The culprits were incredibly brazen, as all 8 rooms in the home were filled with people, including a baby room that they went through. The baby inside was thankfully not harmed.