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Monday, November 20, 2023

Family of Hostages Clash with Ben-Gvir They Don't Want the Death Penalty for Terrorists


MK Almog Cohen (the one in black dress and turban) who is advocating for the death penalty told the family of hostages in tears: 

"You don't have a mandate on pain, I buried 50 friends and my friends are captive in Gaza, Hamas must be destroyed and those who survive have to be executed,"

The families are a bunch of leftists, of course, but are afraid that this "death penalty for terrorists" debate is putting their families in jeopardy. 

But what they don't understand is that if Israel had the death penalty in place this Oct 7 tragedy would have never happened! 


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, it would still happen. These animals don't care to die.

Garnel Ironheart said...

I dunno.
There's something special about the death penalty in Israel. Only one man ever got it and it really meant something. If every two-bit Arab murdered gets it now, it cheapens that.

Anonymous said...

going soft??

Anonymous said...

Arabs don't operate that way.
They're okay getting killed as shahid heroes
but they by & large become all wimpy when being forced to stand in the dock for capital punishment

Cohen Y said...

Take it easy.There will endless appeals
The hanging threat however will be a deterrent