Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Rabbeinu Bachyeh Disagrees With Satmar, Says that biggest Haters of Jews Are the Arabs

Satmar and it's branch Neturei Karta keep pushing the lying idea that Jews can live with Arabs and that before Zionism, Jews lived peacefully with the Arabs. 

Rabbeinu Bachye a "Rishon" lived from 1255-1340 was a Talmud of the Rashba, and lived in Spain.


Garnel Ironheart said...

Well no, expand on that. They want to live in a permanent state of persecution under the Arabs because that's our lot until Moshiach comes. Having never lived under Arab persecuriont, they have no idea how terrible it would be.

Anonymous said...

Meshech Chochma

Anonymous said...

Yes very peaceful before Zionism ask R Yose hanogid or Rabeinu Maimon and the Rambam or they could ask the Jews that resided in the Ottoman Empire that their situation would change to the worst at the whim of the sultan or emir The Jews in Teiman etc yes all Zionism's fault even before it was created Most probably they mean the Zionism of H that said ki veyitzchok yikore lecho zera and latter on endowing EY to Yitzchok and to Yakov Ovinu . Also the Jewish tribes that Mohamed murdered where definitely Zionist they just didn’t know

Dusiznies said...

How? Does the Meshech Chochma disagree?
So are you saying he disagrees with a Rishon?
BTY The Meshech Chochma was a member of the "Chovevei Tzion" and was a staunch Zionist! Satmar doesn not learn any of his sefarim they are not "goiris" him!

Frum but normal said...

I disagree with this, the biggest haters of Jews are non other than the filthy treasonous self hating Romanian Gipsy Satmar gangsters.
These vermin hate Israel even more than most Arabs.
Most of Arabs already agree that we have a right to the land based on pre 1967 borders, but these criminaly insaneSatmar rats claim we have no right to any land, it all belongs to the Arabs

Anonymous said...

Verse and chapter please. As u well known a choivev Tzion and warm feelings towards Mizrochi if not a party member. He disagrees after 29 was the Chevroner Rov a Lubavitcher chosid of the very kanoish Rebbe Rashab a Zionist. Where the Bochrim in chevron all Zionist or mainly apolitical there to learn Toiras H . They treated the yishuv hayishon very well before Zionism or even afterwards when they knew that most of them had no cheilk in Zionism . They are by nature most of the peire Odom that hate the Jewish people. What did they do to the land for 1000 years that they had empty barren . Why does your simple iraki or Egyptian have this hatred towards Jews you Really believe because they are Zionist. It’s way much deeper than anything political it’s in their mothers milk . The state was only an excuse to decimate the Jewish communities in their land and take ownership of Jewish belongings . It does not come from nowhere their admiration for hitler ymS and that all their governments and Bath parties are modeled after the nazys. Kanoish propaganda at its worst that leads to self hating Jews like the contemporary Netire karta

Anonymous said...

Tell it to Yanky Shapiro

Anonymous said...

It’s not only Rabeinu Bechayay but his Rebbe the Ramban see Bereishis טז posuk ו see or hachaim טז posuk ה and כה posuk ו much deeper then any political hatred their hatred . Interesting don’t Chasidim learn Ohr Hachaim ? Obviously this one is omitted

Anonymous said...

Rabainu Bechai says you should give them bread and water - as he quotes from Mishlei - does that mean try to be peaceful with them?

Anonymous said...

He states just as yishmael did teshuva
at the end
Prior to moshiach his descendants will also do teshuva & be friendly with
us (assumingly when we're deserving)

Further common error to treat bnai yishmoel as Bnei Eisav
cf R'Henoch Lebowitz

Ben Tayreh said...

You are misreading Rabbeinu Bachya, though you are still correct that Neturei Karta is full of baloney.

Rabbeinu Bachya is referring to the nevuah that at the tail end of Galus Edom, the Arabs will transform into the worst savages in history. So while overall until the 1990s that Esav was worse than Yishmoel, the Arabs will make Esav pale in comparison by becoming increasingly inhuman until bias Goel. NK & their fellow travelers are not ehrlich enough to admit this which is kefirah in the nevuah. Shame on them!

Cohen Y said...

iirc staunch zionist is an exaggeration.
(Like many chovevei tzion) he was moving away steadily from it in his latter seasons,at least socio-politically

Anonymous said...

To cohen y When the Balfour declaration was publicized Zionism was over thirty years in existence and yet Rav Meir Simcha celebrated it quite strange for a man who was shifting away from the movement. It is true that there many rabbonim that did shift away from the movement as it became clear that the main players were entirely irreligious but that change happened after the first congress not twenty years later when it was quite clear which direction it was heading.

Anonymous said...

satmar rebbe R zalman teitelbaum, has publicly denounced the Neturei Karta and said they are wrong. keep the facts straight.

Dusiznies said...

R' Zalman Leib is a fake fraud and a phony, he is exactly on the same page as his buddies who call themselves Neturei Karta. There is absolutely nothing that the NK say that is one iota different than what R Zalman Leib always barks, All the children of the NK are in the Satmar Moisdois.

Having said that, The reason that R' Zalman Leib made that statement was because of internal politics. For the last half year the NK has been violently protesting in front of R' Zalman Leib and has called the rebbetzin "Shiksa" when she ventures out.. and that is because they are against Satmar's deal with the New York Board of Education. They feel that by Satmar taking money from the government they will have to follow the LGBT curriculum. They are of course right, but the "rebbe' finally had an opportunity to get back at them. This had nothing to do with NK's marching with our enemies! Again your rebbe is a fraudster and a fake!