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Wednesday, November 15, 2023

'BBC' interviews Hamas leader but Kidnapped Israeli Baby Keeps Crying Disturbing the Interview


A skit by Israeli satirical television show Eretz Nehederet, described by many as the "Israeli Saturday Night Live," has gone viral for a third week in a row. In the skit, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar gives an exclusive interview on BBC. He talks about the ceasefire that Hamas is trying to reach because “all civilians are running out of town, and Hamas is left without protection.” Hamas is tired, they need a break, “especially as a hostage baby is keeping them awake at night.”

The episode ends with a “moment in history,” reminding viewers that “in 1944 heartless Winston Churchill refused a ceasefire and continued the genocidal attack on Nazi Germany …”

This is the third week in a row that the program has featured a skit in English. Two weeks ago, the program mocked the British broadcaster, running a sketch of a newscast in which the anchor and reporter accused Israel of bombing a Gaza hospital, then ultimately expressed disappointment that the hospital was hit by a Hamas rocket and that Hamas admitted it.

Chilonie October 7 Survivor Thanks Hashem for the Miracles He Witnessed



Australian Muslim Cleric Warns Muslims That Satmar And Neturei Karta Are Just as Dangerous as The Rest of the Jews!


Hamas Built an entire City Underground Unbelievable.. Watch



The simple hack for keeping avocados fresh longer as grocery prices increase

 Let’s face it – avocados turn mushy faster than cost-of-living prices climb.

Yes, they’re delicious, but nursing them until they’re at the perfect level of ripeness is a delicate dance.

And with fruit and veggie prices on the rise, we really can’t afford to be chucking those bad boys in the bin a few days after buying them.

Thankfully, a woman has shared a simple hack that’ll make your avos last longer and reduce food waste in the process.

Hot tip: With avocados at their peak at the moment, why not stock up and try this out?

You and your avocado-toast habit will thank us later.

The simple hack to make avocados last longer

Unbelievable: Biden admin renews sanctions waiver giving Iran access to $10 billion from Iraq


The Biden administration has extended a sanctions waiver that will grant Iran access to roughly $10 billion from Iraq in exchange for electricity purchases. 

The 120-day waiver, signed by Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday, is identical to one issued in July, but comes amid increased attacks against US forces by Iranian proxies and just over a month after Iran-backed terror group Hamas slaughtered 1,200 people in Israel on Oct. 7. 

Under the conditions of the waiver, Iran will receive nearly $10 billion being held in escrow accounts in Iraq that may only be used for humanitarian trade, US officials told the Associated Press. 

The Most Incredible Mesiras Nefesh of Elyakim Shapiro Who Managed to Throw back 7 grenades Before Being Killed Al Kiddush Hashem


Hired Bus Drivers Refuse To Transport Jews To Pro-Israel Washington Rally Leaving 900 Stranded


The crowd at Tuesday’s pro-Israel rally was estimated at 290,000, making it the largest-ever pro-Israel rally in the world. But at least 900 Jews who arrived in Washington on chartered flights didn’t make it to the rally, after the drivers hired to bus them from the airport to the National Mall maliciously called out sick so as not to have to bring them to a pro-Israel rally.

The travelers were unable to enter the airport terminal, as they had not gone through TSA security. This left them without transportation and without anywhere at all to go, other than sitting and waiting on the tarmac – for hours.

Their plight was mentioned during the rally.

“There are also 900 participants from the Detroit Federation who arrived at Dulles airport a few hours ago, whose bus drivers refused to take them to a pro-Israel event,” William Daroff, the CEO of the Conference of Presidents told the massive crowd.

Ultimately, other than a few outliers, the massive crowd of Detroit Jews who were discriminated against by clearly antisemitic bus drivers never made it to the airport. Having waited on the tarmac for hours, they were forced to re-board the plane and fly back to Detroit.

Close to 300,000 Rally for Israel in Washington DC ‘Largest pro-Israel gathering in history’


Hundreds of thousands of people gathered at the National Mall in Washington DC this afternoon (Tuesday) for the 'March for Israel,' a rally in support of the Jewish State following the Hamas massacre of over 1,400 people on October 7 and the subsequent wave of antisemitism in the US.

The event was organized by the Jewish Federations of North America and Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, which stated that "the March will be an opportunity for all Americans to come together in solidarity with the people of Israel, to demonstrate our commitment to America’s most important ally in the Middle East, to condemn the rising trend of antisemitic violence and harassment, and to demand that every hostage be immediately and safely released."

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Israelis with relatives kidnapped by Hamas flock to NYC to pray at the Ohel for their safe return


More than 100 grief-stricken families of Israeli hostages reached the Big Apple Monday night to pray for the safe return of their loved ones at the resting place of one of the most influential modern rabbis.

Relatives of some of the roughly 200 people abducted from Israel and imprisoned in Gaza by Hamas flew from the Jewish state to Queens to gather at the Ohel where revered Jewish leader Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson is buried.

About 300 Israelis, including the family members, religious leaders and others supporting the families, gathered at the monumental tomb in search of hope and comfort as they deal with a “nightmare” that continues every day their loved ones are gone.

Hanan Salfati said he, his wife and two daughters were praying for the safe release of their 27-year-old son and brother, Ofir, who was at the Tribe of Nova music festival with his girlfriend when Hamas terrorists launched their deadly assault on Oct. 7.

Soldier Who Appeared While Still Alive In Hamas Video Was Murdered In Gaza


The IDF announced on Tuesday morning that Cpl. Noa Marciano, H’yd, the 19-year-old soldier who appeared in a video released by Hamas on Monday, was murdered by Hamas in Gaza.

Marchiano, a’h, was abducted alive from her army base on the Gazan border by Hamas to the Gaza Strip, where she was murdered. Her body is being held by Hamas.

The video that was released shows Marciano speaking on camera only four days after she was taken captive. The video then shows her dead body.

An IDF representative went to the Marciano home in Modiin on Monday and informed the family about the video and Noa’s murder, H’yd.

An IDF statement said: “Our hearts are with the Marciano family whose daughter, Noa, H’yd, was cruelly abducted by the Hamas terror organization. The IDF, together with all the agencies, will continue to support the Marciano family along with all the families of the hostages and missing persons.”

“We are working via all intelligence and operational means to return the hostages home. Hamas continues to use psychological terror and acts in an inhumane manner, via videos and photos of the hostages, as it has already done in the past.”

IDF Soldiers Conquer Gaza’s Parliament

 The IDF has not yet taken control of the entire Gaza city, but it has seized one of the symbols of Hamas’s rule in the region- the parliament building. IDF soldiers took pictures in the parliament, and Chief of Staff Hertzi Halevi flew over them and offered his congratulations on their perseverance and courage.

Vivian Silver who was missing Found Murdered in her Home in Be'eri. Murdered by the Arabs She Loved and Helped


IDF bulldozes monument to Yasser Arafat in Tulkarm Judea and Samaria


 IDF forces today (Tuesday) bulldozed a monument to former PLO leader and arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat in Tulkarm in Judea and Samaria.

No reason was given for the decision to remove the monument.

IDF forces operated in Tulkarm for 15 hours, at the end of which seven terrorists were eliminated. During the operation, engineering units uncovered dozens of ready-to-use charges that had been planted under and on the side of the roads in an attempt to harm IDF soldiers.

In addition, a senior terrorist, the commander of the 'Tulkarm Battalion,' was arrested.

Yasser Arafat had a chance to pursue peace with Israel and found the first Palestinian Arab state in the 90s and early 2000s when the Palestinian Authority was created by the Oslo Accords, but instead chose to pursue terrorism against the State of Israel and engage in widespread anti-Jewish incitement at every level of PA society. In 2000, he rejected an offer for a Palestinian Arab state by then-Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and launched the terror war known as the Second Intifada.

SICK!!! UN delays humanitarian zone to avoid aligning with Israel


United Nations (UN) Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Martin Griffiths is delaying the opening of a humanitarian zone in the Gaza Strip so as not to be seen as supporting Israel over the Palestinian Arabs, according to Channel 12 News.

According to the report, Israel is pushing heavily for the UN to support the humanitarian zone declared in southern Gaza, to which an estimated 900,000 civilians have been evacuated.

The UN is delaying the process, and it has recently become clear that the reason for this is not the benefit of the Gazans but the image of the UN.

Israel is meanwhile allowing for the construction of two field hospitals, one by Turkey and the UAE. Another such field hospital has already been built by Jordan.

The IDF is also allowing the injured to leave the Gaza Strip to Egypt, or any other country granting them access.

The "sorotzkin defiers" Singing be'achdus Hallel in front of the White House


Pro Israel supporters fill the train station in Washington DC.

Shachris in Front of the White House This Morning

 This according to R' Yitzchok Sorotzkin is "Chazir Treif"

Why are the Majority of Chareidim Ignoring the Washington Achdus March?


Reprinted from the Rationalist Judaism Blog

We are living in grave and momentous times in the history of our nation. The largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust took place. 240 hostages are held in Gaza. Hamas threatens the long-term survival of the Jewish State - not directly, but because if Hamas is not defeated, Jews will not feel that Israel is a safe place to live, and our enemies all around will be emboldened.

We also, for the first time in over two thousand years, have our own army working to rescue the hostages and defeat our enemies. In order for that operation to be successful, we need international support, particularly from the US. We need to counter the many hundreds of thousands of people who have been rallying against Israel. And so today, there is a March for Israel in Washington DC. There have been rallies before - for Soviet Jewry, for other important causes. This one is for the safety, indeed the continued existence, of Israel.

Who is going to the rally?

 Jews from almost all walks of life, along with non-Jewish friends of Israel. Schools and shuls and communities. People are flying in from all over the US. Rav Hershel Schachter issued an urgent appeal for everyone to go. He pointed out that when he was in yeshivah, every time there was a war in Israel, they would all go and rally in Washington or at the UN. Accordingly, Yeshiva University and Stern College cancelled classes and thousands of students are going.

And who is not going to this tremendously important event for the Jewish People? 

The American charedi/ chassidic/ yeshiva community.!

Don’t get me wrong. There are many people who are socially/ culturally part of the American charedi yeshiva community that are going. But it’s only those who are on the more “worldly/modern” side of it. It’s grassroots, not based on rabbinic directives from the top. The yeshivos are not going (with some rare exceptions, such as Chafetz Chaim); the hardcore yeshivish and chassidic community is not going; and the rabbinic leadership is not urging people to go.

The lay leadership of the Agudah is convinced of the importance of the march, but the rabbinic leadership is not enthusiastic. The Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah agreed to encourage participation, but their support has been tepid and apparently insincere. 

There was a Kol Korei urging people to davven yesterday, but not to join the march today. The only one of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah who gave an impassioned speech is Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin, who said that it is “chazzer treif” to go to the march. Agudah Rabbonim are not urging their shuls to go.

In Lakewood, according to my sources there, there are some buses going. But the enormous yeshiva network is not going. And those who read about events in the Yated or HaModia may not even be aware of the event. In Monsey, it’s business as usual, with most people feeling no emotional connection. The number of people going, as one friend in Monsey put it, is less than the number of people who would go to Montreal to attend a wedding.

Why aren’t they going? 

The standard professed reason is that everything is in Hashem’s hands. Accordingly, our greatest power is in Torah and tefilla rather than rallies and marches.

Japanese Sing "Hoishiya Es Amecha" in Support of Israel


Thousands in New York and Canada Defy R' Yitzchok Sorotzkin's "Chazer Treif" Fatwa And Come out in Support of Israel