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Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Vivian Silver who was missing Found Murdered in her Home in Be'eri. Murdered by the Arabs She Loved and Helped



Garnel Ironheart said...

And did her friends learn this lesson?

Anonymous said...

For the short term...

When there is no Hashem in the picture then goodie goodie feelings take over.

These far lefties are mildly culpable for this tremndously incomprehensible atrocity and of the aftermath...

Vivian and many of her ilk are the real rodfim.

This should never have even be a capability.

Unfortunately if you spoke (speak) the truth then you are a rrrracict.

Now that it hit really close to their heart at the peace-loving concert maybe this will change their outlook. But I doubt it.

The only thing these scum understand and will ever understand is the iron fist.

Anonymous said...

Now is not the time to speak harshly to these people. The facts speak volumes, and the failure of 30 years of "painful sacrifices for peace" should be pointed out without taunting misguided leftists who paid a horrific price. G d is watching our love and achdut. Let's not spoil the picture.