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Thursday, November 28, 2024

Satmar Rebbe of Monroe Throws Out Markowitz The Guy Who Married with Rabbi Katz's Heter ..Calls Massive Asifa Against the Heter


Satmar Rebbe in the video below states that most of the rabbis that signed the Heter Meah Rabbanim retracted because they found that it was based on lies and fabrications! 

The Rebbe gave Markowitz 24 hours to either give a get for the first wife or a get for the second wife. He did not specify directly what the repercussions would be if Markowitz would not abide that directive

Following Markowit'z  letter to the SatmarRebbe , R' Aron Teitelbaum, that he won't listen to him  and that he has other Rabbis who think differently from him, the R' Aron Teitelbaum  convened members of the Satmar Kollel in Kiryat Joel and gave a speech about what happened  and explained why Markowitz  lives under a severe prohibition of Rabbeinu Gershom and that such prohibitions cannot be overridden by a Heter Meah Rabbanim, and called on Satmar Hasidim to be careful and beware of such people!


Anonymous said...

Burch Hashem ! Finally some justice for this agunah and her family. I hope she gets her get today.

Anonymous said...

Nothing to do with justice for the agunah or compassion for her.
He only said that the hetter to remarry was invalid. Husband is free to divorce wife number two and keep wife number one an agunah

Dusiznies said...

I agree with you 100% the Rebbe wouldn't care if the first wife remained an agunah !

Anonymous said...

Of course the Rebbe cares if not he wouldn't have mixed in. When he said or divorce wife number two, that was said in jest knowing full well the guy just married her and that was not on the table.
You are twisting his intent

Dusiznies said...

The Rebbe is not a chumash that I need a Rashi to explain what he said! He said clearly that Markowitz has a choice! That was his intent, and how do I know that? Simply because that is what he actually said!