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Thursday, November 28, 2024

Gedoilei Yisrael Can Absolutely be Deceived!


When we study Parshas Toldos as kids, Rivkah’s plan seems straightforward: Trick Yitzchak into giving Yaakov his paternal blessing.

But blessings aren’t magical incantations. They need Hashem’s consent. Why in the world, though, would Hashem consent to a blessing based on a lie? It makes no sense. Rav Hirsch puts it this way:

“How can Rivkah imagine – even if she succeeds in deceiving the old blind father – that G-d, the All-Seeing One, could conceivably be taken in by such a pitiful mummery or believe that the blessing of Avraham, which G-d had made conditional on tzedakah u’mishpat being practiced, could be obtained from that same G-d by way of such trickery and deception?”

Rav Hirsch also notes that Rivkah’s strategy to fool Yitzchak seems so amateur. Goat skins on Yaakov’s arms and neck are going to fool him? Couldn’t she think of something more clever?

Rav Hirsch answers that the amateurish nature of the plan was the whole point. She wanted to show her husband how easily he could be tricked. She knew Esav wasn’t fit to receive the blessing intended for the next leader of the House of Avraham. She had told Yitzchak that many times, but he wouldn’t listen. Esav was a smooth talker and knew how to fool his father

By sending Yaakov in to Yitzchak with goat skins to steal the blessing, Rivkah intended to force her husband to face his own naïveté (as he would necessarily discover he had been tricked once Esav walked into the room).

And, indeed, that’s what occurred. When Esav arrived and Yitzchak realized he had been fooled, “‘vayecherad charadah gedolah d me’od,’ he received a terrific shock, he saw – as our Sages put it – Gehinnom open at his feet, saw how all his life he had allowed himself to be deceived. Immediately, the scales fell from his eyes, and he immediately added deliberately his confirmatory and now fully consciously expressed blessing ‘Gam baruch yiyeh, And indeed [Yaakov] shall be blessed.’”

Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch (1808-1888) – head of the Jewish community in Frankfurt, Germany for over 35 years – was a prolific writer whose ideas, passion, and brilliance helped save German Jewry from the onslaught of modernity.
Elliot Resnick, PhD, is the host of “The Elliot Resnick Show” and the editor of an upcoming work on etymological explanations in Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch’s commentary on Chumash.


Garnel Ironheart said...

In a way, Ytichak Avinnu was the Rav Eliashiv, z"l, of his time - a purist isolated from the world who never had to worry about ideological purity conflicting with the messy reality of the outside world. Rivkah was the opposite - she lived in that mess and new how to handle it.

Wow said...

Thanks for this choshuve posting. R. Resnick שליט"א is a choshuve yungerman, unfortunately in tefisa now. Hashem should help him survive and go out to freedom soon.

Gedalye Leibowitz Esq said...

So are you saying that Harav Shamshon Refoel Hirsch didn't say that? Or are you stam talking Loshon Hara?

Hacksaw you at Sinai? said...


Lefteest said...

Alter niess that "Saw You At Sinai" is run by Lefteesten. They even set up a Charedishe meydel with an Open Schmorthodox "rabbi" who tried to impress her that his "dream" is to be the non-denominational shepherd of a flock who are mixed Reform-Conservative-Orthodox! The org's shadchan didn't bother to tell her beforehand that the weirdo is paralyzed in a significant part of his body. I call him weirdo because he came to greet her in a purple cowboy hat with an elongated feather of the sort preferred by Shvartza pimps. Even the Mexican migrant workers at the place were rolling their eyes in disgust at him!

Anonymous said...

Hacksaw reminds me of "Hacksaw Ridge", a true story that the Tzionim should try to internalize. Desmond Doss of Lynchburg, VA, refused to fight in WWII because of his pacifist 7th Day Adventist belief. He was thrown in military prison & initially classified as a psychiatric case but ultimately still facing Court Martial. US Army Brigadier General Musgrove, a WWI hero, intervened at zero hour during the trial to have the Judge drop the charges. Doss was instead allowed to do public service in lieu of fighting. Because his religion did not preclude him from shipping out unarmed with armed troops, that's what he did with the 77th Infantry. President Truman pinned the Medal of Honor on him because during the Jap ambush in the Battle of Okinawa he carried up to 100 injured Allied soldiers to safety while scurrying around the active battlefield without a gun. This was one of the most vicious battlefields in history. 50,000 soldiers from the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand & Canada were killed, as were 100,000 Japs + 150,000 Okinawan islanders. Okinawans are ethnic Ryukyuans who were forced by the Japs to fight, at as young as age 14. Those who refused were murdered or induced to suicide. Ryukyuans despise the Japanese. The Tzionim should allow yeshivaleit (who are actually learning) to remain in yeshiva as a public service.

Dusiznies said...

Your "rei'ah" is faulty, you bring a story about Desmond Doss that refused to fight and even got a Medal of Honor but then you write that he was at the front helping the soldiers. In what world would a guy in Yeshiva be helping at the front if he is in yeshivah? According to your own story the Yeshiva Bochrim should be at the front helping soldiers. The Bochrim themselves don't hold that their learning does anything to help as the war in Lebanon started on Bein Hazmanim and they promptly slammed their gemarras shut to frolic with their families at the beach when their brothers were entrenched in the South and the North!

Anonymous said...

In what world? The one that Hashem created, this one, where He shtelled aveck that limud Hatorah has a koiach to save soldiers lives. Even if you want to pretend that taking a break is somehow mevatel all the learning, there were many yeshivos who al pi the gedolim made sure to cancel Bain Hazemanim

Dusiznies said...

Could it be that Moshe Rabbeinu didn't believe that "limud Hatorah has a koiach to save soldiers lives?" Because in the Torah that He wrote, "limud Hatorah" was NOT an exemption from being in His army! Even if you would want to sat that Leveeyim were exempt, they were absolutely not exempt from a מלחמת מצוה ! Furthermore the ones from Yissacher who were actually the learners and the ones from Shevet Dan who were the dayannim were NOT exempt!
Not only Moshe didn't believe that , so do the guys learning not believe it either , they as I wrote, slammed their gemmarras shut in the height of the war. Someone who really believes that his learning is saving the lives of the soldiers would never do something like that, in fact if he really believes that limud haTorah saves lives and he went on a "tiyul" then his is a murderer!
Those Roshei Yeshiva that extended the learning to start Bein Hazmanim for few days later, also don't believe Torah is saving lives, because they told the Bochrim (I have a recording) that "it doesn't look good, if people would see them on "tiyulim" they didn't tell them that "limud haTorah" saves lives!
Or could it be! that the "Gedoilim" really believe that "limud HaTorah" saves lives but don't really care that the soldiers are dying ? Could it be that the "Gedoilim" are totally disconnected from the rest of Klall Yisrael (about 6,million Jewish residents of Israel) that they don't care about those who are making sure that their "moisdois: are not getting bombed to oblivion? Don't forget this time rockets fell in Bnei-Brak and people got injured, (not reported in the chareidie media)