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Tuesday, November 14, 2023

SICK!!! UN delays humanitarian zone to avoid aligning with Israel


United Nations (UN) Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Martin Griffiths is delaying the opening of a humanitarian zone in the Gaza Strip so as not to be seen as supporting Israel over the Palestinian Arabs, according to Channel 12 News.

According to the report, Israel is pushing heavily for the UN to support the humanitarian zone declared in southern Gaza, to which an estimated 900,000 civilians have been evacuated.

The UN is delaying the process, and it has recently become clear that the reason for this is not the benefit of the Gazans but the image of the UN.

Israel is meanwhile allowing for the construction of two field hospitals, one by Turkey and the UAE. Another such field hospital has already been built by Jordan.

The IDF is also allowing the injured to leave the Gaza Strip to Egypt, or any other country granting them access.

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