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Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Chilonie October 7 Survivor Thanks Hashem for the Miracles He Witnessed




Garnel Ironheart said...

Just because he's secular doesn't mean he doesn't believe or care. He just doesn't understand how dressing in a black wool suit and fur hat when it's 100 degrees outside makes you a better Jew.

ironman said...

You have to work on your Ahavas yisroel

Zako said...

To Garnel 3:43pm

The 'black wool suit jew' at least knows more or less what to eat and to not eat, and what to do (and to not do) on Shabos. This is belief put into practice.
Basic belief is accessible to anyone (I could believe in Buddah, who would care ?), but committing yourself to being shomer Tora umitsvos is a whole different story.

Anonymous said...

careful. or you force us to reis kriya

Anonymous said...

Or keeping Shabbat. Kosher etc

Garnel Ironheart said...

The Chiloni is willing to put on a uniform and go out, fight and maybe even die to defend Eretz Yisrael and the Jewish people. Nothing really tops that right now.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Says garnel