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Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Australian Muslim Cleric Warns Muslims That Satmar And Neturei Karta Are Just as Dangerous as The Rest of the Jews!



Anonymous said...

Send to.me the video

eli davidson said...

Finally, the truth! The Neturei Karta (and perhaps Satmar too,) ought to realize that even if they were to get their wish, and the State of Israel were to cease to exist, the jihad against the Jews would continue. You heard the words of the Imam. The war against the Jews is as old the Koran, when there were no Zionists. The Imam knows that the Neturei Karta believe in Moshiach and that they will never be true friends of the Palestinians.

Someone should challenge the Neturei Karta, by asking them if Christians were to conquer Eretz Yisroel as they did during the 1st Crusade, who would they support? If they were to be truthful, they would admit that would support anyone who lays claim to the land so long as it is not the Jews.