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Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Thousands in New York and Canada Defy R' Yitzchok Sorotzkin's "Chazer Treif" Fatwa And Come out in Support of Israel




Anonymous said...

sorotskin is a hater, look how he rages, defy him and show up at rally.

Anonymous said...

I don't know this Rabbi Sorotzkin at all but I do know Rabbi Brudny. Between being Rosh Yeshiva of Mir in Brooklyn and being Rosh Yeshiva of BBY girls school in Far Rockaway how does he even have time to be on the Moetzes ?

Anonymous said...

BBY just uses him as a "beard" so the board can do what they want. They are using him and I don't think he is fully aware of that.They literally took the school away from an erliche wonderful Yid who founded and grew it.