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Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Shachris in Front of the White House This Morning

 This according to R' Yitzchok Sorotzkin is "Chazir Treif"


Anonymous said...

I could just imagine how much achdus this caption will bring

Anonymous said...

Calling out anyone in a negative way is certainly not doing any good.

Sabra65 said...

I have no problem with him telling the Lakewood sheep not to go (as long as they are learning/saying tehillim). But to call it chazir treif was not necessary.
He should not have said that. There are countless rabbanim who have just as much daas torah (or more) who have urged everyone to go.

Anonymous said...

After being torn between my love for Jews and wanting to attend and my understanding that it will not be a religious affair and will not be a place for simple orthodox yid I decided on not going and thank god for that ! Because after seeing the videos coming out yes I do understand rabbi Sortzkin for calling it chazer trief yes it’s beautiful to have davening and a Daf Yomi but I never want to be swamped in a mix crowd men a lady 100 percent together. I never wand to be anywhere where woman are singing like it’s normal to sing in public. I never ever want to be part of a crowd where someone is holding a pride flag . I don’t want to hear a speech from an actor or priest. bh I didn’t join this trief event and I’m praying that this didn’t and doesn’t have a negative effect on the spiritual body of israel .#am yisroel chai #rabbi sorotzkin was dead right

Dusiznies said...

You "understand "rabbi Sortzkin for calling it chazer trief" in what sick universe do you live in.
Rav Shechter and Rav Willig are not Talmedei Chachimim? They are not "erlicha yiddeen?" If R' Sorotzkin disagreed that is his option but to call a rally for achdus, that other Rabbanim approved of and came, "chazir treif?"
Your comment:
"but I never want to be swamped in a mix crowd men a lady 100 percent together"
that you don't want but to be on the internet where there is znus, apikorsas, etc that is ok? You have a warped mind. Why don't you ask R' Sorotzkin if you are allowed to surf the web?
He was "was dead right?" Maybe his views are "dead"

Anonymous said...

Hey yes there where rabbis that said to go and yes they are huge rabbis including Reb aron lapiansky and rav willig and rav Hershel shecter but I really don’t think they saw what type of situation it turned out to be …. Cas vashalom I’m not putting anyone down but I’m happy I was there in a rally that people where holding gay pride flags that’s not what I represent

Anonymous said...

And it’s funny your asking me if rav shecter are and r willig not talmidi chachomim which of course I think they are but you somehow can’t understand how rav sorotzkin is a talmid chachom
Stop being bias and looking at one side
I love Israel I love rabbinim I love Jews join me it doesn’t sound like u do