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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Rosh Yeshivah Prohibits Friends of The Chassan To Attend The Wedding Because It's Elul!!!

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The Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Eliyahu Abba Shaul, forbade his yeshiva students to attend the wedding of one his talmidim that was held Sunday evening in a banquet hall near Petah Tikva.
According to friends, the Chassan who was married last night was in a "problematic" relationship with the Hanhalah. 
The directive given to the students was that whoever took part in the wedding would be taken from his bed and removed from the yeshiva immediately. 
The official reason: There are no weddings in the month of Elul!
When students of other Yeshivas heard that few students showed to be "mesamach" the Chassan, they came running to the wedding.
The Ironic part was that the Rosh Yeshivah, Hagoen Hatzaddik R' Eliyahu Abba Shaul, participated in the wedding of the daughter of the Rabbi Tzion HaCohen Kook that very same night!

Bobover Meshiginer Gives His New-Born Daughter 9 Names

This past Shabbos in the Bobover Bais Medrish in Boro Park, a father gave his daughter no fewer than nine names.
"And her name shall be called in Israel:
Leah, Hinda, Tzirel, Malka Attia, Sheina Chana Chava Tzivya," the Gabbai declared after the "Aliyah to the Torah."
According to reports from Chasidim, the family name - which the daughter would also have to bear - is Folger.
The interesting name, which undoubtedly breaks every possible record, has drawn a wave of amusing reactions. One of the surfers chirped on Twitter: "Thank God that it's not a boy, imagine what it means to call him the Torah ...

Black South African Government Will Seize Land owned by Whites!

"We are not calling for the slaughter of white people - at least for now"

White South African farmers will be removed from their land after a landslide vote in parliament.
The country's constitution is now likely to be amended to allow for the confiscation of white-owned land without compensation, following a motion brought by radical Marxist opposition leader Julius Malema.
It passed by 241 votes for to 83 against after a vote on Tuesday, and the policy was a key factor in new president Cyril Ramaphosa's platform after he took over from Jacob Zuma in February.
Mr Malema said the time for 'reconciliation is over'. 'Now is the time for justice,' News24 reported.
'We must ensure that we restore the dignity of our people without compensating the criminals who stole our land.'
Mr Malema has a long-standing commitment to land confiscation without compensation. In 2016 he told his supporters he was 'not calling for the slaughter of white people - at least for now'.
A 2017 South African government audit found white people owned 72 per cent of farmland.
Rural affairs minister for the ruling African National Congress party said 'The ANC unequivocally supports the principle of land expropriation without compensation'.
'There is no doubt about it, land shall be expropriated without compensation.' 
Freedom Front Plus party leader Pieter Groenewald said the decision to strip white farmers of their land would cause 'unforeseen consequences that is not in the interest of South Africa'.
The deputy chief executive of civil rights group Afriforum said the motion was a violation of agreements made at the end of apartheid.  

Trump Deports Nazi labor camp guard Video!

A former Nazi SS labor camp guard was deported from his home in Queens, N.Y., to Germany, the White House announced in a statement early Tuesday morning.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents implemented a 2004 deportation order against Jakiw Palij, who immigrated to the United States in 1949 and became a citizen in 1957 after concealing his Nazi background, the statement read.
Palij admitted to Department of Justice officials in 2003 that he trained at a Nazi camp in German-occupied Poland. Court documents indicated that men who trained at the SS Training camp in Trawniki carried out the Nazi regime’s plan to murder Jews in Poland.
The 95-year-old also served as an armed guard at the adjacent Trawniki Labor Camp – where he served an “indispensable role” in the death of roughly 6,000 Jews who were killed in one of the single largest massacres of the Holocaust in 1943, according to the statement.
Palij, who claimed he was working on a farm and in a factory during World War II, had his U.S. citizenship revoked in 2003 by a federal judge, and ordered to be deported a year later. His appeal was denied in 2005.
“Through extensive negotiations, President Trump and his team secured Palij’s deportation to Germany and advanced the United States’ collaborative efforts with a key European ally,” the statement read.
Palij’s deportation process was hindered over Germany’s unwillingness to take him back because he is not a German citizen, ABC News reported.
President Trump tasked U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell to ensure Palij’s deportation was on the top of his list when he arrived to Berlin, according to the outlet.

Hundreds of thousands more Israelis okayed to carry guns

More than half a million Israelis have become eligible to receive gun permits under a major reform of the country’s firearms rules, with the stated goal of improving the immediate response to terror attacks.
Under the new rules, which went into effect immediately upon being announced Monday, hundreds of thousands of veterans of the IDF’s infantry units will be eligible for gun permits, along with police officers who received the equivalent training.
Additionally, army officers ranked first lieutenant or higher, as well as non-commissioned officers ranked first sergeant or higher, who carried a weapon during their military service will no longer be required to return their guns and permits when they are discharged from reserve service, and will be allowed to ask to keep carrying them.
Volunteers in certain police units and in medical organizations Magen David Adom, ZAKA and Hatzalah will also be eligible to receive permits.
The reform was unveiled by Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan, who has pushed for allowing more Israelis to arm themselves as a response to terror attacks.
Under the old rules, Israelis had to prove a need for the firearms, such as living or working in an area considered dangerous, and undergo regular testing and training.
Under the loosened directives, individuals who have been in continuous possession of a firearm permit for 10 years will now be allowed to keep the permit indefinitely, without undergoing periodic tests to prove they still match the requirements.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Indictment Filed Against Chareidi Woman Who Injected Her Children With Insulin To Get Welfare

A Ramat Shlomo Chareidie mother who was  accused of injecting her ten children with insulin to mimic signs of diabetes to defraud Bituach Leumi into paying them money monthly, was indicted.
The Jerusalem prosecutor has moved ahead with a criminal indictment against the 30-year-old mother, including charges of abuse of her children. The indictment was filed in the Jerusalem District Court.
One of the children, 18-months-old, who was hospitalized in Shaare Zedek Hospital in the capital, reportedly sustained irreversible brain damage as a result of the insulin shots.
The clueless father of the children denies the allegations against his wife, calling them “baseless”.

Rabbi Malkiel Kotler Lakewood Roshe Yeshivah Takes a Selfie!

4 Belzer Chassidim Graduate Israeli Law School ... Chareidim Furious!

Four brave Belzer Chassidim graduated as lawyers with the blessings of the Belzer Rebbe. 

The Litvisher "velt" and a couple of unemployed Meah Shearim leidegeirs are rattled; concerned that this may become a trend, that Frum Chassidishe Yungeleit will now finally provide for their families and be legal advocates for their respective communities.

 They are upset because these "new" ideas may infiltrate their "no working" cocoon and are concerned that this will encourage more  Chareidim to  break this vicious chain of doing nothing while being supported by their hard working wives .. and learn a trade (Chas Ve' Sholem). 
This monumental achievement is a great threat to the Roshei Yeshivas that depend on their students to hang around until the students are well into their sixties.
Kudos to the Belzer Rebbe!

Dozens of Charedim participated last week in the Ono Academic College campus graduation ceremony.
The ceremony was held at the Performing Arts Center in Ashdod, where graduates were awarded diplomas, including four Belz hassidim from Ashdod who were certified as lawyers.

Later, pictures of the four hasidim with the traditional lawyers' cloak were distributed.

The sight aroused loathing among members of the "Jerusalem Faction" and some Meah She'arim residents who bitterly attacked the Belz hasidim for what they call "academic apostasy (shmad)".

"Appalling! The heretical picture that's shaking the Jewish world!", one wrote. "Four Belz Hasidim at a ceremony for awarding academic degrees to the wretched haredi fallen in Ono Academic College. During the ceremony the fallen wore a uniform reminiscent of Christian priests - a black robe and a black four-cornered hat.

"For the occasion, four Belz chassidim proudly took part in the ceremony, whose beards and sidelocks and even the hasidic shoes and special socks attested to their hasidic affiliation, but the Samet hat and jacket with the gartel that Belzers don't remove for a moment throughout the day, they traded for disgusting garments and were smilingly photographed at the conversion ceremony, G-d forbid, as they hold the academic certificate, with a secular student from the academy standing among them.

"In the Jewish world the images aroused tremendous shock and great pain, despite the fact that from time to time pictures of haredi Jews from all communities and circles are published participating in these gentile ceremonies. But the combination of the blatant Belzer look together with the contemptible academic uniform worn by those fallen who dared to publish their shameful picture and lower everyone's morale just shows the rift and decay taking place in communities and circles within the haredi public."

The writers criticized the Belzer Rebbe for allowing the new lawyers to go to the college. 

"Two of those fallen opened a law firm in the summer and the ceremony was attended by senior Belz rabbis, who had previously received the Rebbe's blessing. It should be noted that at the inauguration of their office they appeared in full hasidic garb, including the famous Belzer gartel, under which they hide the deep rot they absorbed in college and academia."

Shulem Lemmer Sings "Aveenu Malkeinu" Sung First by Barabra Streisand ..

Chazonim Concert of a Lifetime! Rosenblatt, Kwartin, Hershman, Roitman ... All At One Concert at the Pitken Ave Shul in Brownsville Brooklyn

Dead Suspects In Orthodox Jewish Father's Death Called Reclusive, Paranoid

Two adult brothers suspected of being involved in the fatal shooting of their physician father before turning guns on themselves during a SWAT standoff were reclusive, paranoid and likely mentally ill, a suburban Cleveland police chief said.
Authorities have said Richard Warn, 59, was found shot multiple times Aug. 9 by police officers at his home in the upscale suburb of Beachwood last week after his wife reported she couldn’t get inside upon her return from a European vacation. Warn had flown with his wife to Newark, New Jersey, for an overseas connection but then decided not to travel because of motion sickness and drove home in a rental car.
Richard Warn z"l

Saturday, August 18, 2018

ALGEMEINER NEWS Will Honor the Actress Sharon Stone At Its Annual Dinner

the "Groiseh Tzedeikis" Sharon Stone 

CNN Intimidating Paul Manafort Jury?

CNN is being accused of attempting to intimidate the Paul Manafort jury after the far-left cable channel (and six other anti-Trump outlets) requested the jurors’ names and home addresses.

Manafort, who worked for a short time as President Trump’s campaign chairman during the 2016 presidential election, has been charged by special counsel Robert Mueller with various financial crimes, none of which have anything to do with Trump or the campaign.
Manafort’s fate now sits with the jury, and after two days of deliberations, anti-Trump media outlets like CNN are becoming concerned Manafort could be acquitted, which would be a major blow to Mueller’s credibility and his ability to remove Trump from office — an outcome the establishment media are desperate to orchestrate.
And so, on Thursday, CNN, along with six other far-left media outlets (the Washington Post, BuzzFeed, Politico, the New York Times, NBC, and the AP) sued for the release of the names and home addresses of all of the Manafort jurors, a move that is both disturbing and almost unprecedented.
As Bre Payton at the Federalist points out, “Publicly outing the names and home addresses of jurors is considered ethically questionable, as outlined in this guidance sheet on the topic from the Reporter’s Committee for Freedom of the Press.”
To begin with, it is seen as unseemly to thrust jurors into the spotlight against their will when they are not volunteering for publicity; they are chosen.
What many see here, and not without precedent, is yet another attempt by the media, most especially CNN, to bully and intimidate private, everyday citizens into convicting Manafort.

Friday, August 17, 2018

SHOCKING: Jeremy Corbyn Met With Mastermind of Har Nof Shul Massacre Weeks Before Attack

Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the UK’s Labour Party, met with the leader-in-exile of a Palestinian terror group just weeks before its members carried out a horrific attack on a Shul in Har Nof, Jerusalem in which five people were killed.
The Times of London published a picture of Corbyn standing next to Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) chief Maher al Taher at the now-infamous wreath-laying ceremony in Tunisia for the Palestinian ‘Black September’ terrorists who took part in the 1972 massacre of 11 Israelis at the Munich Olympics.

One month after the ceremony in which Mr Corbyn and Mr al-Taher stood side by side, the PFLP sent terrorists into a Jerusalem synagogue where they murdered four Rabbis and a Druze police officer. 
Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Goldberg, 50, Rabbi Moshe Twersky, 59, Rabbi Kalman Levine, 50, and Rabbi Aryeh Kupinsky, 40, were all hacked to death with axes by two PFLP terrorists while they were davening Shachris. 
The defenseless men’s corpses were found hacked and bloodied on the floor of the Shul, some of them covering their faces with their prayer shawls to avoid watching the slaughter of their friends. All of the men lived on the same street in a tight-knit community and Rabbi Goldberg was a British citizen. The PFLP terrorists also murdered Druze police officer Zidan Saif, 30, who rushed to the scene and put himself in harm’s way to stop the PFLP terrorists’ attack.

Jewish music producer helped Aretha Franklin get her big break

Aretha Franklin, the “Queen of Soul,” died Thursday at the age of 76. Her death reverberated so deeply that an incredible array of people from around the world, from US presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama to musicians Paul McCartney and Diana Ross, took to social media to pay tribute.
Though the legendary singer’s first album was released in 1956, it took her years to achieve mainstream success. She rose to prominence in large part from the 1967 smash hit “Respect,” a cover of Otis Redding’s song from two years earlier that achieved much greater popularity than the original.
The man who helped her record “Respect” was the producer Jerry Wexler, a one-time journalist and the son of a German Jewish father and Polish Jewish mother from the Bronx, New York.
Wexler persuaded her to leave Columbia Records in 1966 and sign with Atlantic Records, where he was an executive. They would form a close artist-producer bond, and Wexler would go on to produce multiple albums of hers. It was his idea to have Franklin cover “Respect.”
Jerry Wexler and Aretha Franklin 

We Finally Found The Audio Of the President Using the 'N' Word

Half of Yeshivas Under Investigation Denied Entry to Education Officials

Three years after the city launched an investigation into whether certain ultra-Orthodox Jewish schools [https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/06/nyregion/critics-say-city-has-not-investigated-yeshivas-breaking-pledge.html] were providing an adequate education in secular subjects, it revealed on Thursday that it had made little progress. 

In a letter to the state’s Education Department seeking guidance, Richard A. Carranza, New York City schools chancellor, acknowledged that investigators had managed to visit only half the schools involved.

Black Democratic legislator called Asian opponent 'ching-chong'

A Democratic legislator in Michigan running for the state senate is under fire for allegedly referring to her Asian election opponent as "ching-chang" and "ching-chong."
Rep. Bettie Cook Scott (D) is accused of making the remarks to voters outside polling stations during this week's primaries, according to the Detroit Metro Times.
She was allegedly referring to Rep. Stephanie Chang (D), who has denounced the remarks.
Scott is also accused of calling one of Chang's campaign volunteers an "immigrant" and saying that she wanted the person out of the country. 

Chemical In Some Breakfast Cereals Could Cause Cancer

Select oat cereals, granola and other food products may contain a pesticide that could cause cancer, according to a report released by the Environmental Working Group.
Glyphosate, an herbicide linked to cancer by scientists in California and the World Health Organization was found in 43 of 45 samples of oat products in an independent test commissioned by the organization.
According to the report, “Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup, the Monsanto weed killer that is the most heavily used pesticide in the U.S. Last week, a California jury ordered Monsanto to pay $289 million in damages to a man dying of cancer, which he says was caused by his repeated exposure to large quantities of Roundup and other glyphosate-based weed killers while working as a school groundskeeper.”
In response, the EWG tested more than a dozen brands of oat-based products to determine if high levels of Glyphosate was present.
The EWG noted that each year, more than 250 million pounds of glyphosate are sprayed on American crops, primarily on “Roundup-ready” corn and soybeans genetically engineered to withstand the herbicide. But when it comes to the food we eat, the highest glyphosate levels are not found in products made with GMO corn.
Among the items tested include:

Crazed Frum Stores Cover Up Female Cartoon Character On Cereal Box!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Zionists will allow yeshiva students to fly to Uman Even though They Didn't Serve In The IDF

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman decided to relax regulations requiring those possessing exemptions from military service to receive special permission to travel overseas in order to enable yeshiva students to visit Uman for the high holidays.

Under Israeli law, haredi yeshiva students who do not serve in the IDF are forbidden from flying overseas until they are 27 without obtaining approval first from the Defense Ministry. These regulations put a burden on haredim who wished to spend the Rosh Hashana holiday in Uman
According to Kikar Hashabbat, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman acceded to Interior Minister Aryeh Deri's request for a rule change after the Shas leader made it clear that he was not seeking a sweeping change in the guidelines.

I will ask you to order the military authorities to permit exceptions to those who leave for Rosh Hashana prayers in Uman to leave the country for up to ten days without harming their status vis-a-vis the military authorities," wrote Deri.
"This request is for this individual purpose and should not be discarded as a broad projection of the sweeping change in procedures."

Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, founder of the Breslov Hassidic movement, was buried in the Ukrainian town of Uman 207 years ago.

Followers of Rebbe Nachman made regular pilgrimages to his tomb, though the annual tradition was largely abandoned during the Cold War.

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the end of the Cold War, however, led to a resurgence in the traditional Rosh Hashana visits to Uman, which by the early 2000s began to draw wider appeal even beyond the Breslov movement.

The Uman pilgrimage drew a record 40,000 participants this past September, up from some 30,000 in 2016.

Woman murdered in terror attack near Havat Gilad

 A woman in her 40s was murdered in a ramming terrorist attack that took place Thursday night near Havat Gilad in Samaria.

Magen David Adom paramedics attempted to resuscitate the victim, but were forced to declare her death.

IDF forces searched the area for the terrorist, who later surrendered himself to the authorities.

In January, Rabbi Raziel Shevach of Havat Gilad was murdered in a drive-by shooting attack.

Parshat Shoftim ...

by Rabbi Shmuel Knopfler

Parshat Shoftim delves into the need to establish a judicial system in every town and village, for every tribe. The Torah adamantly requires us to maintain an incorruptible judicial system, forbids taking bribes, and so on. Our sages emphasize the severity of taking bribes, and describe how judges kept away from anything that had the . remote semblance of a conflict of interest. The Talmud tell us that a judge would never entertain the thought of hearing the case of a friend who had “greeted him nicely” a few days earlier.

The Torah also commands us to establish a certain hierarchy in our judicial system, so that when the need arises, substantial issues will be deliberated at the high court, which was seated in Jerusalem.
Anyone who refused to abide by the court’s rulings would be considered a “zaken mamreh” – a “rebellious elder” – and severely punished.

Oldest hippopotamus in captivity dies at Jerusalem zoo

Tami, believed to be the oldest hippopotamus in captivity, died on Thursday at the age of 59 in her sleep at Jerusalem's Biblical Zoo, the zoo announced.

She was found dead in the lake of the African-themed area where she lived in the zoo run by Israeli authorities in Jerusalem, a statement said.

She was "the oldest hippopotamus living in a zoo," it said.
"She died at an advanced age, surrounded by lots of love and respect."

She was the last hippo at the zoo after the death of Mati, a male, some 10 years ago.

Tami had quickly established herself as dominant among the giraffes, zebras and rhinos in the African area, it said.
"It is a difficult day for us," zoo employee Gilad Moshe told the Yisrael Hayom newspaper. "A little like losing a friend."
In July 2017, Bertha, believed at the time to be the world's oldest hippopotamus in captivity, died aged 65 at Manila Zoo in the Philippines.

Prior to that, Donna, who died in 2012 at the age of 62 at the US Mesker Park Zoo and Botanic Garden in Evansville, Indiana, was said to be the world's oldest hippo, according to media reports at the time.

Hippos tend to live for between 40 and 50 years. The mostly herbivorous and semiaquatic animals are found in central and southern Africa.

Jerusalem's Biblical Zoo was founded in 1939 and contains some 250 species, most of which are named in the Bible.

Hamas Agree With Satmar Policy : Western Wall belongs to Muslims

The Hamas terror organization has decried any religious or historical connection between the Jewish People and the Land of Israel.

Hamas' Falestine newspaper on Saturday will publish a special edition dealing with the Western Wall, which is called Kotel Al-Buraq in Arabic.

It will discuss the Wall's geography, which according to Falestine is "the first line of defense for Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Another section, the paper will discuss the laws and agreements which make the Wall Islamic, and claim that any harm to it is a war crime. The paper will also discuss "crimes" against the Western Wall and Israel's attempt to legitimize its rule over the site.

In 1967, Israel conquered Jerusalem's Old City, as well as Judea and Samaria, from Jordan.

The Western Wall is the last remnant of the retaining wall around the Temple Mount's base. It was built during the Second Temple Period (530 BCE-70 CE) by Herod the Great and is considered to be Judaism's holiest site.

Islam was founded in the seventh century CE. Al-Aqsa Mosque was built on the Temple Mount in 705 CE.

Julius Reich Sentenced For Savagely Butchering His Wife

Julius Reich in court (center)

Dr. Robin Goldman a"h

A Scarsdale man was sentenced to 20 years behind bars on Wednesday for the savage slabbing death of his physician wife in 2016.
Julius Reich, a former financial services executive, stabbed Dr. Robin Goldman, a prominent pediatrician, 22 times with an 8-inch kitchen knife as she took a shower.
They were getting a divorce but still living together in their Scarsdale home when Reich killed her.
Reich, 64, pleaded guilty to manslaughter in May.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Kol Hadash Group promotes "Humanistic Judaism" a Judaism "without God"

There is nothing really new overall with this group; we had the Haskala movement, the Yiddishistin etc, and they all died out and assimilated, and no one knows who they are today, but this is different in one very important aspect because these guys want Judaism, they want Shabbos and Yomim Tovim, except they want G-D out of this!

“Religion is just a piece of [Jewish] culture, so when you remove religion from it, intermarriage is not a negative at all, because being multicultural is a positive value,” said Golin, whose wife is Japanese.

Paul Golin, is the New York-based executive director of Society for Humanistic Judaism, which they claim has 28 communities in North America.

This mashiginar who calls himself Golin said:
"“Humanistic Judaism sees the value in continuing holidays and rituals, those that provide meaning, we still find meaning in the High Holidays, reassessing your life each year, but it does not require you to say a bunch of stuff to a God you don’t believe in. It’s about human life right here.”

Kol Hadash, the Northern California Community for Humanistic Judaism, has scheduled  "talks" on August 25 featuring this Golin character and he will be joined by a bunch of atheists,  Jim Barnett (Bay Area Humanists), Mashariki Lawson-Cook (Black Humanists and Non-Believers of Sacramento) and "Rabbi" Judith Seid (Tri-Valley Cultural Jews, a secular congregation in Pleasanton)!

Alana Shindler, a Kol Hadash member, who booked the panelists, said, that two of them are from non-Jewish communities, in part because sometimes Humanistic Jews have “concerns” about their own movement. Also, she added, “We are interested in growing, and we can certainly learn from other humanist communities as they can learn from us.”

HANNAH JANNOL writing for The Jewish News of Northern California wrote that Golin told her that Humanistic Judaism keeps the  “good parts of religion while throwing out the parts that we can’t abide by,” Golin added that he did not attend High Holiday services for 25 years after his bar mitzvah.

Guy Masquerading as a Lady May be Governor in Vermont

I thought there were only two genders, well there is a third ..... someone who thinks Purim or Halloween is all year round! What's even more bizarre is that people in Vermont take this meshiginar seriously!

Vermont Democrats made history Tuesday by nominating Christine Hallquist as the first transgender individual to be a major party candidate for governor.
Meanwhile, preliminary results showed that Gov. Phil Scott survived a challenge animated by his former Republican allies in the gun-rights movement.
The general election matchup pits Hallquist, a former utility executive who has never held statewide elected office, against Scott, a former construction company owner seeking a second term.
"I'm going to tell you why we're going to win in November," said Hallquist, holding a clipboard as she addressed a cheering crowd of supporters at the Skinny Pancake restaurant in Burlington. "Because nothing is impossible when you're on the side of justice."

"She?" ........ "justice?" What the hell is going on? Did I just wake up from a nightmare?