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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Hungarian couple finds collection of long-lost Holocaust documents inside Budapest apartment walls

Jewish women are rounded up by Nazis and Hungarian fascists, Wesselényi Street, Budapest, October 1944.. (photo credit:WIKIPEDIA / GERMAN FEDERAL ARCHIVE)

A Hungarian couple found a trove of long-lost Holocaust documents stashed inside their Budapest apartment’s walls.
The well-preserved collection consists of 6,300 pages from a 1944 census, which Nazis used to identify the city’s Jews before deporting them to a nightmarish ghetto.
Brigitte Berdefy and her husband found the piles of paper in August when a building maintenance worker shoved a screwdriver into a crack in the wall and the metal tip hit paper.
“We thought we'd ruined the neighbor’s wallpaper,” Berdefy told AFP.
When Berdefy’s husband peeked into the crack, he saw handwriting, not destroyed wallpaper, she said.


The well-preserved collection consists of 6,300 pages from a 1944 census, which Nazis used to identify the city’s Jews before deporting them a nightmarish ghetto.

Curious, the couple pulled bricks out of their wall until they reached the buried documents. They found more than 135 pounds of pages from the May 1944 census, issued just two months after Nazi Germany invaded Hungary. The invading troops immediately began deporting Jews who lived in rural areas to death camps.
The census — long feared destroyed during World War II — documented the religions of people living in the city’s apartment buildings. Nazis used the results of the survey to identify Jews, who were first forced to move into all-Jewish apartment complexes and later to sickening ghettos.
“Jewish people filled in the forms honestly. They refused to believe where this might end up," said Istvan Kenyeres, the head of the Budapest City Archives.
About 200,000 Jews were forced to move to 2,000 Jewish-only apartment complexes after the census. They were later pushed into a walled-off, run-down ghetto, where some died of starvation.


There are still about 23,000 papers missing from the 1944 census

The Russian army arrived in 1945, saving Budapest’s Jews. Most of the city’s Jewish population survived the war, unlike Jews from the countryside: About 600,000 Hungarian Jews were killed in the Nazi’s concentration camps.
The yellowed papers found in the wall were remarkably well-preserved, thanks to little air exposure. Such legibility is rare for World War II-era documents.
“Most wartime papers are more faded or rotten than medieval documents, on bad quality paper due to the rationing,” Kenyeres said.
There are still about 23,000 papers missing from the 1944 census, which historians thought was long lost. But there’s a new hope after the discovery of the first 6,300 pages.
“People should look behind their walls, you never know in Budapest what could be there,” Kenyeres said.

Hadar Buchris murdered by Arab Savages at Gush Etzion Junction

Hadar HY"D

A young woman gravely wounded in a stabbing attack at Gush Etzion Junction earlier Sunday has died of her wounds, officials have confirmed.

She has been identified as 20-year-old Hadar Buchris, a resident of Tzfat in northern Israel.

In the third such attack of the day Sunday, an Arab terrorist stabbed and critically wounded her as she waited for a ride; she was taken to Jerusalem's Shaarei Tzedek hospital under sedation and on a ventilator, but doctors were forced to pronounce her dead as she lay on the operating table.
Since the start of October, when the latest escalation in Arab terror attacks began, 19 Israelis have been murdered in attacks.

IDF soldiers stationed at the site shot and killed the terrorist.
Magen David Adom paramedic Zaki Yahav described the scene.

"On the sidewalk close to the bus stop there was a young woman aged about 20 years (lying) unconscious with stab wounds to her upper body.
"Citizens who were at the site tried to help her and stem the bleeding. We took her quickly for intensive care and performed emergency lifesaving treatment on the way to the hospital, (while she was) sedated and on a ventilator."

Pictures: מועצת גוש עציון

The attack took place at the same site of a deadly shooting and car-ramming attack last week, in which three people were murdered.

It follows two similar attacks elsewhere in Israel Sunday. The first took place further north in Samaria, and tragedy was averted when an alert civilian ran over the female terrorist, preventing her from stabbing her intended victims. Security forces at the scene then shot her dead.

The second attack followed by just minutes, and took place at Kfar Adumim Junction, northeast of Jerusalem.

In that attack, an Arab taxi driver attempted to run over several Israeli civilians, and upon failing to do so exited his vehicle and attempted to stab them. In that incident as well the terrorist was stopped by a civilian, who shot him dead with his personal firearm.

Satmar lunatics mock the miracles that Hashem performs in Israel!

Der Goy ....The Caption reads  "The false miracles from the comedians of this generation"
The above article was written by a guy that signs it "Toub" the acronym of Teitelbaum
The Satmar leaders are getting very worried that the SHIT'ah is losing steam, since the Bochrim now have access to the internet and with a quick search they find out that they were fed a bunch of lies about Israel and that they, just like the Arabs were brainwashed in hating Eretz Yisroel!

They are now reading that the  world is now focusing on radical Muslim extremists that are killing, raping and beheading all infidels, be they, Sunni Muslims, Christians or Jews!
They are reading that the Arabs are killing mostly other goyim and that the victims  aren't even Zionists! Many of the victims actually hated Zionists!

They are wondering "what's going on?"

The Satmar hierarchy is in a big dilemma, on one hand they hate Israel and want the State of Israel to be totally annihilated; they daven three times a day in Shemonah Esrah and pray that the State be destroyed.... and they teach that to the thousands attending their institutions which they call "Mosdos Ha'Koidesh" Holy Mosdos,
and on the other hand, they have to explain to their naive sheep that they have to daven for the safety of Jews in Israel?

The naive Bochur is now totally confused .... which is it?
"If I daven for the destruction of the State, won't Jews get killed?"

So "how can I say Tehillim for the safety of Jews living in Israel, when I just finished my Shemoneh Esra where I  cursed  those very Jews and prayed for their destruction?"

The Bochur also doesn't understand why there are millions of Arab refugees escaping their countries, when they were told that Jews lived peacefully with the Arabs before the State (A brazen lie)!

"If Jews lived in the Arab countries in peace," they ask, "why can't the Arabs live with their own brother Arabs in peace?"
Arabs, according to what they have been taught lived peacefully with the Jews, but have no compunction of killing other Arabs?
"How come," they ask, "that Arabs have so far killed millions of their own, and they aren't even Zionists?"

They also cannot explain why the "cursed" Zionists offer every single Jew a home and there aren't any Jewish refugees?

They cannot explain how the Zionists even after the cuts are the biggest baalei tzedaka, and give every single Mosad in Israel, funds !

The Satmar Bochrim are now reading that Muslims murdered French people in France, and France isn't a Zionist State?
What's going on?

So the Satmar genius' are running around like poisoned rats  trying to explain their idiotic, outdated SHIT'ah, because they are quickly losing their young flock! They are inundating the sheep with their barbaric ideas thru their Yiddish Newspaper, Der Goy, and Der Blutteh.

The Bochrim can't understand why the SHIT'ah that they were growing up with which was to hate your fellow Jew living in Israel resembles the Arab SHIT"ah!

They cannot understand that the Satmar Newspapers read just like Al Jazzirrah!

They know that Israel is going thru a tough time now, but as they are now reading history for the very first time, they see that was always the case!
When did the Jews ever have peace...
Not even in the Midbar with Moshe Rabbeinu, did the Jews have peace, they were attacked by Ameliek in the Midbar in the presence of Moshe and the Urim V'tumim!

The Bochrim are now realizing that they were fed a bunch of Romanian propaganda to hate other Jews!

In this week's DER GOY, they mock the miracles that Hashem is performing for the Zionists, they are even mocking the open miracles that HKB"H did during the 6 day war, saying it wasn't from Hashem but from Satan!
Can you imagine? 
How low can a Jew go to say that the countless miracles that the Jews experienced and are experiencing is from  Satan!
How crazy and demented can you get?
And not only that, but to prove that these miracles were done by Satan, they quote from the Rambam and other Rishonim?

The book "Al Hagilah" twists words of the Holy Zohar to fit the anti-Zionist agenda! 

The bochrim can't understand how their "Holy Rabbonim" are taking passages of our holy Talmud Bavli, Talmud Yerushalmi, Sifri, Sifru, Mechiltah, Geonim, Rishonim and using those very holy words to explain their demented SHIT'ah!

The bochrim cannot understand how their Rebbe was constantly teaching about Hakorah Ha'toiv, and he had none after being saved by the Zionists!
They cannot understand how the Satmar "historians" re-wrote history and twisted the entire Kastner story to totally distort the  truth and now made it look like they didn't save him at all!
But the facts are very stubborn and don't lie, and the facts are that the Satmar Rebbe was on the Zionist train and he never acknowledged and thanked Kastner!
Those are the facts!

The Bochrim also can't understand why the Satmar Rebbe misled thousands and advised them not to emigrate to the then Palestine, stating as fact that Hitler would never come to Hungary and Romania and these very Chassidim with their entire families  were then butchered by the Nazis while he managed to escape with his family!
And guess to where he escaped to? Eretz Yisroel!!!!!!

The RBS"O has a sense of humor! Here is a guy that founded a chassidus on libeling Eretz Yisroel and to where does he run to when he needs a home? Eretz Yisroel!

And the Bochrim cannot understand why millions who were supposedly anti-Zionist Jews were murdered, while those Jews that lived in and those that managed to escape to Eretz Yisroel survived?

Turns out that the "Litzanei Hador" are the Satmar Gypsies, themselves!

Miracles from Hashem ... Gaza Tunnels Flooded by Heavy Rains!

So it seems that Hashem doesn't listen to the Satmarer Rebbe's childish claims that Hashem will not do miracles for the Zionists....

Here see how Hashem exposed the Gaza Tunnels this past week, by flooding them with heavy rains!

I will soon post the ludicrous claims of this weeks Satmar Rants against the Miracles that Hashem does and did for the State of Israel! 

Friends Of Ezra Schwartz Killed In Terror Attack Pay Respects Before Coffin Flown To US

 Mourning services were held in Israel on Saturday for Ezra Schwartz, a US citizen who was killed in a shooting terrorist attack on Thursday in the West Bank along with two others, an Israeli and a Palestinian.
Friends paid their respects before his body was flown back to the US for burial.
Schwartz, 18, who was studying in Israel, was from Sharon, Massachusetts.
In the attack, near the Gush Etzion settlement bloc, a Palestinian terrorist drove along the shoulder of the main road and shot at crawling traffic, killing the three and wounding others, a police commander said.
The attack brought to 18 the number of Israelis and others who have died, along with 80 Palestinians, in a wave of violence over the past seven weeks 

Friends and family attend a ceremony in memory of Ezra Schwartz in Ben Gurion international airport on November 21, 2015. Ezra Schwartz, an 18-year old American on a gap year in an Israeli yeshiva was killed in a terrorist drive-by shooting in Gush Etzion Thursday, November 19.  (Credit: Flash90)Friends and family attend a ceremony in memory of Ezra Schwartz in Ben Gurion international airport on November 21, 2015. Ezra Schwartz, an 18-year old American on a gap year in an Israeli yeshiva was killed in a terrorist drive-by shooting in Gush Etzion Thursday, November 19.  (Credit: Flash90)
Friends and family attend a ceremony in memory of Ezra Schwartz in Ben Gurion international airport on November 21, 2015. Ezra Schwartz, an 18-year old American on a gap year in an Israeli yeshiva was killed in a terrorist drive-by shooting in Gush Etzion Thursday, November 19.  (Credit: Flash90)Friends and family attend a ceremony in memory of Ezra Schwartz in Ben Gurion international airport on November 21, 2015. Ezra Schwartz, an 18-year old American on a gap year in an Israeli yeshiva was killed in a terrorist drive-by shooting in Gush Etzion Thursday, November 19.  (Credit: Flash90)
Friends and family attend a ceremony in memory of Ezra Schwartz in Ben Gurion international airport on November 21, 2015. Ezra Schwartz, an 18-year old American on a gap year in an Israeli yeshiva was killed in a terrorist drive-by shooting in Gush Etzion Thursday, November 19. Photo by Moti Karelitz/ZAKA TEL AVIV **CREDIT MUST BE GIVEN** *** Local Caption *** �� ������ ���� ����� ���� ������� ����� �� (Credit: Flash90)Friends and family attend a ceremony in memory of Ezra Schwartz in Ben Gurion international airport on November 21, 2015. Ezra Schwartz, an 18-year old American on a gap year in an Israeli yeshiva was killed in a terrorist drive-by shooting in Gush Etzion Thursday, November 19. Photo by Moti Karelitz/ZAKA TEL AVIV **CREDIT MUST BE GIVEN** *** Local Caption *** �� ������ ���� ����� ���� ������� ����� �� (Credit: Flash90)
Friends and family attend a ceremony in memory of Ezra Schwartz in Ben Gurion international airport on November 21, 2015. Ezra Schwartz, an 18-year old American on a gap year in an Israeli yeshiva was killed in a terrorist drive-by shooting in Gush Etzion Thursday, November 19.  (Credit: Flash90)Friends and family attend a ceremony in memory of Ezra Schwartz in Ben Gurion international airport on November 21, 2015. Ezra Schwartz, an 18-year old American on a gap year in an Israeli yeshiva was killed in a terrorist drive-by shooting in Gush Etzion Thursday, November 19.  (Credit: Flash90)
Friends and family attend a ceremony in memory of Ezra Schwartz in Ben Gurion international airport on November 21, 2015. Ezra Schwartz, an 18-year old American on a gap year in an Israeli yeshiva was killed in a terrorist drive-by shooting in Gush Etzion Thursday, November 19.  (Credit: Flash90)Friends and family attend a ceremony in memory of Ezra Schwartz in Ben Gurion international airport on November 21, 2015. Ezra Schwartz, an 18-year old American on a gap year in an Israeli yeshiva was killed in a terrorist drive-by shooting in Gush Etzion Thursday, November 19.  (Credit: Flash90)
Friends mourn during a ceremony for american citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack on Thursday in the West Bank, at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S November 21, 2015. Friends mourn during a ceremony for american citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack on Thursday in the West Bank, at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S November 21, 2015.
A woman stands next to the coffin of American citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack Thursday in the West Bank, during a ceremony at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S November 21, 2015. A woman stands next to the coffin of American citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack Thursday in the West Bank, during a ceremony at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S November 21, 2015.
Relatives and friends sing and dance together as they mourn during a ceremony for American citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack on Thursday in the West Bank, at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S November 21, 2015. Relatives and friends sing and dance together as they mourn during a ceremony for American citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack on Thursday in the West Bank, at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S November 21, 2015.
Relatives and friends mourn during a ceremony for American citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack on Thursday in the West Bank, at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S November 21, 2015. Relatives and friends mourn during a ceremony for American citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack on Thursday in the West Bank, at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S November 21, 2015.
Relatives and friends mourn during a ceremony for American citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack on Thursday in the West Bank, at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S November 21, 2015. Relatives and friends mourn during a ceremony for American citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack on Thursday in the West Bank, at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S November 21, 2015.
A man kisses the coffin of American citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack on Thursday in the West Bank, during a ceremony at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S November 21, 2015. A man kisses the coffin of American citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack on Thursday in the West Bank, during a ceremony at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S November 21, 2015.
Relatives and friends mourn during a ceremony for American citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack on Thursday in the West Bank, at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S November 21, 2015. Relatives and friends mourn during a ceremony for American citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack on Thursday in the West Bank, at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S November 21, 2015.
Relatives and friends dance together as they mourn during a ceremony for American citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack on Thursday in the West Bank, at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S November 21, 2015. Relatives and friends dance together as they mourn during a ceremony for American citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack on Thursday in the West Bank, at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S November 21, 2015.
Relatives and friends dance together as they mourn during a ceremony for American citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack on Thursday in the West Bank, at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S November 21, 2015. Relatives and friends dance together as they mourn during a ceremony for American citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack on Thursday in the West Bank, at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S November 21, 2015.
A man cries next to the coffin of American citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack on Thursday in the West Bank, during a ceremony at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S November 21, 2015. A man cries next to the coffin of American citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack on Thursday in the West Bank, during a ceremony at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S November 21, 2015.

A woman kisses the coffin of American citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack on Thursday in the West Bank, during a ceremony at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S. November 21, 2015. A woman kisses the coffin of American citizen Ezra Schwartz who was killed during a Palestinian attack on Thursday in the West Bank, during a ceremony at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, before the coffin leaves for burial in the U.S. November 21, 2015.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Jonathan Pollard Released but still has more restrictions than freed Murderers

Jonathan Pollard has been released from prison, culminating an extraordinary espionage case that occasionally complicated American-Israeli relations over nearly 30 years.
“The people of Israel welcome the release of Jonathan A. Pollard,” Netanyahu said in a statement. “As someone who raised Jonathan’s case for years with successive American presidents, I had long hoped this day would come,” he said.
President Reuven Rivlin’s released the following statement:
“Blessed is He who frees the imprisoned. We all offer blessings at the release of Jonathan Pollard after many long and difficult years of imprisonment. Throughout the years, we have felt Jonathan’s pain, and felt responsible and obliged to bring about his release.
“We congratulate Jonathan and his family today on their reunification, and pray they will have many years of happiness, health, and harmony.”
Pollard’s release from prison early Friday, culminating an extraordinary espionage case that complicated American-Israeli relations for 30 years and became a periodic bargaining chip between two allies.
polWithin hours after his release, Pollard’s attorneys began a court challenge to terms of his parole that they called “onerous and oppressive,” including requiring him to wear an electronic GPS ankle bracelet and the monitoring of any computer that Pollard may use either personally or at a job.
Pollard was driven away from the federal prison at Butner, North Carolina, before dawn in heavy fog, and Larry Dub, a Pollard attorney, told Israel’s Army Radio that he was being driven to New York City. The prison is on a two-lane rural road lined with pine trees. Reporters and camera crews who waited outside didn’t get a glimpse of him.
The federal Bureau of Prisons confirmed that Pollard was no longer in custody but provided no other details.
Pollard’s release came nearly 30 years to the day after his arrest for providing large amounts of classified U.S. government information to Israel.
“I have waited for this day for 30 long years, unbelievable,” Anne, his ex-wife, told Israel’s Army Radio. “It’s an amazing moment.”
Pollard had been granted parole this summer from a life sentence imposed in 1987. His lawyers have said that they have secured a job and housing for him in the New York area, without elaborating. The terms of his parole require him to remain in the United States for at least five years, though supporters — including Netanyahu and some members of Congress — are seeking permission for him to move to Israel immediately.
The saga involving Pollard for years divided public opinion in the United States and became both an irritant and a periodic bargaining chip between the U.S. and Israel.
His release caps one of the most high-profile spy sagas in modern American history, a case that over the years sharply divided public opinion and became a diplomatic sticking point. Supporters have long maintained that he was punished excessively for actions taken on behalf of an American ally while critics, including government officials, derided him as a traitor who sold out his country.
“I don’t think there’s any doubt that the crime merited a life sentence, given the amount of damage that Mr. Pollard did to the United States government,” said Joseph diGenova, who prosecuted the case as U.S. attorney in Washington, D.C. “I would have been perfectly pleased if he had spent the rest of his life in jail.”
Seymour Reich, a former president of B’nai Brith International who visited Pollard twice in prison, said that while he believed Pollard broke the law and deserved to be punished, his sentence was overly harsh. Like other supporters, he believes Pollard was “double-crossed” into thinking he’d be afforded leniency in exchange for a guilty plea.
“I hope that he settles down and lives the remaining years as best as he can,” Reich said.
Pollard, a former Navy intelligence analyst, was arrested on Nov. 21, 1985, after trying unsuccessfully to gain asylum at the Israeli Embassy in Washington. He had earlier drawn the suspicion of a supervisor for handling large amounts of classified materials unrelated to his official duties.
U.S. officials have said Pollard, over a series of months and for a salary, provided intelligence summaries and huge quantities of classified documents on the capabilities and programs of Israel’s enemies. He pleaded guilty in 1986 to conspiracy to commit espionage and was given a life sentence a year later.
Though he has said his guilty plea was coerced, he has also expressed regret, telling The Associated Press in a 1998 interview that he did not consider himself a hero.
“There is nothing good that came as a result of my actions,” he said. “I tried to serve two countries at the same time. That does not work.”
Under sentencing rules in place at the time of his crime, he became presumptively eligible for parole in November — 30 years after his arrest. The Justice Department agreed not to oppose parole at a July hearing that took into account his behavior in prison and likelihood to commit future crimes.
The parole decision was applauded in Israel, which after initially claiming that he was part of a rogue operation, acknowledged him in the 1990s as an agent and granted him citizenship. Israelis have long campaigned for his freedom, and Netanyahu said last summer that he had consistently raised the issue of his release with American officials.
Pollard’s lawyers also have sought permission for him to travel immediately to Israel, and two Democratic members of Congress — Eliot Engel and Jerrold Nadler, both of New York — have called on the Justice Department to grant the request so that Pollard can live with his family and “resume his life there.” The congressmen say Pollard accepts that such a move may bar him from ever re-entering the United States.
The White House has said that it has no intention of altering the conditions of Pollard’s parole, and even friends and supporters say they don’t know exactly what’s next for him.
President Barack Obama’s deputy national security adviser reiterated that stance on Friday, telling reporters traveling with Obama to Malaysia that “this is something that Prime Minister Netanyahu has regularly raised” in discussions with the United States.
“Obviously, the one thing at issue is the requirement that he remains in the United States,” Rhodes said. “But again, the president does not have any plans to alter the terms of his parole.”
Last year, the U.S. dangled the prospect of freeing Pollard early as part of a package of incentives to keep Israel at the negotiating table during talks with the Palestinians. But the talks fell apart, and Pollard remained in prison.
More details about his plans were expected to emerge after his release.
“It’s a very unusual situation … I’ve been working with Mr. Pollard for 20 years, and even I don’t know where he is going or what he will be doing,” said Farley Weiss, an Orthodox rabbi who has been lobbying on Pollard’s behalf for two decades.

Ya'akov Don laid to rest

Hundreds of people took part in the Friday morning funeral of Ya'akov Don, the 49-year-old educator from Alon Shevut who along with an 18-year-old American and an Arab bystander was murdered in a shooting attack in Gush Etzion on Thursday night.

Taking part in the funeral was Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein (Likud), and Rabbi Shlomo Riskin of Efrat who is the chair of the Ohr Torah Stone chain of institutions, including the Derech Avot high school in Efrat where Don worked for many years as an educator and social education coordinator.
"You were murdered by animals because you're Israeli and because you're a Jew. Oy, what an Israeli you were, what a Jew you were," eulogized Ya'akov's grieving brother at the funeral.

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Ya'akov Stern, a staff member at the high school, said, "Don's presence in the school was so deeply felt. There isn't a student who didn't merit a smile from him, even if they didn't directly study in his class. He always found the straight path to one's heart. Students drew from him the most important path in life - to find the good and the beautiful in everything."
"In dealing with any problem, when we got off on the wrong foot and thought there's no solution - Ya'akov would come with his mischievous smile and his rolling laugh that filled the hallways, and would calm you and roll with you in hardships and in joy."

Yinon Ahiman, director of the Ohr Torah Stone chain, described Don as "a loving and beloved man with a warm and eternal smile, who always created a good atmosphere around him and gave strength to all those around him. We mourn the great loss."

Don leaves behind his wife Sarah and his children Aviad (21), Maor (19), Yedidya (17) and Racheli (13).

Ya'akov Don Courtesy of the family

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Ezra Schwartz murdered in Israel

The yeshiva student who was murdered by a terrorist Thursday in Gush Etzion is Ezra Yehiel Schwartz, 18, a US citizen and a student at the Ashreinu Yeshiva in Beit Shemesh. He was in Israel on his own.

He and the other students who were hurt in the attack had come to help build the Oz Vegaon site, which was established in memory of the three yeshiva students who were abducted and murdered last summer.

His funeral will be held in Boston on Sunday.

ZAKA emergency services have contacted his family in the US, as well as a relative in Israel who is to identify his body.
The Beit Shemesh Municipality announced that it is "shocked and grief-stricken by the murder of the yeshiva student, in the shooting attack at Guush Etzion."

Schwartz had come, together with five other students from abroad, to hand out food to soldiers in Gush Etzion.
The five other students were lightly wounded and are being treated at Shaare Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem.
The students are in Israel as part of a program in which youths volunteer for 9.5 months, studying at yeshiva during the day and volunteering in the evenings.

A Palestinian who drove from the direction of the Kfar Etzion junction, machined gunned the cars, with an automatic rifle, before hitting a vehicle. Security forces surrounded the terrorist and arrested him.

Magen David Adom paramedics pronounced Schwartz dead at the scene. His five friends were evacuated to the Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, three were treated for light injuries and two for shock. They were all released.

A second victim from the attack, Palestinian Shadi Arafeh, 24, of Hebron, was also pronounced dead at the scene. 

Yaakov Don, 51, a teacher and father of four who lived in the nearby Alon Shvut settlement was evacuated to Hadassah Medical Center in serious condition and was pronounced dead upon his arrival at the hospital.

Two Israeli women, one lightly injured from the gunfire and another from the car accident, were taken to Shaare Zedek Medical Center, where they will remain overnight.

The United States said it considered the attack to be an act of terrorism.

"We condemn these terrorist attacks against innocent civilians in the strongest possible terms," Edgar Vasquez, a spokesperson for the State Department, told The Jerusalem Post. 

"As we’ve made clear, we remain deeply concerned about the situation," he said, "and continue to urge all sides to take affirmative steps to restore calm and prevent actions that would further escalate tensions.”

Within hours after the attack, friends posted messages about Schwartz on his Facebook page. The teen, from Sharon, Massachusetts was a graduate of Maimonides Day School. 

His friend Adam Kingstein wrote, “I only knew Ezra Schwartz for a few months but he was always such a good friend. He was always so happy to see everyone and gave all his friends hugs whenever he saw them. After only knowing Ezra for a few weeks I asked him to room with me at Rutgers next year. We were so excited for it and spoke a lot about how college together would be. Even if we won't be roommates next year you'll always be with me college.”

Benjamin Edelman wrote, “Ezra was a great and kind friend to me on USY on wheels and never failed to brighten up my day. Wheels is short, but you feel like you've known a person forever after going on a trip like that with them. Some of my greatest memories on the trip were with Ezra. We, along with Dov and Henryck, would choose to room together every Shabbat and he always made me laugh and have a great time. Ezra's constant positivity and kindness made him an amazing human being, and I am shocked and deeply saddened by what happened today. Rest in peace my friend.”

Michael Wilner contributed to this report.

Still Room for some Jews to Join "The Maggid" in Europe's earth soaked in Jewish blood.

What is it with this Rabbi Pesach Krohn,"The Maggid," that is so attracted to places that murdered Jews?

Just yesterday the Polish Bastards burned a Chassidic Jew In Effigy! 

"A Polish demonstration taking in Muslim refugees ended with the burning of an effigy of a haredi Orthodox Jew holding the flag of the European Union."
Can't he make trips to Israel? Isn't there enough history in Israel to tell his maasalich? 

Is it such a big mitzvah to  feed the descendants of the murderers and rapists of our ancestors ?
Is it so important to know in which bathroom in Baranovitz the students took a leak?

This "maggid" guy who calls himself a "history buff" hasn't learnt that Europe was and is a cesspool of Jewish hatred?

Doesn't he have eyes and ears? Hasn't he heard that the EU are now labeling Jewish products produced in the land that HKB"H gave us?
Does he even care? 

I say take all the bodies of the late Gedoilim and transfer them to Israel! Finished!
That's what Yaakov Aveenu and all his children wanted, to have their "bones" transferred to Israel, even if it took hundreds of years!

Two Jews Killed In Terrorist Shooting In Samaria

Three people were killed and five others were wounded in a terrorist shooting attack near the Gush Etzion Junction in Samaria Thursday afternoon.
Initial reports suggest that the terrorist fired from his car at an Israeli minibus near the Gva’ot Junction. He then continued some 300 meters, slamming into another car near the Alon Shvut settlement. The terrorist exited his vehicle and attempted to fire off further shots, but he was shot and apprehended by security forces who were on the scene.

MDA paramedics pronounced an 18-year old man dead on the scene after efforts to resuscitate him failed. An approximately 50-year old man was critically wounded and taken to Hadassah University Medical Center in Jerusalem where he was pronounced dead.

The third victim was a Palestinian bystander.
In addition, three others who were lightly wounded and two who suffered shock were evacuated to the Shaare Zedek Medical Center, which is also located in the capital.
The Gush Etzion area has been the scene of numerous terror attacks over the past two months.

The incident followed shortly after a fatal terrorist attack that occurred in Tel Aviv earlier in the day.