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Showing posts with label Gaza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gaza. Show all posts

Thursday, July 29, 2021

JStreet's Blood Libels Against Israel Exposed


In the last 2 weeks, J Street (Jeremy Ben-Ami, the Fuhrerand their allies released a purposely misleading poll suggesting that 25% of American Jews believe that Israel is an “apartheid state.” During this same period, groups like J Street, headed by the Fuhrer Jeremy Ben-Ami, and other anti-Israel Jewish leftists have come to the defense of Ben & Jerry’s BDS attacks against Israel.

Along with these groups, antisemitic propogandists like Linda Sarsour, Ilhan Omar, and the Squad engage in carefully orchestrated messaging that smears Israel which leads into outright anti-semitism and Jew-Hatred.

Dan Diker, CEO of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, issued a paper, titled, The “Apartheid” Poll and the Disinformation Discourse, which delves deeper into who, how, and why these lies against Israel have gained so much traction in America, to the point of becoming mainstreamed.

Today, Diker sat down with Alan and Baila from the VINnews podcast ‘The Definitive Rap’ to discuss this further.

During the interview, Dan discussed the tactics used by Students for Justice in Palestine, an anti-semitic group, whose campus activism has set in motion the mainstreaming of academia-inspired antisemitism, targeting Jewish students and professors alike.

There’s an old adage, “The truth will set you free.” That is, unless the lies told about you are so big, so organized, and so well-orchestrated, that the truth doesn’t even matter anymore.

The rise of the movement against Israel has been growing for decades, but now, has reached an all-time level of lies meant to delegitimize, destabilize, and eventually dismantle the State of Israel.

From the media, to academia, to the Halls of Congress, the slandering of Israel with the most grotesque lies have led to a record level of physical attacks and harassment of Jews on the streets of New York, other large cities with significant Jewish populations, and college campuses throughout North America.

Alan Skorski has been a political activist for almost 40 years. He authored 2 books; Pants on Fire: How Al Franken Lies, Smears, and Deceives and Israel Betrayed: How the Democrats, J Street, and Jewish Left Have Undermined Israel. He has appeared on Fox News, MSNBC, Newsmax, and C-Span.

Baila Sebrow is a journalist, inspirational international speaker, and 5TJT columnist who also hosted numerous radio and Cable TV shows, including Insight/Israel. She is the Founder and President of Neshoma Advocates, Inc., servicing children and families at-risk. Baila is also an acclaimed matchmaker and relationship coach, and president of Baila Sebrow Events, LLC. She has been been featured in various publications, including The New York Times.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Miracles from Hashem ... Gaza Tunnels Flooded by Heavy Rains!

So it seems that Hashem doesn't listen to the Satmarer Rebbe's childish claims that Hashem will not do miracles for the Zionists....

Here see how Hashem exposed the Gaza Tunnels this past week, by flooding them with heavy rains!

I will soon post the ludicrous claims of this weeks Satmar Rants against the Miracles that Hashem does and did for the State of Israel! 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

French Press accuses Israel of "opening dams" to flood Gaza, but Israel has no dams in southern Israel!

Media watchdog CAMERA has blasted the Agence France Presse (AFP) news agency after it ran a story claiming that recent flooding in Gaza was caused by the opening of dams by Israeli authorities.
“In fact, Israel has no dams that can be opened in southern Israel,” the watchdog said.
The story, which AFP posted with an accompanying video entitled “Gaza village flooded as Israel opens dam gates” was also carried by media mouthpieces of Iran, Qatar, Russia, China and the Palestinian Authority as well as the UK‘s Daily Mail.
In a blog on its website, CAMERA cited a spokesman for the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) in Israel who said, “The claim is entirely false, and southern Israel does not have any dams. Due to the recent rain, streams were flooded throughout the region with no connection to actions taken by the State of Israel.”
The spokesman added: “Prior to the storm, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories allowed the transfer of four water pumps belonging to the Palestinian Water Authority from Israel into Gaza to supplement the 13 pumps already in the Gaza Strip in dealing with any potential flooding throughout the area.”
CAMERA also spoke to Nechemia Shahaf, the head of the Drainage Authority for the Shakma-Besor Region, who confirmed to the group that there are no dams which can be opened and closed in southern Israel. Shahaf said, “There is a diverting dam one meter high which directs water to reservoirs. This is a low dam which cannot be opened or closed.” He also noted that the singular dam, which cannot be opened, is next to Kibbutz Gvulot, and approximately 20 kilometers away from Gaza.
The watchdog said that it has contacted AFP editors and that the French wire service is a repeat offender.
AFP “has trouble passing up on a juicy story, however unsubstantiated and flimsy, accusing Israel of wrongdoing. Three years ago, the influential news agency refused to clarify the unsubstantiated allegation that an Israeli soldier ran over a Palestinian worker with a construction vehicle,” CAMERA said. “Later that year, AFP editors failed to correct the false claim that an Israeli airstrike had killed 11-year-old Mahmoud Sadallah, though multiple other media outlets responsibly clarified that it was Hamas weaponry that killed the boy.”
“Two months ago, the French news outlet declined to clarify an article claiming that an Israeli arsonist was responsible for a fire in a West Bank mosque, though the Associated Press, New York Times, Los Angeles Times and Haaretz all commendably followed up with reports and/or corrections noting that an Israeli investigation determined that it was an electrical fire.”

Monday, August 4, 2014

Gaza: Spare Me Your Sick, Manipulative, Dead Baby Propaganda Photos


Did you see the photograph of the Middle Eastern boy blown apart in an explosion?

I did, unfortunately. Someone insisted on posting it in my Twitter timeline. For my education, presumably.

The boy - no older than five - was on a hospital bed. It must have happened very recently because there was still colour in his face. His eyes were closed and his expression - he can't have seen it coming, thank God - was serene. You might almost have imagined him asleep, if it weren't for the fact that his body was in bits: head and severed torso; an arm; legs and lower body; entrails.
Whoever did this, I thought, is really, really sick.

But I didn't mean the Israelis - who, I imagine, were the people I was expected to blame. Rather, I meant the sicko who scooped up the boy's remains while they were still fresh and insisted on laying them out, like some grotesque jigsaw, in order to snap them artfully for a propaganda shot. And also, all the sickos out there who have been reposting photos like these all over the internet in order to make what they seem to imagine is an unarguable point about Israel's war on Hamas.

The point they are trying to make goes like this: here is a dead child; killing children is evil; Israel killed this child; therefore Israel is evil.

Are you buying this argument? I'm not. I don't even think it qualifies as an argument. In fact, I think it has about as much insight and depth as one of those posters with kittens on it saying: "Today is the first day of the rest of your life."
What I loathe about it is its mixture of hectoring presumption and manipulative dishonesty.

Presumption: "If you support Israel, then you clearly don't care about dead children," it says. (Is there anyone in the world who isn't moved by the sight of a dead child? I don't think so. The people who are implying otherwise are beneath contempt).

Dishonesty: other than the truism that war is hell, the photograph actually tells us nothing.
We have no idea whether this boy was actually a victim of the fighting in Gaza - or of the far bloodier and uglier civil wars in Syria and Iraq.
If he was indeed a Palestinian, we have no idea whether he was killed by Israeli fire or by Hamas ordinance.
Nor, even if he was killed by Israeli fire, do we know the circumstances. Maybe it was a tragic mistake; maybe, he was one of those innocents that Hamas likes to use as human shields in its rocket launching sites; maybe he was being used as a "tunnel rat"; maybe he'd tried to flee with his family to a shelter only to be driven back to his apartment by Hamas who recognise the propaganda value of dead children.

In a world where the media was doing its job, none of this would need explaining. It would be widely known that Israel is going to extraordinary lengths - even to the point of risking the lives of its fighting troops - to minimise civilian casualties. It would also be widely understood that the aggressor in this conflict - and the only side that can possibly benefit from large numbers of Palestinian dead - is Hamas.

But the media isn't doing its job. Apart from small pockets like Breitbart, Fox and the Spectator, almost no one out there is reporting the reality of what is happening in Gaza. 

What this information deficit means is that there are people out there - lots and lots of them - who are happy to act as Hamas's useful idiots, disseminating this vicious and unprincipled terror group's vile propaganda in  the belief that it will further the cause of peace.

No it won't. It just advances the cause of the bad guys

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Knesset Members Call For Israel to Re-Occupy Gaza after another Missile Onslaught!

National Union MKs call on government to stop relying on “Iron Dome” and start hitting Hamas – hard.

National Union (Ichud Leumi) party Knesset Members called on the government Saturday to take dramatic action in response to the declaration of the Hamas terrorist organization of its resumed hostilities and subsequent murderous rocket attacks.

“Iron Dome cannot be the answer,” said MK Aryeh Eldad. “The answer has to be taking out all the heads of Hamas, tonight. From Ismail Haniyeh and Khaled Mashaal on down.”

MK Ben-Ari called to not only target Hamas, but retake Gaza. “The one conclusion from the recent events must lead us to reoccupy Gaza,” he said.

“Otherwise, we will remain captive in the hands of terrorist gangs, who will make uspay a high price in blood every now and again,” he continued. He warned against being satisfied with a ceasefire like the one declared after Operation Cast Lead, saying, “No more 'tadiyeh' with gangs of murderers.”

Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Saturday afternoon that Israel is “acting with efficiency” against rocket attacks.

Minister of Internal Security Yitzchak Aharonovich issued a harsher warning following an attack on Be'er Sheva in which one person was killed and several others wounded. “Hamas is responsible for this. Our response will be harsh and very painful. We will not put up with this anymore, the [rocket] fire must stop. We will put an end to it,” he said.
Arutz Sheva
Read Arutz Sheva

Monday, May 16, 2011

Thousands of Arabs From Syria, Lebanon & Gaza Marching to Israel's Boders

Israeli soldiers defending the borders

 Mobilized by calls on Facebook, thousands of Arab protesters marched on Israel’s borders with Syria, Lebanon and Gaza on Sunday in an unprecedented wave of demonstrations, sparking clashes that left at least 15 people dead in an annual Palestinian mourning ritual marking the anniversary of Israel’s birth.

In a surprising turn of events, hundreds of Palestinians and supporters poured across the Syrian frontier and staged riots, drawing Israeli accusations that Damascus, and its ally Iran, orchestrated the unrest to shift attention from an uprising back home. It was a rare incursion from the usually tightly controlled Syrian side and could upset the delicate balance between the two longtime foes.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who heads to Washington at the end of the week, said he ordered the military to act with “maximum restraint” but vowed a tough response to further provocations.
“Nobody should be mistaken. We are determined to defend our borders and sovereignty,” he declared in a brief address broadcast live on Israeli TV stations.
President Barack Obama’s envoy to the region, George Mitchell, resigned Friday after more than two years of fruitless efforts. The U.S. president may now have to retool the administration’s approach to peacemaking. Obama is expected to deliver a Mideast policy speech in the coming week.
Deadly clashes also took place along Israel’s nearby northern border with Lebanon, as well as in the Gaza Strip on Israel’s southern flank. The Israeli military said 13 soldiers were wounded, none seriously.
Sunday’s unrest — which came after activists used Facebook and other websites to mobilize Palestinians and their supporters in neighboring countries to march on the border with Israel — marked the first time the protests that have swept the Arab world in recent months have been directed at Israel.